C3 suit modes

Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 11:25 pm

Which do you prefer?

For console gamers unfamiliar with C1 controls it would involve holdin RB/R2, a pinwheel menu popping up and flicking your right stick in the direction of the mode you want, similar to how you hold Y/trangle in C1 to bring up your full weapon/explosives menu. This would also free up a shoulder button for throwing grenades/explosives without changing from your primary.

Thought I'd separate the PC and console results for better background info.
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Laura Simmonds
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 4:22 am

Not sure, there are benefits of both
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Mel E
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Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 7:06 pm

Independent speed is a big yes for me, i hate the requirement for energy to sprint
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Scott Clemmons
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Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 10:00 pm

Crysis 1 and Wars style for me, I hope they bring back the scroll wheel to the way it was in the 1st Crysis.
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Marie Maillos
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 4:24 am

Why are all these idiots asking for the scroll wheel to come back? The scroll wheel is still there in Crysis 2!!!
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Kevin Jay
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 12:27 am

Why are all these idiots asking for the scroll wheel to come back? The scroll wheel is still there in Crysis 2!!!

The Crysis 2 scroll wheel svcked imo because of the combined Speed/strength, I just want speed/strength/cloack/armour/+ the new powers to be separate nothing combined.
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Craig Martin
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 8:03 am

Either way would be fine for me. C1-style wouldn't be that hard to do on console (click RB/R1 or something and flick thumbstick in direction of power or something like that). One thing that bothered me in both C1 and C2 on xbox 360 was sprint using energy.

At least in C1 when you ran out of energy from sprinting, which was linked to clicking the movement thumbstick, you would revert to regular sprinting. Still, would have been nice to have it as a seperate mode so it wasn't just used purely as a sprint forward function.
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Luna Lovegood
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 3:58 am

Why are all these idiots asking for the scroll wheel to come back? The scroll wheel is still there in Crysis 2!!!

Calm down mate, its about the separated suit modes, not the wheel. I mentioned the wheel for consoles as we dnt have enough buttons for hot keys
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Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 6:28 pm

Why not have both? If the suit defaults to the C2 setup but allows a toggle to devote extra power to each mode with the click of a button, everyone's happy. Except CELL and the Ceph, I doubt they'd be happy with that outcome (it'd be worth looking into anyway).
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Rudi Carter
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 3:46 am

You can't have both, having the 4 separate modes you have to choose makes it fundamentally different gameplay from the C2 2 modes and the contextual power mode.

I was under the impression the PC community almost universally preferred the more hands on N1, having more direct control over your suit. from these results, obviously not.
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Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 8:51 pm

I'd actually prefer the C2 way of doing things.
Suit modes, however..
  • Armored - High armor (Tank mode, yahh), reduced mobility (this stuff got stiff), standard (same as standard) strength. (Turret-Rambo mode)
  • Standard - Armored, normal speed (pretty fast, nothing amazing though.), extra strength. (Overall cool mode)
  • Power - Slightly armored (you're still in a suit), very fast speed, very high stamina, extreme strength. (ACTION mode)
  • Stealth - Unarmored (D:), normal speed, plain strength. I IS INVISIBUHHL
  • Recharge - Unarmored (D: !), normal speed, plain strength, NO REGENERATION LOL, very fast energy recharge.
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 5:25 am

I'd actually prefer the C2 way of doing things.
Suit modes, however..
  • Armored - High armor (Tank mode, yahh), reduced mobility (this stuff got stiff), standard (same as standard) strength. (Turret-Rambo mode)
  • Standard - Armored, normal speed (pretty fast, nothing amazing though.), extra strength. (Overall cool mode)
  • Power - Slightly armored (you're still in a suit), very fast speed, very high stamina, extreme strength. (ACTION mode)
  • Stealth - Unarmored (D:), normal speed, plain strength. I IS INVISIBUHHL
  • Recharge - Unarmored (D: !), normal speed, plain strength, NO REGENERATION LOL, very fast energy recharge.

I like the idea of this for the suit modes
But don't forget tactical mode too!
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Chantel Hopkin
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 6:06 am

Those are accessories, and not actual suit MODES. :p
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Maya Maya
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 7:36 am

I'm not going to waste any time arguing a point, just point out that what the community likes is, quite frankly irrelevant.

