OK, so I've been grovelling obscenely through the darker corners of my hard drive trying to sort out my mod list. I got to the "fixes" section and have been incredibly obscenely grovelling for the past couple of days. So brace yourselves...
First up:
Bug fixes already discussed and rejected for inclusion in the MPPhttp://www.elricm.com/nuke/html/modules.php?op=modload&name=Downloads&file=index&req=getit&lid=1197
Previous discussion: http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?act=findpost&hl=&pid=12875741
Alaisiagae: "What about incorporating the Morag Tong Writ fix by Lurlock? Is it too much of a tweak? Maybe just the "Writ Names" changes instead (as one PES comment mentions that there is a lore conflict with a Tong agent not turning him/herself in after an assassination)."
quorn: "I'll look into it, though it seems more of a tweak though."
Previous discussion: http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?s=&showtopic=962800&view=findpost&p=13943339
GooglyBoogly: "Tweaks the shrine entries to tell you what they actually said"
quorn: "The shrine text plug-in is good, but it's a preference, I could add it if there's demand, but it won't be in the official release."
Second up:
Entries on http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=794715 partially fixed by the UMP / MPPhttp://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=mods.detail&id=735
Contains 4 fixes:
1. Sul-Senipul's Longbow Quest(Morrowind) - fixed by UMP according to Gluby
2. Recovering CloudCleaver(Morrowind) - fixed by UMP according to Gluby
3. Museum Of Artifacts(Tribunal) - fixed by UMP according to Gluby
4. Airship...(Bloodmoon) - not fixed by UMP according to Gluby
This adds the "my airship" topic when you pick up the journal through a start script.
GooglyBoogly: "Max's Quest Fixes Mod v1.0. In particular: The patchwork Airship bugfix"
quorn: "The Airship bugfix is addressed by the original UMP."
Looking at the UMP I find these entries:TRIB/BLDM
BUG BM_Airship, 30 should finish that quest, 40 should restart
FIX Corrected
BUG BM_Airship_a, 20 shouldn't finish the quest
FIX Unchecked "Finished"
I think that this is a fix that should be looked at for the next MPP versionhttp://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=1135
Four fixes / changes. According to Gluby all but one (the ectoplasm one) are fixed by the UMP. I've attempted to work out which of the UMP fixes
may be dealing with them:
1) Irarak:
a ) fixed an error where the same journal entry was added whether you killed Irarak or allowed him to live. Now when you choose to kill him, your journal will correctly reflect your choice.
** "BUG Not agreeing to Irarak's bargain updates the incorrect journal entry
FIX Change "Journal "VA_VampCult" 90" to 'Journal "VA_VampCult" 100'"
2) Volrina Quarra:
a ) added ModFight 100 to Volrina's greeting *IF* you allow Irarak to live. Now you better be ready to run if you didn't kill him. This is the only thing added from the original, but i thought it better suited her reaction in the dialogue.
b ) fixed the journal entry error that was preventing you from receiving the second quest. This was the main purpose of this Mod.
** "BUG Volrina Quarra's "Brood of Lord Irarak" topic will make the PC fail if they just found Irarak, not agree
to the bargain. Also Volrina should say goodbye
FIX Change Journal checks to "Journal VA_VampCult = 90"
Added "Goodbye""?
** "BUG Volrina Quarra's "future rewards" dialogue doesn't update the journal when the quest is completed
FIX Added "Journal VA_VampAmulet 40""?
c ) added dialogue and greetings specific to Volrina Quarra to make navigating the quests and moving to the next one easier.
** "BUG Kill Lord Irarak quest can't be completed if he's already dead, making Quarra advancement impossible
FIX Add new dialogue for if Irarak is already dead
Added "VA_VampCult 15" journal entry
Added "VA_VampCult 125" journal entry
Added new "use to me" dialogue for if Irarak is already dead
Added new "use to me" dialogue for if PC turned down quest with Irarak already dead
Added new "use to me" choice dialogues 3-5
Changed "use to me" dialogue for next quest to check for "Journal VA_VampCult >= 120" and "Journal
VA_VampCult < 130" instead of "Journal VA_VampCult = 120"
Change first service refusal to "Journal VA_VampCult = 120" check to "Journal VA_VampCult >= 120" and
"Journal VA_VampCult < 130""?
d ) edited the dialogue and journal entry for the second quest where Volrina lists the items she needs. I removed from both an item (ectoplasm) that was not needed to complete the quest.
