I am not encouraging pirating these, please get them legally if you can!
Quick edit: For the sake of conveinance adding in the link to the mainhttp://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1035951 on these forums and the one on http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=149118. Also, you may have to use a sound editor to make these the same volume(or quieter in some cases, like out of battle compared to battle, etc) or cut off a loud ending note, etc (if any song on here needs that, I'll try to list that it does), fade out better, etc. I use http://audacity.sourceforge.net/ for this, but any editor should work.
Arena playlist
Unfortunately only one song here I am really happy with, but it is perfect for the arena, the Beowulf main title theme.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wwrUsqeIbw
Ayleid Playlist
Thief soundtrack, vocals, zings, holy ground, the keepers, and the pagans. Thief has good music for dungeons, and these are the ones that work best in aylied ruins. Unfortunatly there's not a lot on youtube to link to, but if you look around I think someone uploaded the theif playlist on one of the mod sites....
Cemetary, listed as done by matti paalanan. Downloaded this off of TESnexus as part of a music pack, and I think it was used in many of the packs.
Two songs listed as Project divinity, and downloaded as part of packs off TESnexus, Gathering dusk, and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmOP6oyLACs
Follow the Wind, again from a pack from the nexus
Chapel playlist
Ah, something not from a pack! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0am-2Jwg4NU and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYmsjocHajI
Shadow of the Collossus soundtrack, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iv1o6Lzf1Y&feature=PlayList&p=C68FB6C61C8DC555&index=1 and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFAvPhuuIAQ
Dungeon songs 05-09 from http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22085 Yes, they're listed as dungeons in the collection, but are actually church songs.
Cloudruler Temple Playlist
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hTgvNsqb9Y From the Myth soundtrack, a great game, and the depressed, yet hopeful mood of this song works beuatifully for Cloudruler temple
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPw15XE-Iec and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egLpYkq1e5Y&feature=related are also excellent military, yet sorrowful themes for Cloudruler.
Furthermore there are two songs from packs in my folder but I can't remember the pack they came from, except that they're from TESnexus, VeniVeniemanuel, and Order of Dawn
Dark brotherhood playlist
Unfortunatly, many of these are from packs, and are listed as dungeon 1, 2, etc. However, from packs I also use Celestial Aeon Project's Dark secrets, and erdenstern's The Cellar.
Also I use http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aA9bPZjjQ1I&feature=related
Fighters Guild
#$$^ packs!:D Two songs listed as "Atmosphere #" one Town_05 probably from the same pack, a song called Vigilant hope, and another named kai Hartwig Wayfarer rise of the Norseman Edit: Vigilant hope is from the Adam Frechette pack listed below
As said before, these are likely on TESnexus though, sorry for the lack of use here.
Inn playlist
From the previously linked Medieval instrumental packs, MICpublic10, and MICexplore05. Also, I had some Keiko matsui songs here, but BMS was glitching and loading up the album art for whatever reason. However, I think by deleting the hidden album art pictures you should be able to run these without problem, so http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzqsWxau_gI for those interested.
Mages Guild
More packs songs, when I have more time I'll try and find the packs i_i. Song names are 09 in a limestone cave, exploring (listed as Adam Frechett) Fate and Illumination(listed as Sean Beaseen), Little goblins, and the industrial halls. Edit:The link to Adam Frechette's music is in a post below
Night Public
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEHC-9jtFNk by Keiko Matsui. For some reason this song did not do the image bug that the others do, no idea why.
Thief Soundtrack, a self-edited version of Rutherford castle
And more packs i_i Only named song here is Celestial Aeon pack, Crystal cavern
Celestial Aeon Project Passing twilight
Thief soundtrack, Inn, Edited version of auldale, south quarter, and The overlook Manse
An atmosphere_39/sigh
And http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6y2RdA_7J3I
Oblivion Playlist
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNCkjXvTvT4 I wasn't expecting this to work, since it's somewhat "delicate" sounding in a way, but it is amazingly fitting for oblivion. Try it and see:D
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ueFbsFFOfzE&feature=related Not quite as wonderful, but very good.
The Kurshok citadel from the thief soundtrack
And a #$@@# dungeon 06 and dungeon 09 http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/style_images/bgsdark/folder_post_icons/icon7.gif Edit: Dungeon 06 and 09 are from the AEterna pack listed in one of my posts below.
Ok!, Now for the folders everyone can use!
These may or may not be too epic for everyone's tastes, I play a T.I.E stealth char, so when things see me it's either run for your life of try and dodge a lot of blows that will take sometimes all of my health at once, so epicness fits.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXhoD9MUDts Kind of sticks out in the playlist, but works really well, especially in goblin areas, or in gates to Aesgaard:D
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4ZXkHbGjsU Slightly heavy for my newest char, but it's sort of "growing epicness" works well for oblivion in general.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDIi2XerAx0&feature=related Probably my weakest one in the battle list, but still great
Ok, this is gonna be fun, X-ray dog listing time! (dude makes too many useable battle themes:D)
Grr, can't find the version I use on youtube of Here comes the king, there's a really heavy version.
Ok, I'll be back later to list my explore, public, and dungeon playlists, took an hour to find all the links. Hope this helps those looking for music:D