Crysis 2 didn't sell well. Hell, it was multiplatform and hasn't even equalled the sales of Crysis 1 on PC; yet the small community are largely satisfied with the product.

If I were Crytek, I'd do one of two things.
  • 1. Pull a CoD: copy and paste most of the code from C2 and add some fluff so that people can't complain too much - this way they can save costs and basically make more profit off of Crysis 2 without doing much extra work.
  • 2. Completely overhaul the series. Bring it back to Crysis in the sense of its open areas and non-restrictive storyline, and completely redesign the multiplayer, which proved very unpopular amongst the larger gaming community, and pretty much died in a matter of months.

They'll have had max 2 years development time by the time it's released, which one do you think is more likely?
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Dorian Cozens
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 1:06 am

I'd actually prefer the C2 way of doing things.
Suit modes, however..
  • Armored - High armor (Tank mode, yahh), reduced mobility (this stuff got stiff), standard (same as standard) strength. (Turret-Rambo mode)
  • Standard - Armored, normal speed (pretty fast, nothing amazing though.), extra strength. (Overall cool mode)
  • Power - Slightly armored (you're still in a suit), very fast speed, very high stamina, extreme strength. (ACTION mode)
  • Stealth - Unarmored (D:), normal speed, plain strength. I IS INVISIBUHHL
  • Recharge - Unarmored (D: !), normal speed, plain strength, NO REGENERATION LOL, very fast energy recharge.

While i think those modes look balanced enough, i'm confused how you can prefer the C2 style, but then want to have more modes than the original
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Marcus Jordan
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Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 7:37 pm

I prefer the Crysis 2 style of NanoSuit mode selection. However, I think it should have done in another fashion:

ALTERNATIVE NANOSUIT MODES: get rid of Modules altogether and use the Modules key to activate alternative functions of each NanoSuit Mode. More on this later.

Q: Maximum Power - Energy regenerates if you're not using its active functions. All melee becomes Power Melee. Sprint becomes Power Sprint. All throws (including grenades and enemies) become Power Throws. The speed of every single action is passively enhanced somewhat at no energy cost (faster reloading, faster movement speed).

Power Jumping is achievable only in this mode, through holding OR doubletapping the jump key: Whether you hold or doubletap it will be customizable in the options, down to how long you should hold the key.

NanoSuit 2 enhancements:
-Definitely more energy (or less energy consumption during Power Sprint).
-NS1 top speed was perfectly fine.
-Expanded movement: Ledge grabs (hold movement towards the ledge while mid-air), wall jump (limited to one jump per air time, would reset upon landing, achievable perhaps through double tapping space upon mid-air wall contact)
-AirStomp (Press C mid-air). Great energy consumption, but not absolute.
-Absolute fall damage immunity through AirStomping (massively loud though)

ALT MODE: POWER OVERDRIVE: Divert your entire NanoSuit energy to the following Power action. Remaining energy is directly proportional to the intensity of the achieved effect (reverts to standard Power Mode upon effect). Toggle on ALT MODE key, activate on whichever one of the following keys is pressed while toggled on:
-Melee (melee key): POWER KICK. One-hit-KO vs infantry (to be balanced in MultiPlayer), can throw cars and stuff into the air or kick down context sensitive walls.
-Speed (sprint key): SPEED BURST (Mid-Air). Gives you Standard PowerSprint acceleration in any direction if used mid-air (air dodging).
-Airstomp (C mid-air): POWER STOMP. Enhances the attack strength and radius of the airstomp.

Additionally, perform the following actions at significantly increased NanoSuit energy cost (but not instant depletion, unlike the previous POWER OVERDRIVE actions):

-Speed (sprint key): MAXIMUM SPEED (Ground): Faster version of Power Sprint with instantaneous acceleration. Also maintains peak speed in any surface (upwards ramps, for instance) or during direction changes (maximum zig zag!).
-Speed (C during Maximum SPEED): POWER SLIDE (Ground). Slides you on the ground at PowerSprint speed (no deceleration). Not controllable (follows a forwards line), but it can be interrupted (Crouch key or jumping) and you can shoot while sliding. Sliding into an enemy results in damage equal to powersprinting into them, but results in zero damage to you as you become immune to acceleration/speed-based damage during Power Slides. You can reload or switch weapons during a Power Slide.

