I tried both of those shaders and then them together. I don't know what they are supposed to do, and I could not tell what they were doing. Like I said, they were doing an HDR like effect, except backwards. They were imbalancing screen brightness. It was weird. I don't have a very powerful machine, so simply by checking the depth info button I was reducing my already paltry framerate. My graphics card should be able to handle the shader though, as it has support for shader 4.0.
As for the corrupt install, or missing prereq's, I don't know what prereq's it would need, and the shader is just a text file, and MGE said it was able to compile it.
Just on a whim I decided to try the new cloud one you were talking about, and I got the new .dll and still nothing. I suppose this is a dream I will have to wait for...
I think we should continue on this in official MGE thread, but I want you to post:
Full specs: cpu, gpu, operating system..
MGE version,
shader list(s),
and screenshots: one DoF, one SSAO, one sunshafts, combined shots..
The more screenshots, the more we can help.
If you are willing to do some troubleshooting,
I will help until you get your dream.