This one, d, is the only one Gluby believed isn't fixed by the UMP.http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?act=findpost&hl=&pid=13202525
BadCompany: what about the "quarra quest fix"?
quorn: If it's about the 'raw materials' topic, it's fixed.
Two changes:
This plugin fixes the error in Sadrith Mora Mages' Guild, where the potion chest had been given to Skink In Trees' Shade instead of Tusamircil, so you weren't able to buy any potions in that guild.
** The chest ownership fix is covered in the UMP v1.6.3b **
It also adds a Supply Chest to Caldera Mages' Guild.
This isn't done and is arguably a tweak, but then shouldn't all Mage Guilds have a supply chest as all Fighters Guilds do?(Now the big one)http://www.elricm.com/nuke/html/modules.php?op=modload&name=Downloads&file=index&req=viewdownloaddetails&lid=1503
Gluby: "mostly [fixed in the UMP] ? has some additional content correcting and expanding dialog responses that occur after one has completed the main quest that arguably constitute bugfix material, though may not be considered strictly so). [To do: Check if these are covered in Baldurdash's Morrowind Text Patch v1.3. If not, is there another mod that provides these expanded dialogues without the baggage of obsolete and conflicting bugfixes?]"
Here's the readme of fixes and I've noted what I believe to be the relevant fixes from the UMP, the ones I'm less sure of or don't seem to be fixed are below the codebox:
Fixed a fault where the journal was set to a non existing value of 110Upon completing the Temple_Compassion Quest for the Temple Guild at Ald'Rhun.This caused the quest to remain active after completion.Fault will happen when you complete the quest, AND return the potion to the temple.Completing by using the potion, will cause a valid quest entry.Fault was fixed by changing the journal value for the potion return to 100.This closes the quest and removes it from the active listings.** "BUG Finishing the TT_Compassion quest updates incorrect journal entry FIX Change so correct entry is updated Changed "Journal TT_Compassion 110" to "Journal TT_Compassion 100" in compassion dialogue"Altered the Synette Jennine script (Lady in distress / the lady's ring quest).It was possible to kill Synette and the muscle (Trevilan?) and not be injured by her,Such a sCenerio could be if a powerfull spell was used, or if you encountered her late in the game andhad the power to kill before she hit you.Since the closing journal entry relies on getting hit, this quest will somtimes never close.To fix this, the closing entry follows after her line of speech "No good deed go's unpunished outlander"Or whatever it is she says.By this method, the quest is closed as soon as you pick up the ring.** "BUG It may be possible for the journal not to update when fighting Synette Jeline (lady in distress) FIX Changed the script so journal is updated when she dies if it hasn't already been updated"At the Urshilaku camp, its possible to speak to the wise womman after the defeat of Dagoth Urand be greeted with that you have not finished the Nereviane prophisies. Since Azura(?) tells youthat your curse of destinie is over with Dagoth Ur's defeat, and that blue skys are now all around.,the wisewomman should not be saying this.To fix this, an extra condition of "If Dagoth Ur is alive" has been added to this greeting,therefore if now asked after DAgoth's defeat, the greeting will not be heard.** "BUG Nibani's "I am concerned. Why have you not yet fulfilled the prophecies..." dialogue will still be displayed after Dagoth Ur is defeated if she hasn't said it before. FIX Make dialogue not be displayed if Dagoth Ur is defeated Added "Journal C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" check"Ajira, at the Balmora mages guild eventually gives you the quest for the warlocks ring.She tells you to goto the shrine on a small island west of Bal-Fel.You can search everywhere you want, there is no such place, however it does exist to the east.The fact that Ajira says its west such certianty, and there is no other mention causes thisto act like a bug, rather than a dileberate misdirection (In the style of "I think its to the west,but you'll have to check" misdirection)Also, stated in teh journal is the direction of EASTAll thats changed was the word "WEST" to "EAST" in Ajira's Dialouge.