» Mon Dec 03, 2012 7:37 pm
I prefer the Crysis 2 style of NanoSuit mode selection. However, I think it should have done in another fashion:
ALTERNATIVE NANOSUIT MODES: get rid of Modules altogether and use the Modules key to activate alternative functions of each NanoSuit Mode. More on this later.
Q: Maximum Power - Energy regenerates if you're not using its active functions. All melee becomes Power Melee. Sprint becomes Power Sprint. All throws (including grenades and enemies) become Power Throws. The speed of every single action is passively enhanced somewhat at no energy cost (faster reloading, faster movement speed).
Power Jumping is achievable only in this mode, through holding OR doubletapping the jump key: Whether you hold or doubletap it will be customizable in the options, down to how long you should hold the key.
NanoSuit 2 enhancements:
-Definitely more energy (or less energy consumption during Power Sprint).
-NS1 top speed was perfectly fine.
-Expanded movement: Ledge grabs (hold movement towards the ledge while mid-air), wall jump (limited to one jump per air time, would reset upon landing, achievable perhaps through double tapping space upon mid-air wall contact)
-AirStomp (Press C mid-air). Great energy consumption, but not absolute.
-Absolute fall damage immunity through AirStomping (massively loud though)
ALT MODE: POWER OVERDRIVE: Divert your entire NanoSuit energy to the following Power action. Remaining energy is directly proportional to the intensity of the achieved effect (reverts to standard Power Mode upon effect). Toggle on ALT MODE key, activate on whichever one of the following keys is pressed while toggled on:
-Melee (melee key): POWER KICK. One-hit-KO vs infantry (to be balanced in MultiPlayer), can throw cars and stuff into the air or kick down context sensitive walls.
-Speed (sprint key): SPEED BURST (Mid-Air). Gives you Standard PowerSprint acceleration in any direction if used mid-air (air dodging).
-Airstomp (C mid-air): POWER STOMP. Enhances the attack strength and radius of the airstomp.
Additionally, perform the following actions at significantly increased NanoSuit energy cost (but not instant depletion, unlike the previous POWER OVERDRIVE actions):
-Speed (sprint key): MAXIMUM SPEED (Ground): Faster version of Power Sprint with instantaneous acceleration. Also maintains peak speed in any surface (upwards ramps, for instance) or during direction changes (maximum zig zag!).
-Speed (C during Maximum SPEED): POWER SLIDE (Ground). Slides you on the ground at PowerSprint speed (no deceleration). Not controllable (follows a forwards line), but it can be interrupted (Crouch key or jumping) and you can shoot while sliding. Sliding into an enemy results in damage equal to powersprinting into them, but results in zero damage to you as you become immune to acceleration/speed-based damage during Power Slides. You can reload or switch weapons during a Power Slide.
E: Cloak Engaged - Works as it usually did in Crysis. Energy Drain should not be as slow as it is during C2 with Stealth Enhance: Crysis 1 drain was fine, could possibly be extended very slightly.
NanoSuit 2 enhancements:
-Reduced footstep sounds: POWER and CLOAK mode have less mass (don't try to explain this scientifically) than ARMOR mode. Power does not reduce movement sounds to account for faster, more aggressive movement. Cloak however is subject to standard movement speed (same as ARMOR speed) under reduced mass and is thusly somewhat silent.
ALT MODE: CLOAK OVERDRIVE: No shadow and no footstep sound at the cost of vastly increased Suit Energy consumption. Toggle on ALT MODE key.
STANDARD: Maximum Armor - Works as usual (diverts 100% damage to the NanoSuit Energy until depletion). Recharges energy while not taking damage, as it did in Crysis.
Cannot Power Kick, Power Melee, Power Sprint, Wall Jump.
NanoSuit 2 Enhancements:
-Sliding: Crouch key while sprinting: Forwards movement at standard sprint initial speed. Subject to friction and surface angle-based acceleration/decceleration, much like in Crysis 2. Can shoot AND reload while Sliding, as well as melee forwards. Enemies take no damage by Standard Sliding into them in Multiplayer, although tripping up standard infantry in single player is interesting.
-LedgeGrab: Hold direction key towards ledge in mid-air.
-Increased Mass: Impervious to anything that knocks you over (if this is even implemented in MP, strong possibility in SP) and increased resistance to anything that shoves you around (meaning you receive less acceleration from explosions and such).
ALT MODE: ARMOR OVERDRIVE Increase Mass and resistance even further with the following effects at the cost of a slight constant suit energy consumption:
-Enhanced Armor: Less nanosuit energy reduction per unit of damage absorbed (stacks with the constant suit consumption, but the reduction goes far enough as to mean less energy consumption under constant damage/massive damage overall.
-Enhanced Blast Resilience: Enhances the effects of Enhanced Armor further when dealing with any source of Area of Effect damage (including AirStomp).
-Increased Mass 2: Enhance the effects of Increased Mass even further.
-Reduced Mobility: Less jumping height, no sprinting (and thus no sliding), no prone, no ledge grab, less overall movement speed.
-Immunity to fall damage (passive during ARMOR OVERDRIVE): Unlike AirStomp, this fall damage immunity will only take however much energy the ARMOR OVERDRIVE duration took. However, it is not an attack (like AirStomp).