I'm digging Fallout 4. I played through Fallout 3 several times and this gives me more of what I love with the added bonus of scratching that same itch for building that lead to many sleepless nights of Civ and Sim City marathons back in the day. The only real issue I have with the settlement system is wrangling settlers. Trying to recall who has been assigned to what can be a real pain in the ass. To that end, I offer a small handful of suggestions which I think might alleviate some of the issues.
1. Duty Roster
An actual in-game item, posted on the wall of the settlement. It lists all the settlers at that settlement and the tasks to which they are assigned. Changing a task assignment is as easy as changing it on the roster.
2. Settlement Map
Similar to, or even a part of, the duty roster is a map of the settlement. This would be useful for both planning and for assigning settlers to crops or specific guard posts.
3. Name Change
Just as settlers who have been assigned to supply lines become Provisioners, those assigned others tasks should likewise be renamed - Farmer, Guard, etc. - while those left unassigned remain simply Settler.
This second set of suggestions relates to fallen enemies.
It is a sad fact that it can be all too easy to "lose" a fallen enemy in the world. Even one who was quite close can quickly become just another grey-brown mass in the grey-brown terrain, lost among the grass and bushes. What I'd find helpful is some way to more easily locate them. Appearing on the mini-map/radar would be very useful. Perhaps they could highlight, as loot, when within a close radius while using the Pip-Boy flashlight?
No idea if this will be read by anyone at Bethesda but it's always worth a shot.