** "BUG Ajira says the Warlock's Ring is west of Bal Fell instead of east FIX Changed it so it says "east" not "west""Synnolian Tunifus, Healer of the Imperial Cult mentions for the scrib jelly quest the "Oudia Odia"This is a bit of a type. It should refer to the "River Odai" for it to make any sense at all.This was determin by the nonsense name and the fact Oudia is not refered anywhere else.Both the Greeting (Quest activator) and the Journal entry (IC4_Scribjelly) have been updated with this info.** "Greeting 5: Synnolian Tunifus ("Bring me five units of scrib?") BUG Odai is spelt incorrectly in scrib greetings FIX Correct spelling Changed "Oadi" to "Odai" in the 2 greetings"** "Greeting 5: Synnolian Tunifus ("Bring me five units of scrib?" x 2) BUG Ouadi -> Ouada FIX Corrected"Forven Berano no longer has a journal entry of Almsivi Intervention, which would only talk him about 100ft fromwhere he was (In theory). He should have an entry like the others and 'teleport' out of there.I'm guessing this was done to add variety to the text, however not the best choice :\Fix acomplished by changing journal entry text to be like all the others, sorry i tried to think of somethingmore creative but this way it makes sence.** "TRIB/BLDM BUG "TR08_Hlaalu_Berano" journal entry says Forven Berano used Almsivi Intervention to get away when he teleported FIX Changed to say he teleported"While playing I remembered i had forgot about Umbra, the orc outside of Suran.To finish this quest, Journal must be set to 50 or 60 for MS_Umbra, unfortuantlyyou can only get a 50 setting, since 60 requires Umbras death.THe problem here is that there is no way to get a 60 setting, so refering to the text laid down,MS_Umbra 60 should happen on his death.To fix this, a new script called UmbraDeath was created and placed on the character, if you manage to killhim you will now get this value.[some days later]okay okay, yes i missed something.Would you really know about Umbra before talking to him a little bit??Umbra gives you his history when you start talking, therefore why not add this intothe script.there's now a if-elseif-endif scenerio, giving a slightly different journal entrydepending on how much you know.** "BUG Journal isn't updated as it is meant to be when Umbra is killed FIX Add script to Umbra which updates the journal when he dies Created MS_Umbra 70 journal entry for if player has not talked to Umbra when he dies Created "LTM_umbraScript" and added it to the NPC Umbra"Small typeo, correct word "me" to "my" for Therana (Telivani Mage). Otherwise she sounds dense.** "Greeting 1: Therana BUG "me" instead of "my" FIX Corrected"Gilvas barelo now recognises if you completed the Nereviane prophacis, fix as per the Urshilaku wise-womman** "BUG Gilvas Barelo's "Why have you not yet fulfilled the prophecies..." dialogue will be displayed after Dagoth Ur is defeated if he hasn't said it before. FIX Make dialogue not be displayed if Dagoth Ur is defeated Added "Journal C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" check"Mehra Milonow now recognises if you completed the Nereviane prophacis, fix as per the Urshilaku wise-womman** "BUG Mehra Milo's "We are concerned. Why have you not yet fulfilled the prophecies..." dialogue will be displayed after Dagoth Ur is defeated if he hasn't said it before. FIX Make dialogue not be displayed if Dagoth Ur is defeated Added "Journal C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" check"Davayth fyrnow now recognises if you completed the Nereviane prophacis, fix as per the Urshilaku wise-womman** "BUG Divayth Fyr's "I am surprised. And a bit disappointed. I thought..." dialogue will be displayed after Dagoth Ur is defeated if he hasn't said it before. FIX Make dialogue not be displayed if Dagoth Ur is defeated Added "Journal C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" check"Athyn Sarethi now recognises if you completed the Nereviane prophacis, fix as per the Urshilaku wise-womman** "BUG Athyn Sarethi's "I don't mean to pry into your affairs. But, if you..." dialogue will be displayed after Dagoth Ur is defeated if he hasn't said it before. FIX Make dialogue not be displayed if Dagoth Ur is defeated Added "Journal C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" check"Crassius Curio no longer says you have not forfilled the proghacies of Nereviane,Fix acomplised by adding the c3_dagothUr < 50 condition as with the Urshilaku wise-womman** "BUG Crassius Curio's "Well. If you are the Nerevarine, why haven't you..." dialogue will be displayed after Dagoth Ur is defeated if he hasn't said it before. FIX Make dialogue not be displayed if Dagoth Ur is defeated Added "Journal C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" check"Sleepers