Sun damage lighting effect

Post » Fri Feb 11, 2011 2:30 pm

I was just playing Oblivion and something strange happened. I travelled to a new area and everything was lit like a bright HDR lighting. I don't have HDR activated and I can't use it alongside AA with my pc. I then realised I was taking sun damage because I had contracted porphyric haemophilia. Once I cured the disease the lighting returned to normal. However I actually quite liked the sun damage lighting effect although it was too bright and I wondered whether it was somehow possible to turn it on and use it all the time even though I don't play as a vampire and I don't want to take sun damage. It looked like a sort of HDR without having to enable HDR. Is it somehow possible to alter my Oblivion settings to enable this effect constantly perhaps at a different brightness setting? Thanks for any comments you can make.
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