Well given how some of the visual effects are coded into the game it would probably be a little more than a small amount of work. especially for the dialogue, that would require a lot of overhauling and work just for a toggleable option.
Also, these forums don't allow people to post links until after they've posted enough times. its so that people don't spam the forums with links for the sole purpose of bait clicking and trying to advertise their website or content.
It could happen. The Last of Us has a toggle on how much gore there is (at least I think it is TLoU).
For me, I don't mind gore as long as it is not too realistic...not saying if the graphics are good enough that I won't tolerate gore, I just don't want a ton of emphasis on it.
Hmmm, well with all the recorded dialogue I don't know, they could of course record it without the swearing, or just bleep it, I guess.
I like gore in video games, but I wouldn't be against it being possible to toggle it, if people don't like the dismemberment etc.
Either way, I don't really care, I probably wouldn't use the option if it was there, but you know if some people want it, and it's in the game, then good for them, I'm not gonna complain that some people got a feature that they wanted, when it doesn't affect my game at all.
I don't know how hard it would be to add these options, but you know, options are good.
Would just a silence or mute during the conversation work?
that's the thing though about posting a subject like this. People assume that im saying remove it entirely. I posted it to reddit and immediately was called a [censored]. all im talking about is the choice. I like the choice and having an option doesn't hurt anyone at all.
I agree that it doesn't hurt any one really, if it were very easy for the devs to provide that option. But it may simply be that the devs want some aspects to be gritty or to have foul language and don't want it to be experienced with out those aspects from an artistic form of expression... I guess, im just throwing out possible reasons. personally I don't consume games as a medium of art, but rather as a source of entertainment/escape
I view some games as art. For games like fallout though i use them to get away from my troubles. It sounds silly but people cussing takes me out of it for some reason. And the gore thing was for people like my friends that get sick from gore. Is there any way i can send a suggestion to the developers?
you can email them in the contact us link that is still at the bottom of the page i believe. but it would be completely futile at this point since they are for sure beyond the stage in which they could go back and mess with dialog and voice acting if they hadn't already provided an offer. not to mention they probably get complaints from parents about the language and gore all the time in their games. But im not going to tell you to not give it a shot.
A gore setting may be feasible. For a language filter, the only economic way would probably to turn off voiced dialog when it is set.
This game is expected to receive a Mature Audiences rating, so...
I know there are other games that have had it, but i understand if it would be too much work. But I would love it if it was there since i hear enough profanity in work and life. Also when i have my lil cousins over they wont hear f bombs. Thanks for not calling me an idiot. i know a bunch of other people would love it too, just trying to get the idea heard by bethesda.
To be honest, I don't know how much work it would be. I have never seen the code (I keep asking BGS to send me all their proprietary information and files, but so far they have displayed a lack of enthusiasm for sharing their secrets with outsiders).
For speech you can think of each line of dialog as being set up in a three column table. The first column is the trigger event that causes them to say the line, the second is what mood the are in and the third is the actual line they speak. The easiest way to handle that might be to set up a second filtered table and then use the language filter toggle to determine which to load into memory. This of course would not only double the text involved but would also affect voice acting. This is why I suggested just disabling voice acting when the language filter is on.
That is a guess on how language filters MIGHT be done. As I said, I don't know.
Gore filters may or may not be more difficult. I am betting it will depend on how tightly it is tied to the engine. If it is a function of the rag doll animations it might be easy (would require art to come up with a duplicate set of rag dolls, of course). Again, I don't know.
Whether it is easy or not, this would be something that would be considered early in development during the design phase. It is waaaay too late for Fallout 4, meaning if gore and language filters ARE in Fallout 4, it is only because they had already decided to do them a few years ago.
I understand what you're saying, and I wouldn't mind this option. But why would anyone use it? One the best parts about Fallout is shooting someone in the face and their skull exploding everywhere.
From playing around with older versions of the Creation Kit (from Fallout 3 and Oblivion and some in Skyrim), I don't know how easy it would be to censor dialog with an option. I didn't play around with dialog a ton, especially not voiced dialog as I have a crappy mic, but my basic understanding is it works by checking for various variables when you initiate dialog with an NPC (like what quests are active and what stage you are at in them, the factions you and the NPC are in, how much they like you, etc.), and presents conversation trees based on those results. The text is tied to specific parts of the tree, and the audio files are tied to those text entries.
I may be wrong, but without engine changes I think it would require a secondary audio file for every line that has an offensive word in it, which would bloat the install size by a little bit. Then it would also require a variable check for every offensive line of dialog, which could potentially double the number of dialog bugs. I have no problem with the addition of this, but if they are already showing in engine trailers, I don't think they would be able to add it at this point, at least not on launch. But possibly as optional free DLC down the road.
As for gore, I think there is already an option in engine to remove it, at least there was a way to turn it way up in FO3.
To the OP, I believe German laws require that there is no blood and gore in the game, so a different version of the game has to be made for sale in that country. If you speak German, getting the German version of the game should solve the gore issue. If you don't speak that language, well that's your troubles with swearing solved as well .
Otherwise, if you're on PC, waiting for mods that remove those things is probably your best bet.
an ability to customize the in game radio, an ability to add your own mp3's.