Tonight, I decided to start playing with some mods. I got the latest version of FOMM installed, and used it to install Summer 2.5 and the latest version of Fellout, plus the DLC support file for Fellout. Launched the game and was completely blown away by how much better it looked. But...
Looking closer, I noticed big black patches on the ground in areas where grass doesn't grow, and also in some of the holes in the street as I was passing through Springvale. I took this screen grab just outside of Megaton to show you what I'm talking about.
I accepted the load order that FOMM suggested, which placed the Pip Boy flashlight mod ahead of Summer, then loaded Summer, and then the rest of Fellout (all of these after Fallout and the DLCs). I tried running it with all of Fellout disabled - still the same black patches. Then I disabled Summer and loaded Fellout - the black patches were gone. So it's definitely something with Summer.
Also, those little brown scrubby plants in the foreground change appearance as you move closer to them, and eventually disappear altogether when you're right on top of them.
Is this normal behavior for this mod, or is there a tweak or something I need to make it work right? Even cranking up the brightness didn't change those black patches one bit - neither did waiting for the light to change.
Thanks for any help anyone can provide.