no longer attack after dagoths defeat, as said in journal entry A1_Sleepersawake = 50.By using this we can stop Imperial troopers from mentong them and 'some-thing called dagoth Ur and cults'You could also use the dagoth defeat value for this, but I deceded to relate it to the journalit involves.a A1_sleepersAwake != 50 added to topic requirments** "BUG Raesa Pullia and other Imperial Guards talk about the "Sleeper attacks" after Dagoth Ur is defeated FIX Make dialogues only displayed before main quest is over Added "Journal C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" checks"Raesa Pulla no longer mentions sleepers if quest finisheda A1_sleepersAwake != 50 added to topic requirments** "BUG Raesa Pullia and other Imperial Guards talk about the "Sleeper attacks" after Dagoth Ur is defeated FIX Make dialogues only displayed before main quest is over Added "Journal C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" checks"House Hlaalu Quest to find the shipwreck "Prelude". Its possibe to enter the cabin without aid, yet the dooris locked when you get inside ???The lock vale was turned off.Also, allowed character to sleep there "IT IS" a shipwreck not a home or city area** "BUG Prelude Shipwreck cabin is locked on the inside instead of outside FIX Unlock the inside door and lock the outside door Unchecked the inside door lock Added level 40 lock to outside cabin door with key_gshipwreck** "BUG It's illegal to sleep in the Prelude FIX Make it not illegal to sleep in the Prelude Unchecked "Illegal to sleep here" for Prelude Cabin, Upper Level and Lower Level"To be a bit picky, would you really refer to the "land deed" and "Contract" for the stronghold papers as"it" ??I do not believe so, therefore the name of the choice saying "it is" has become "they are".** ""stronghold": Dondos Driler ("Do you have the proper?") BUG Refers to the contract and land deed as 'it' instead of 'they' FIX Changed "Yes, here it is." to "Yes, here they are.""some changes made to the topic "More Ashlander Raids".Added in an extra Responce if Dagoth Ur was defeated.** "BUG "More Ashlander raids" topic says about Blight storms and is still displayed after Blight is gone FIX Make dialogue check for if main quest is finished Added "Journal C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" checks to the dialogues"The topic "More Blight Storms" talks about Blight storms if they continually exist.Extra Responces have been added if the blight is over.Also corrected a small typo "everythig is got to go up" to "everything has got to go up" forthe merchants.** "BUG "More Blight Storms" topic is still displayed after Blight is gone FIX Make dialogue check for if main quest is finished Added "Journal C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" checks to the dialogues"** ""More Blight Storms", "latest rumors": Merchants ("The blight storms have...") BUG "The price of everything is got to go up." instead of "has got to go up" FIX Changed "is" to "has""As suggested by Dae (D. Nahanne), changed all instances of "Spell points" to "magicka"Attribute-damagingabsorption spellsrestore potionsfortify potionsrestore spellstoxic potionswere updated.[Also later found out this was incorperated into other plugins, lets hope this does not causeincompatibility :\ ]** ""attribute-damaging" BUG Magicka referred to as "spell points" and is spelt "magica" FIX Changed "spell points" to "magicka" and corrected spelling in the dialogues"** ""absorption spells" BUG Magicka referred to as "spell points" FIX Changed "spell points" to "magicka" in dialogues"** ""restore potions", "restore spells" BUG Magicka referred to as "spell points" FIX Changed "spell points" to "magicka" in dialogue"** ""fortify potions" BUG Magicka referred to as "spell points" FIX Changed "spell points" to "magicka" in dialogue"** ""toxic potions" BUG Magicka referred to as "spell points" FIX Changed "spell points" to "magicka" in dialogue"Some miners will say:An diseased kwama mine is a great hardship for the whole mining community. Blighted eggs are inedible,and miners catch blight diseases.But even myners know theyare grammered
