my person opion is they should make fallout 4 with easier controlls like, a=jump, b=crouch(hold it down to laydown) x=reload, y= change weapon, (rb)=grenade, push down on right stick to sprint push down on left stick to use a melee attack (they can choose the button for the pipboy) and you should be able to eqip a melee weapon, grenades, and two primary weapons. you should be able to go online (2-4) player lobby. you should be able to put attachments on your wepons like finding rifle scopes, suppresers and dual mags. and why the bloody *ell does the wasteland need to be so dead they could put in a couple more more enemys and pointless places with a little loot and mabe a homade fallout bunker right by a house(cause those do exist) and mabe a couple of survivors....o and why is there no such thing as a workin car plane or (deserted) airport a horse the could be thrown into the mix every so often...and why cant you crawl into tight spaces, and why so small of a weapons selection.............