On a related note, is it possible to create a spell that replicates the negative effect of sunlight on vampires? Like, for Crusader or Witch Hunter type characters? I'm imagining a spell that's like "sun damage on target for 20 seconds" or else an Illusion spell, another version of Light called Sunlight that burns vampires if they get too close.
Open the CS, go to spells, create new, when the dialogue box opens, right click int he field where yo put the spell effects and select new. In the spell effect box scroll down to "Sun Damage". Make each variance of the intensity of it and then open the "Vampire" quest script. Inside the very very long script there will be a part that defines how many days without blood will make the sun damage increase (which is technically just adding a new spell that does more).
Is it possible to create a spell that uses another sun effect? For example, a spell that causes the pc to become paralyzed when in the sunlight, or causes fire damage from the sun.
The reason I ask this is simply out of curiosity and possibly to use in future mods.
yes it is possible through scripting...no I cannot tell you. I do not know how. It would be handled by making your custom "Paralysis" spell that will effect the player when certain weather is aftive. Then you would have to define which weather mode would activate this on the player. You will also need to define when it happens besides weather. Like how the player doesn't take sun damage UNLESS he is a vampire. So in this case, you would need to define what status the player has (which I imagine could be handled through a quest script using stages) which will then tell the game "When player has X status, the weather is Y, then Paralysis will be cast on player"
I would imagine it would be a begin on Gamemode block, but I am not exactly an expert at scripting so I may be wrong. But definately it would be best handled through scripts and Quest Scripts. No I do not believe it will require OBSE (but I may be wrong, but I am 70% sure it won't)