Lets tell them what to say under the "Blight Desiese" TopicA diseased kwama mine is a great hardship for the whole mining community. Blighted eggs are inedible,and miners catch blight diseases.** ""blight disease" ("An diseased kwama mine is a...") BUG "An" instead of "A" FIX Fix spelling Changed "An" to "A""A responce in the "Annoying Fool" was changed so that the word "an" becomes "and", this causessentence to make more sence.** ""annoying fool": Miun-Gei ("You think you can?") BUG "and" is spelt "an" FIX Changed "an" to "and""yakum hairshashishi speaks about "Blight storms" however he referes to Peligiad as "Here there is notthe Blight" when the correct way would be "Here there is no Blight"Also added in a Responce for him when the blight storms are over.** "BUG Yakum Hairshashishi, ashlander in Pelagiad, continues to talk about the blight after it is gone in "Ashlanders" and "blight storms" topics. FIX Add checks for if blight is over Added "Journal C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" checks to dialogues"Added in an extra condition for"Blight Storms" for the Ashlanders when the blight is over.This mainly re-words things to past tense** "BUG Ahemmusa tribe still say about the "blight storms" after it is gone FIX Add a check for if the main quest is over Added "Journal C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" check to dialogue"Hallau Journal entry for "Controll the ordinators" mentions the "Rove of St Roris", this is a ROBE.Rove is the hoast of a below avarage variety talk show on CH:10
Corrected the journal entry.** "HH_WinSaryoni, 50 BUG "Rove of Saint Roris" instead of "Robe of Saint Roris" FIX Changed "Rove" to "Robe""
Caius Cosscades no longer mentions this as well if the sleeper quest finished (just in case, but this should never happen)
a A1_sleepersAwake != 50 added to topic requirments
Remember the Temple quest for Mount Kand ??
Ever made the mistake of killing one of the daedra ??
I added a small messagebox notification to the death of one of these, it mentions you killed on of them and that they will respawn in time.
This helps those like me who got through it and thought we'ed stuffed it up by killing them. Not knowing that you could talk to them.
In my case i was invisible and saw the fire daedra just around the corner, so i crept up to it and annihilated it >:] doing the same for frost and storm, i then got the the shrine and relised my mistake!
anyway, just a onDeath play message was added to the script.
Added in an extra responce to take care of Crassius Curio starting to yack on about Dram Bero, If you completed the main quest before building the stronghold.
It was possible for Crassius to either not progress on about buisness, or to just get misleading information.
MPP: "* topic 'dram bero' should check for death, corrected"??
UMP: "BUG Crassius Curio thanks for killing "Reynel Uvirith" if you aren't Hlaalu
FIX Added "Hlaalu House Father" to first dialogue (just in case)
Added "Hlaalu House Father" and "HH_BeroSupport >= 100" checks to HH_DestroyTelUvirith = 0" dialogue"??
Defeat Dagoth Ur
Dagoth Ur winning
Dagoth Ur defences
Dagoth Ur Plans
Dagoth Ur Powers
Dagoth Ur servents
all updated to recognise Dagoth Ur's Defeat.
Check the topics to see changes (Only Extra Responces have been added)
UMP: "BUG Vivec's "defeat Dagoth Ur" topic is still displayed after Ur is defeated
FIX Make dialogue check if Ur is defeated
Added "Journal C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" checks to the dialogues"??
UMP: "BUG Vivec's "Dagoth Ur winning", "Dagoth Ur's defenses", "Dagoth Ur's plans", "Dagoth Ur's powers" and
"Dagoth Ur's servants" topics are still displayed after Ur is defeated
FIX Make dialogue checks for if Ur is defeated
Added "Journal C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" checks to the dialogues"??
Crassius no longer tells you to see the DUke of Ebonheart if you have become GrandMaster of House Hlaalu
UMP: "BUG Crassius Curio's "business" topic doesn't progress beyond saying you should go to see the Duke
FIX Added new dialogue for when player has advanced to Grandmaster of Hlaalu"??
Found a fault with the Dark BrotherHood Leader causing infinite Loop.Fixed problem by using MessageBox and Journal entry for the script, rather than greeting dialouge.
UMP: "BUG Miun-Gei says his "Dark Brotherhood" dialogue before the Morag Tong quest is given and after it is ended
FIX Make dialog said only after player is given the quest and before the quest is over
Added "Journal MT_DB_Contact > 0" checks to Miun-Gei's Dark Brotherhood dialogs
Added "Journal MT_DB_Contact < 100" checks to Miun-Gei's Dark Brotherhood dialogs"??
"BUG Tsrazami says his "Dark Brotherhood" dialogue before Miun-Gei directs the PC to her
FIX Make dialog said only after the PC is pointed to Tsrazami on the quest
Added "Journal MT_DB_Contact >= 50" check to Tsrazami's Dark Brotherhood dialog"??
