Don't forget Marcus!
Don't forget Marcus!
To be fair, this is earned for having caught a live mininuke. I earned it getting blasted to bits by a raider wielding a fat man.
I was out for 5 minutes, tears streaming from my eyes because my sides hurt so much.
As for the topic, I only hate the suicide mutants because they force me to prioritize them, and my aim is good enough that I can hit their arm manually and take out another 2-3 mutants with them. Things respawn slow enough as is, I don't want to inadvertently give myself even fewer things to shoot.
If their primary objective was to loot the list would read "loot, kill, return" no?
I usually lure the suicidal ones into raider camps or other places. Tis fun and works well. I even completed a quest simply because a suicidal mutant killed my target for me (and my target was much stronger than I). Or you can let your follower take the hit since they can't die.
Not dumb at all. I see them as a mad, drug induced, berserker ... and I hates them, I hates them I does!
i love the suiciders, great idea, super funny, interesting mechanic (you can shoot the mininuke - just a tip)
if i was a raider psycho id' also strap mines to rats and do all other kinda [censored]
I will admit I still get very nervous when I hear that beep beep and cant tell which direction it is coming from. But it is fun to shoot that explosive when they are standing around other SM and watch them all go boom.
Many spoilers in this thread so I am moving it
I love-hate them. the first couple times I died to them, it was all a bit chaotic and then I realize what was going on when I retried an objective and I was pissed. I have not seen one since them, as the last Super Mutant Objective I did was a little different (and had a holotape that made tears come to my eyes,) but I was wonder, since I snipe, if shooting out one of their legs would work as well. I didn't realize hitting the right arm would tag their bombs, so that is good to know _ I assume I did it by blind luck when I finally defeated the guy dogging me at the water plant.
That is one note... every super mutant I have run into, especially en masse, they are far far more interested in asserting their dominance, saying it is the time of the Super Mutants, humans made them and now they will pay for their lives. They do hate humans, and if you hear one of their leaders trash-talking you at the Tower objective, you'll get a better feel for how much they would like to wipe us out.
i was going to make a thread just like this but ill reply here instead;
THE SUPER MUTANT SUICIDERS MAKE NO SENSE! according to the Game itself super mutants go out of their way to turn humans into super mutants so why go through that trouble of turning a person into a super mutant if they are just going to blow themselves up? super mutant suiciders make absolutely no sense to be in the game at all what soever. what Bethesda SHOULD have done if they were really hellbent on getting a suicidal unit for the super mutants was have a strapped mutant hound. have a mutant hound with a mini nuke attached to it it makes so much more sense. they are faster but they are much weaker it would balance it out perfectly and also make sense because the super mutants don't care about anything but loot and killing what do the mutant hounds do for the mutants? they don't have any special attributes or abilities or anything like that and super mutants don't need a canine companion to keep them calm and sane or to cuddle. super mutant suiciders make no sense having in the game they are just an annoyance one of my biggest gripes in the whole game tbh.
Actually the Suicidal SM are a strategy asset =P, non of u have wait for him to move closer to other and sniper him bomb and blow 3-4 super mutants at the same time?????
That is no True Super mutants more the Army made by the Master as is show on NV, is split on cast, some mutants are more intelligent that other and other are complete stupid (theorize about this was the Genes of the humans use on the FEV, that why the Master was kidnapping Vault ppl since their genes where clean of radiation or mutation making them good subjects for the FEV) so is possible and a really good strategy to make the more stupid super mutants get mini nukes and run to a target and kill them self.
I like them, and to be honest, I think they're one of those creatues that are a part of the "rubberband" system. I didn't encounter super mutants until I had decent fire power. That wasn't even intentional. It was just how my quests flowed. Good on BGS
I don't know. If I was a SM I would think strapping the nuke to my mutant dog and sending it in would make more sense, but then again if I am a SM how much sense do I really have?
Well, let's face it, Super Mutants are not intellectual powerhouses in this game. They are probably thinking if they put the explodey bit right in the humans dumb face, it'll make the explosion better. Or they are reliving some old glory from High School on the football team and are overcome with the desire to protect this house.
I almost fell off my chair when I first encountered one. Of course I died because I was laughing so hard I couldn't use my keyboard but I figured that those raiders deserved a kudos and a reward watching me die for being that clever.
One of the few moments in the game that still puts the fear in me, especially when I lose track of them.
But Super Mutants in general... I don't get them. Like why do they have meat sacs. If they are just storing away their meat for consumption later, why not put it on tables or in a fridge.. why suspend it high up in the air or chained to wooden poles. It just seems very barbaric and tribal to me.
Super Mutants like their meat fresh and bacteria ridden.
They also like snacks on missions.
Alternatively, the meat sacks fill the peculiar ambiance the Super Mutants want.
My guess is the suicide mutants are the dumb ones of the group, while the semi smart ones are soldiers, and the bosses are the most intelligent.
A SMS that detonated his mini nuke means i failed to get a free mini-nuke, doesnt matter if he took out his mates as well, i miss out on a mini nuke!
I like them. Thank god you can hear them.
But yes, shoot their arm. They drop the bomb and BOOM.
My trusty Automatic 10mm Pistol "Peasant's Death" always makes short work of them, only takes one 3-4 shot burst to the arm and they go off like a firework, taking all their friends with them.
(Seriously, put reflex sights on the 10mm pistol, you won't need VATS anymore)
Suicide bombers aren't out of place IRL either. Now it begs to question as to why, but as explained previously outcasts might be forced or mislead into this position. After all mutants aren't the brightest of the bunch.
Keep in mind mutants did have a stock of 9999+ Literally of mini nukes laying about. Perhaps there weren't enough fatman launchers around but the dam things are more common here in boston.