E: Cloak Engaged - Works as it usually did in Crysis. Energy Drain should not be as slow as it is during C2 with Stealth Enhance: Crysis 1 drain was fine, could possibly be extended very slightly.

NanoSuit 2 enhancements:

-Reduced footstep sounds: POWER and CLOAK mode have less mass (don't try to explain this scientifically) than ARMOR mode. Power does not reduce movement sounds to account for faster, more aggressive movement. Cloak however is subject to standard movement speed (same as ARMOR speed) under reduced mass and is thusly somewhat silent.

ALT MODE: CLOAK OVERDRIVE: No shadow and no footstep sound at the cost of vastly increased Suit Energy consumption. Toggle on ALT MODE key.

STANDARD: Maximum Armor - Works as usual (diverts 100% damage to the NanoSuit Energy until depletion). Recharges energy while not taking damage, as it did in Crysis.

Cannot Power Kick, Power Melee, Power Sprint, Wall Jump.

NanoSuit 2 Enhancements:

-Sliding: Crouch key while sprinting: Forwards movement at standard sprint initial speed. Subject to friction and surface angle-based acceleration/decceleration, much like in Crysis 2. Can shoot AND reload while Sliding, as well as melee forwards. Enemies take no damage by Standard Sliding into them in Multiplayer, although tripping up standard infantry in single player is interesting.
-LedgeGrab: Hold direction key towards ledge in mid-air.
-Increased Mass: Impervious to anything that knocks you over (if this is even implemented in MP, strong possibility in SP) and increased resistance to anything that shoves you around (meaning you receive less acceleration from explosions and such).

ALT MODE: ARMOR OVERDRIVE Increase Mass and resistance even further with the following effects at the cost of a slight constant suit energy consumption:

-Enhanced Armor: Less nanosuit energy reduction per unit of damage absorbed (stacks with the constant suit consumption, but the reduction goes far enough as to mean less energy consumption under constant damage/massive damage overall.
-Enhanced Blast Resilience: Enhances the effects of Enhanced Armor further when dealing with any source of Area of Effect damage (including AirStomp).
-Increased Mass 2: Enhance the effects of Increased Mass even further.
-Reduced Mobility: Less jumping height, no sprinting (and thus no sliding), no prone, no ledge grab, less overall movement speed.
-Immunity to fall damage (passive during ARMOR OVERDRIVE): Unlike AirStomp, this fall damage immunity will only take however much energy the ARMOR OVERDRIVE duration took. However, it is not an attack (like AirStomp).

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Marcus Jordan
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Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 11:45 pm


FIXING THE PRONE PROBLEM: On consoles, tap "Crouch" for crouch, hold for prone.
-On PC, customizable between the Console way or two separate keys.


Q: Maximum Power
E: Cloak Engage
WASD: Movement
G: Grenades (Double tap: Quick Throw (no grenade cooking). Reverts back to previous weapon.)
R: Reload
F: Use
C: Crouch/Prone (Alternatively, dedicated Crouch or Prone).
Control: Crouch/Prone (Alternatively, dedicated Crouch or Prone).
Shift: Sprint
Middle Mouse Button: Melee/NanoSuit Wheel (Armor/Power/Cloak)
T: Alternative Melee
V: Alternative Melee/NanoSuit Wheel
CAPSLOCK: NanoSuit Overdrive (ALT MODE)
H: Alternative NanoSuit Overdrive
B: Binoculars (with expanded radar, like in Crysis 2)
N: Night Vision, no consumption (double tap for NanoVision, consumes energy).

1: Pistol
2: Cycle Primaries
3: Cycle Fire Mode
4: Cycle Explosives

LMB: Fire
RMB: Aim Down Sights

X: Weapon Customization

SUGGESTED GAMEPAD LAYOUT (X360 controller, mirror for PS3).

