Summoned Two-Way Portal

Post » Thu Feb 17, 2011 3:31 pm

Trying to finish the portal in our Legend in the Sky mod. Got a spell that moves a portal from the Testinghall to the location of the player. Going through the portal brings you to the throne room of the actual Castle. Trying to go back through that portal does absolutely nothing, however. The portal the player summons uses the ref ID raySkyCastleSummonedPortal, while the stationary portal in the castle is raySkyCastlePortalCastle. Below are the three scripts used, first by the spell, second by the summoned portal, third by the stationary portal. The summoning works fine, going through the summoned portal works fine. But trying to go through the stationary portal does nothing at all. No crashing, doesn't move the summoned portal back to the testinghall like it's supposed to, nothing.

NOTE: The Spell script was given to us by a member of this forum when we first tried making the portal spell over two or more years ago. I've since forgotten his/her name, though I wanna say it was WillieSea.
scn raySkyCastlePortalSpellfloat ContAnglefloat doorXfloat doorZfloat timershort doWhatbegin scriptEffectStartmessage "Alcarian Portal Summoning Started!"raySkyCastleSummonedPortal.disableset timer to 1set doWhat to 1endbegin scriptEffectUpdateif timer > 0 && doWhat > 0set timer to timer - getSecondsPassedelseif doWhat == 1raySkyCastleSummonedPortal.moveTo playerset timer to 0.1set doWhat to 2elseif doWhat == 2raySkyCastleSummonedPortal.enableset timer to 0.1set doWhat to 3elseif doWhat == 3set doorX to raySkyCastleSummonedPortal.getPos XraySkyCastleSummonedPortal.setPos X doorXset doorZ to Player.getPos Z + 100raySkyCastleSummonedPortal.setPos Z doorZset ContAngle to player.GetAngle ZraySkyCastleSummonedPortal.SetAngle X 0raySkyCastleSummonedPortal.SetAngle Y 0raySkyCastleSummonedPortal.SetAngle Z ContAnglemessage "Alcarian Portal Summoned Successfully."message " "message " "set doWhat to 0endifendifend

Summoned Portal:
scn raysummonedportalanimbegin OnLoad	PlayGroup Forward 1end

Stationary portal:
scn raycastleportalanimenterfloat timerfloat endDelayTimeshort doOncebegin OnLoad	PlayGroup Forward 1endbegin OnActivate	set timer to 0.1	set endDelayTime to 9	set doOnce to 0	if (timer < endDelayTime)		set timer to timer + 1	else		raySkyCastleSummonedPortal.positionCell 1637.3064,-2425.2458,-183.3089, 0 testinghall		raySkyCastleSummonedPortal.disable		return	endifend

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Captian Caveman
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