Third up:
Entries on http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=794715 not discussed beforehttp://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6151
Modifies all East Empire Company faction NPCs, flagging them as essential so that the player will receive a warning message if she kills one of them.
Maybe more of a tweak than a fix.http://www.elricm.com/nuke/html/modules.php?op=modload&name=Downloads&file=index&req=viewdownloaddetails&lid=1196
Almsivi Intervention points were added in:
-Suran (Temple)
-Vos (Temple)
-Ghostgate (Out front)
-Sadrith Mora (By the Council House - there IS a temple downstairs there...)
Divine Intervention points were added in:
-Tel Vos (Okay, so there's no Cult altar here, but they use the same architecture...)
-Dagon Fel (Again, no altar there, but this whole region was woefully lacking in Intervention locations, so I felt it was not too serious a stretch.)
To me, the Almsivi Intervention ones look like fixes but the Divine Interventions are tweaks.http://users.bestweb.net/~pogo/stuff.html
The only problem is that this sound is very loud, harsh, and has a short loop length. It was especially annoying when also playing music because it tended to drown out music.
This plugin fixes that by changing the sotha ambient sound to play at a lower volume and at half the pitch. The same wav file is used as before but it sounds very different. By playing the sound at half the pitch, it becomes more interesting and smoother-sounding. The change in pitch causes the loop-length to be doubled.
Well, this fixes an annoying sound. But is it more of a tweak?http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=1426
Ameliorates a Morrowind sound bug that causes sounds to play at double volume when they occur twice in such a short period of time that they overlap. It does this by decreasing the volume of certain sounds.
Again, is this a fix or a tweak?MiniMods Collection by ManaUser
Pelagiad Fix.esp is incorporated into the MPP, there's also:
Suran Ferry.esp - "Adds a boatman west of Suran. He can take you either way across the river or drop you off at Suran. Also fixes two minor problems on the north dock. A barrel that was "levitating", and a step that was too high to get up without jumping."
I'd say the barrel and step are valid fixes.
And maybe:Barb Fix.esp - "Adjusts the skills of Barbarian equipped fur or netch leather so that they will actually wear it."
Now, there are other fixes listed on Gluby's list. I've updated the mlox rule base with all the ones that I could find were completely fixed by the MPP / MCP. There are some entries in the "Optional/Discretionary Bugfix Mods" section that aren't here; those I've not included are, in my opinion, tweaks.
They are:
Currently Valid Bugfix Mods- Lurlock's Left Gloves v1.0 by Lurlock (there's Alaisiagae's addition to this too, not on Gluby's list)
- Mournhold Sewer Fix by Enmesharra
Optional/Discretionary Bugfix Mods- Ald Daedroth Cleaned by Celtic RiverHeart
- Beds for Rent by Havokk
- Daito & Stamina Fix by Kobu
- Devil Tanto Noncombat Fix by Raejak
- Fort Frostmoth Restoration by Case
- Frostmoth Repaired v0.31 by Talthybius
- Improved Followers v1.3 Beta by Lurlock
- King's Oath Fix by Paktu
- Master Index Journalfix v1.0 by DeusXMachina (yes, it's a fix - adds Tribunal journal entries. For a mod though)
- Mournhold Plaza Fix v1.1 by Master Sam
- Mournhold Teleportation Fix v1.0 by Baratheon79
- Mug Fix v2
- Steel Broadsword Fix v1.1 by quorn
- Steel Broadsword Fix by Sapphron
- Texture Fix v1.8 by Slartibartfast
- Texture Fix - Bloodmoon v1.1 by Slartibartfast
- Trap Difficulty Mod by Hyzmarca
- Tribunal Integration by The Other Felix
- VGreetings v0.9.6 by The Other Felix
OK, now for some ones not from Gluby's list.
"In the Shishi outpost, there's a hidden door that opens when you turn a skull on the desk upstairs. The problem is that the script uses Move to lower the platform downstairs to expose the hidden door, but for some strange reason the result isn't permanent, so after the platform lowers the first time, you may come back later and it has raised again. (You may have to exit Shishi/restart the game to see the problem). Unfortunately, you can't move the skull again, the original script (Shishi_door) only allows you to turn it once, so this means you can no longer get to the hidden part of Shishi.
