I'm not sure how far into the game I am, I'm level 29 -- been exploring mostly for awhile. (My main quest right now is to go to the Glowing Sea).
- On the Pip-Boy Data screen under Workshops, (really should be "SETTLEMENTS"), if a settlement is under attack there should be an icon.
- I know there are mods for this, but crafting/modifiying ammo should be added. I mean you can craft just about anything else, why not ammo?
Issues & Nitpicks
- Companion pathing is really bad in some areas. Especially anything with elevators or other conveyances. Sometimes I try to work around it with the "Go here." only to be told "I can't get there"
- Nick bugs me about the tapes even after we just found one.
- I have 11 people at Sanctuary Hills with a defense of 130 (lots of turrets). I happened to miss (hence the suggestion above) a notification that it was under attack. One person survived and almost everyting was wiped out. I had to restore from an old save (lost about 2 hours of play because I had missed the notification) and defended the settlement against 8 feral ghouls that were mostly all dead (from turrets) by the time I got to them. I killed 1 and wounded another. The settlement should've been able to do the defense without me.
- I had two power suits at Sanctuary Hills, Trashcan Carla stole one and still wears it.
- For some reason on ESC->Save the mouse gets REALLY slow. The save is fine and once the click/keypress is acknowledged it returns to normal speed. (Fallout 3 had the same issue).
- It would be nice if you could clean up recently and more anciently dead corpses out of your houses etc.
- Should be able to try to 'repair' old structures.