Left Bumper: Maximum Power
Right Bumper: Cloak Engaged
Left Trigger: Aim Down Sights
Right Trigger: Fire

Alternatively, select "NanoSuit Wheel" in the options: Holding either bumper will bring the PC NanoSuit Wheel up (see Crysis/WARHEAD X360 pad controls).

A: Jump
X: Reload (hold for USE)
Y: Cycle primary weapons (hold for weapon wheel, see Crysis 1 for Xbox 360)
B: NanoSuit OverDrive

SELECT: Binoculars

UP: Cycle Fire Mode
DOWN: Weapon Customization
LEFT: Night Vision (Double Tap for NanoVision)
RIGHT: Grenades (Double Tap for Quick Throw)

LEFT STICK BUTTON (while moving): Sprint (tap again for Slide, leave stick neutral to cancel sprint)
LEFT STICK BUTTON (neutral stick): Crouch (hold for prone)
RIGHT STICK BUTTON: Melee (Hold while in Power Mode to automatically activate Overdrive Power Kick)


-Did I leave something out in the X360 pad controls?
-Sprinting must be achievable in ANY direction (Crysis/WARHEAD for PC) in ANY platform (why is this even enforced in console games?)
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NIloufar Emporio
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 4:33 am

You can't have both, having the 4 separate modes you have to choose makes it fundamentally different gameplay from the C2 2 modes and the contextual power mode.

I was under the impression the PC community almost universally preferred the more hands on N1, having more direct control over your suit. from these results, obviously not.

The results are showing what the 'most part' of what the active community want at its current state, ofcourse original Crysis 1 / Nanosuit 1 users left these forums since C2 was released or not so long after. So the results will show most C2 users that are accustomed to the C2 layout.

I voted for C1 style.

I suggest if you have friends about that played C1 let them know C3 will be out in April 2013 and start vouching for it to go back to C1 style. Get them back.
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Jennie Skeletons
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 8:24 am

Yeah that's a good point, I was thinking that myself. The PC prefer C1 numbers have increased since i posted that too.

I've read some reports about tweets from Cevat/Crytek that C3 is a spiritual successor to C1 rather than C2, hopefully its true and it extends to the controls. They are fundamental to the unique C1 experience IMO
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Da Missz
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Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 7:10 pm

I can't see the next nanosuit doing well vs the nanosuit 1.0 as it still uses module based model. with the nanosuit 1 most of the stuff was already there. with the nanosuit 2 it felt like it took everything out and made them only available as upgrades.
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Lance Vannortwick
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 8:12 am

I prefer C1 however C2 was much easier.
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Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:51 pm


And yeah, I prefer the Crysis 2 way of having keys to switch to modes.
Let's just say that I find the wheel pretty unintuitive.

As for the modes, that wall of text there is pretty much <3<3 WANT
Now add in 2/2.5 times the health you had in Crysis 2, and instant win.
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Robert DeLarosa
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Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 11:33 pm

(Console gamer)

As I see it, it's preferable to have as many controls as possible available on a button press, as opposed to having to be selected from a menu. Menus are more - how can I put this? - gameplay-interrupting. They break the flow. I also like the idea of double-tapping to equip nades, stops them being something you mindlessly spam whenever you're about to die.
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 10:25 am

I can't see the next nanosuit doing well vs the nanosuit 1.0 as it still uses module based model. with the nanosuit 1 most of the stuff was already there. with the nanosuit 2 it felt like it took everything out and made them only available as upgrades.
This, to an extent anyway.

The great thing about Crysis wars (IA, TIA) was, despite the fact that the precision rifle with laser sight was a ridiculously accurate OHK even from hipfire, nobody started with it. Everyone spawned with the same setup and found the other weapons as drops on the map. They'd also all have the exact same nanosuit as far as functionality was concerned. This took out the 'build wars' element of gameplay almost completely, and left it down to player knowledge and skill.

Still, I maintain that if Crytek are smart they won't listen to their small online community anyway. You could all buy two copies of the game and still not matter as far as sales figures are concerned. They need to re-discover what people liked about the original and put that in Crysis 3. If it turns out the wider gaming community preferred the suit modes and radial menu of the original, then that should be in the game, if not, then it shouldn't.
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