Certainly not a big deal, as Shishi is out of the way, and not very important. But I really like to use it as an evil lair, it has 5 permanent dead bodies for 5 times infinite storage

So if you want to return and use Shishi after your first visit, this bug is annoying.
So I rewrote the Shishi_door script so the skull can be turned back and forth to raise/lower the platform whenever you want."
BUG(s) -
1)The refusal journal entry refers to Marcel Maurard as an actor, though the player has not discovered this information yet.
2)Marcel Maurard wanders away from Miun Gei's door.
FIX(s) -
1)Changed the quest refusal journal entry to refer to Marcel as a person, instead of an actor.
2)Changed Marcel's Wander AI package to distance 0.
MOD(s) -
3)Added a small inventory of few potions and random ring to Marcel Maurard's inventory. The NPC will now barter with the player.
4)Added an additional greeting during the EB Actor Quest, if Marcel's disposition is less then 20.
5)At the end of the quest Marcel's disposition towards the player improves by +20.
1)The quest may be pursued and completed by anyone, not just Mages' Guild members.
2)Sharn gra-Muzgob is upset about the player taking the book, but she never takes it back.
3)Sharn tells the player she can teach more necromancy spells, yet she doesn't know any.
4)It is possible to find Sharn's books before the quest has begun.
5)Sharn is a necromancer but has very little knowledge about the undead.
6)Sharn chest, containing her personal copy of "Legions of the Dead", is in a chest right in front of her.
MOD(s) -
1)Removed the "Mages Guild" heading from the quest title.
2)After the player agrees to learn a summon spell from Sharn she takes her book back.
3)After the quest is complete the following spells are added to Sharn's list; Summon Ancestral Ghost, Summon Skeletal Minion, Summon Bonewalker, and Soul Trap. Sharn's Conjuration skill is also increased to 45. [She then trains in Conjuration]
4)Added a script to Sharn's copy of "Legions of the Dead" that gives the player an additional journal entry, prompting the player to speak with Sharn and talk about necromancers. This also logically begins the quest if the player has bypassed step one.
5)Changed Shans initial reaction to the necromancers topic to be informational character building, while still a lead to Sharn being a necromancer herself. Gave all of Estirdalin's undead topics to Sharn.
6)Moved Sharn's chest to the common bedroom in the Mages' Guild. The lock is increased to 50, added a single skull to its inventory, and it now has a poison trap. Created a key that opens the chest and placed it near Sharn.
[ The table nearest Sharn is now set up as personal area for her. It has a quill, inkwell, a drink on a folded cloth, a bottle, some loose paper, a book, and a candle. It also has a personal letter, written to her by Tarhiel. The letter talks about her interest in esoteric books, and is placed on top of a copy of "The True History of Orcs". It also makes a few puns about Tarhiel's jump spell. Next to the table is a trash can with a goblet, a piece of paper, and the key to Sharn's Chest.]
BUG(s) -
1)It was possible to agree to take Rabinna to Im Kilaya, and have only a single journal entry that did not tell the player were Im Kilaya was.
2)Players could talk to Vorar Helas during the fight with Rabinna, and collect the reward before she was killed.
3)Having Vorar Helas immediately attack upon Rabinna's arrival is extremely confusing for Players who have not raised Rabinna's disposition to 50+. ["Why is he attacking me?"]
4)Rabinna can consistantly overpower and kill Vorar Helas. (21/25)
5)Vorar Helas' forced greeting, after Rabinna dies, is disorienting and not necessary.
6)Vorar Helas' door is locked after you've agreed to bring Rabinna to him.
FIX(s) -
1)Edited one quest journal entry to note that Im-Kilaya is in Ebonheart, at the Argonian Mission
2)Edited one quest journal requirement to prevent the player from speaking with Vorar Helas during the fight.
MOD(s) -
3)Vorar Helas is now calm when the player arrives with Rabinna. Upon activation, Vorar Helas now gives a single line of dialogue to the player before combat. "Ah, my merchandise has finally arrived. Now, kindly stand aside... and let me open it." [This gives players the option of sneak attacking Vorar Helas. The dialogue also makes it clear to the player who Vorar Helas is attacking.]
