But mostly I think it's because of a certain, well, let's call it a certain "lack of care" when it came to the first console iteration of Crytek's flagship title. By now, we all experienced the glitches, the bugs, the messy matchmaking, the ludicrous lag; we all cursed the lack of dedicated servers, the spotty hit detection, the non-working armor, the deaths for no reason. But not only the game seemed to be lacking a final polish, but Crytek seemed to make one mess after another, whether it'd be a lamentable lack of communication with their community, or the almost non-existent marketing when it came to the two DLC map packs.
Consequently, and maybe righteously so, the online community was dwindling rapidly, to the point where it's now hard to even get games on certain modes or map packs, never mind that if you get one, it'll be with the same five people over and over again.
Yet, there is still hope. Crytek's Double XP weekends showed that there still are many that would play, maybe even enough to preserve our chance to get that last achievement (where you have to play online 6 months after your first time). Sadly, Crytek seems to be still in it's infancy when it comes to proper management of a console community. PC gamers, by default, are more likely to prowl forums, and regularly check the website for news and novelties or the latest DLC. They are, after all, already on their computers.
Console players, on the other hand, and Xbox 360 players in particular, have grown accustomed to using their console as a one-stop-shopping, an all-in-one experience. Even I felt somewhat abandoned, when I had to read about the Decimation DLC on the forums four days after release, while there was no mention at all on the Xbox Live Channel, no advertising, no intriguing little video on the tab. I had to actually search for it in the Add-Ons section, something I did not have to do for a long, long time.
I still very much like the game. I still like to play it. I spent over 400 hours in Bad Company 2, and almost as long in MW2, before the Commando-Marathon-Lightweight Idiots spoiled that series for me forever. I can be dedicated. I'm not a very good player, and I'm not one of the specialized people playing only one game mode, or only one class. I just like to play the game. Sure, I like to win, who doesn't, but before that I want to enjoy the game. And the less people there are to enjoy it with, the less enjoyable (not to mention laggy) it will get.
Crysis 2 prizes are pretty far down from where they initially were (except for the Germans, they're still almost on release level): Amazon.com features it new from 37 $, Amazon.co.uk even goes to £22.99, less than 50% of the initial prize. So there might very well be some player influx coming. But unless Crytek take some measures to ensure the popularity of C2 and its DLC map packs, that just won't be enough.
So now I want to suggest a few things to Crytek which I think would help re-vitalize the online community:
1. Lower the Price of the DLC Map Packs. Get together with Microsoft to make the DLC packs a special offer in July, say both DLC for 1000 MP, while either Retaliation or Decimation will cost 550 MP. For people who already have one DLC, buying the other should be cheaper (if you already have bought Retaliation before the July offer begins, you should get Decimation for 450MP and visa versa).
2. Add some free content to the DLC for people who buy/bought both Retaliation and Decimation. I'm thinking about two or three new weapons (one Submachine gun, one hand gun, one Sniper-Rifle). This would be already included in the two DLC pack from the special offer in July, while people who already own both DLC would just have to re-download the double pack for no price at all. If that's not possible, I'm sure there is some other way to make sure the people that already bought one or both DLC packs for the full price to get the new content for free. Like, let's say split the extra content into two parts, and attach each part to one of the DLC map packs. Only together the new content can be accessed and used, so it takes both DLCs to get at the new weapons. And people who already have one or both, just have to re-download it.
3. Add some small free content for the people that bought both DLC Map Packs for the full price. A new but similar weapon, some weapon skins, new character camo... something that is worthwhile, but that doesn't give them an unfair advantage. Just something that shows that you are somewhat grateful for the people that continued to support C2 despite its many shortcomings, and before the prices went down. Something akin the Battlefield's Veteran Levels, which would unlock a new weapon if you played one or more other Battlefield titles before.
4. Introduce regular gaming events. All-Nighters via the Xbox community, Double XP-Weekends, Game-Mode Specific Double XP Nights, there are so many choices and none of them could be regarded as wrong. Just make sure we know about it, even the people that don't check the gamesas.com website and forums every day. You have all our email-addresses, even our gamertags, there's facebook and twitter, surely there must be some means by which you can reach most of without us having to search for the information.
and last, but most importantly:
5. Merge the DLC maps into the Standard Map Rotation, by new playlists or player zones, like:
Crysis Domination Team: Play Team vs Team Battles on all modes (TIA, CTR, CS, EX, ASLT) on the STANDARD Maps AND BOTH DLC map packs - warning: Retaliation AND Decimation DLC needed - only players with Retaliation AND Decimation DLC can enter!
Zone: Standard Maps + BOTH DLC Map packs
where people after selecting a zone will choose their favorite playlists from:
Instant Action
Team Instant Action
Crash Site
Onslaught (CTR, Extraction, Assault)
Team Battles (TIA, CS, CTR, EX, ASLT)
and will go into matchmaking only with the people in their chosen zone.
(yes, I've said that before, and will do so again and again until I die or Crytek bows to my demands)
Now, of course I realize that some people would feel pretty miffed if all of a sudden the prices for the DLC went down. I would be, too. But if it means there will be more people around, I'd have to swallow that pill, spit and keep on playing. Still, it'd be a bitter pill to swallow. Which is why I urge Crytek to give the people who already bought it something for free, something they can use but that doesn't tilt the game in their favor. Some free DLC, or exclusive Double XP weekends for the people that started playing the DLC before it got cheap. I don't know. Some token of appreciation. I think we've earned that.
Anyway, those are my thoughts, feel free to add suggestions, complaints, ridicule and scorn. I'm sure I can take it. For a little while...