4)Placed a netch leather right glove into Vorar Helas' inventory. Scripted the fight; Vorar Helas now uses the Skooma potion in his inventory and his ancestral guardian ability. [ONLY during the fight with Rabinna. It is still possible for Vorar Helas to lose.]
5)[The forced greeting implemented in this quest, was a "workaround". Its purpose was to deal with players taking the quest spawned moon sugar from Rabinna's corpse.] Edited Rabinna's script to handle all moon sugar contingencies, without the need for a dialogue command as a fix. Removed the forced greeting from Rabinna's script. Vorar Helas now proceeds with the quest (reward) upon activation.
6)Put a Vorar Helas' house key into Relam Arinith's inventory. He gives it to the player if they accept the quest.
1)After delivering Nelos Onmar's note to Maurrie Aurmine she should go to him.
[ In the end they are both still removed as per MaurrieScript. But until players meet Emusette Bracques or Barnand Erelie, and close the quest, they can be seen together at the Halfway Tavern.]
MOD(s) -
1)After the player delivers Nelos Onmar's note and leaves the area on the road where Maurrie Aurmine is she is removed and placed next to Nelos Onmar at the Halfway Tavern in Pelagiad.
2)Changed Nelos Onmar's greeting after delivering the note to:
"Hello, my friend. Maurrie and I are planning some truly romatic adventures together. Thank you for your help."
3)Equipped Maurrie Aurmine with a Netch Leather left glove after she is moved.
It's probably best to read the descriptions of these
From http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?s=&showtopic=804157&view=findpost&p=11768714, by Gluby.
Bugfixes/Tweaks1.0 * Mages Guild Faction Chest in Caldera* Theif Guild Faction Chest in Theif Guilds* Temple Faction Chests in Temples* You will now be unable to Steal All of Galbediers Soul Gems when shewanders of during a mages guild quests "fake soul gem"* Alchemist placed with his Alchemist Equipment in Caldera* Dont need to be a high rank to use the Enchanters services in Caldera* Assigned the orc armour in the chest in Ghorak manor to an orc* Rotated Books in Census and Exercise office in seyda neen (they wereupside down)1.2 * Fixes title of the Alchemy book placed in the Cenus and Exerciseoffice1.3 * Legal to rest in Bal Fell Exterior Cells* Legal to Rest in ship wrecks* Ilegal to rest in ships* Fixed landscape bug at the back of the light house in seyda neen* Prelude shipwreck cabin door fixed. Lock has been placed on exteriordoor (was on the interior do before)* Legal to rest in Prelude ship wreckP0.2* Auriels Bow and Shield now have enchanments placed on them as they arein daggerfall* The Udyrfrykte will now have 3 silver arrows in his inventory whenkilled. ( the mesh for this creature has 3 silver arrows in his backas a sign of the resent fight in thrisk.)* Made it illegal to sleep in the Gathouse store roomP0.6* Items in the Caldera gate house have had ownership assigned to them* Re-Placed Gatehouse markers, store room was missing one and gatehousepointed to the wrong door3.5 * Placed the severed leg enchanment on the severed nord leg3.6 * Fixed dialogue bug that made advancing in the mages guild immposible3.7 * Fixed spelling mistake in mages guild quest document "NchuleftingthExcavation Report"-=-=-** CONFLICT with MTP: However, both add different correctionsthat are valid. THIS patch corrects the "but once he left heSea of Ghosts" error. MTP corrects the "give up on us for alack results this son" error and the first misspelling ofSenilias's name (as Senilius). Best solution: MA incorporateMTP's fixes in next version of T&A.4.0 * Fixed spelling error in some of the origonal books* Added enchantemnts to the king of morrowinds Robe (Helseth's)* Gave the king his amulet (was included ingame but not given to him)* Renamed the kings robe from frost robe to the name of the king* Added in the seleeves for Templar, orc, and netch armor
Perhaps incorporate http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=6358?
Finally, a request from http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?s=&showtopic=804157&view=findpost&p=12295777:
Here's another little thing that has always bugged smile.gif me: When you kill Crazy Batou in Maren Tomb, you get a message that the thread of prophecy is broken, blah, blah, blah and you should load a previous save ... but actually killing him has no adverse affect at all, he's not related to any quests (see http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:Crazy_Batou). Phew.
[Edit: Crazy Batou request not needed]