Sunglare Error

Post » Thu Jun 10, 2010 1:44 pm

I just rebuilt Oblivion, converting from OMODs to BAIN-centric. Pretty much everything is installed now. I've a few odd issues to track down, one involving sunglare seen in inappropriate positions. The below linked capture, taken outside Dune (Elsweyr-Anequina) illustrates this perfectly.

I also notice odd sunglare on the Gold Coast slopes (UL-LostCoastBeaches) while visiting Castle Seaview. I even noticed it showing through buildings while inside Dune. I've not yet noticed it in conjunction with purely vanilla locations, but it seems to be time-of-day specific (low sun) so I might just be lucky there.

I use the old standard Beaming Sunglare. But I used it with my previous build too. It was one of my very first mods installed that earlier build, and worked flawlessly the whole time. Never had this issue with that old build.

With very few changes, this build is identical to the last, mod wise. The prime difference is that most everything is now a BAIN package. My Beaming Sunglare BAIN package is appropriately green, and shows no conflict with any other mod.

Note that I run Oblivion with HDR enabled in-game, and AA enabled by nVidia Control Panel override (as I did last build). Also, I upgraded from an nVidia 260 core-216 to a GTX 470 (lets me run a few more eye-candy mods comfortably, such as parts of RAEVWD). Am using the latest nVidia driver (as of about a week ago).

Here's my Wrye Bash load-order, BOSS derived with a few changes recommended by individual mod readme's.
Active Mod Files:00  Oblivion.esm01  Cybiades.esm  [Version 2.0]02  Cobl Main.esm  [Version 1.72]03  TamRes.esm04  CyrodiilUpgradeResourcePack.esm05  CURP_Controller.esm06  Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp  [Version 3.2.9]07  UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp  [Version 1.0.0]08  Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp09  DLCShiveringIsles.esp0A  Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp  [Version 1.4.0]0B  TamRes.esp0C  oc_darker_nights.esp0D  Rainbows.esp0E  WindowLightingSystem.esp0F  300_Lore_Dialogue_Updated.esp10  CityLights - ImperialCity.esp11  BlackLuster.esp12  Cobl Glue.esp  [Version 1.72]13  Cobl Si.esp  [Version 1.63]14  300 Regal Imperial City 2.esp15  exhSIPalacelodge.esp16  ImpeREAL City Unique Districts - All the Districts - Merged.esp17  ImpeREAL Empire - Unique Castles - All The Castles - Merged.esp18  ImpeREAL Empire - Unique Forts.esp19  (DC) Kvatch Watch Towers.esp1A  Kragenir's Death Quest.esp1B  KDQ - Rural Line Additions.esp1C  KvatchRising.esp1D  EiAmod.esp  [Version 1.1]1E  EiAmod_ShiveringIsles.esp1F  LostSwordOfTheAylied.esp20  LostSwordOfTheAylied - OBSE Add-On.esp21  Order of the Virtuous Blood Expanded v0.3.esp22  Region Revive - Lake Rumare.esp23  The Ayleid Steps.esp  [Version 3.4]24  TheElderCouncil.esp25  TheElderCouncil_TempleOfTheOne.esp26  TEC_4ERA_Dialog_Filter.esp27  (DC) The Pride of Wolfs Gate.esp28  VHBloodlines 1.2.esp  [Version 1.4]29  Villages1.1.esp2A  VOILA.esp2B  VOILA - Soldiers of Empire.esp2C  Knights.esp2D  Knights - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.10]2E  The Lost Spires.esp2F  LostSpiresImpeREALFortsPatch2.esp30  AFK_Weye.esp  [Version 2.0.COBL]31  Rumare-AFK_Weye Patch.esp  [Version 2.0]32  ElsweyrAnequina.esp33  road+bridges.esp  [Version 4.5.7]34  Feldscar.esp  [Version 1.0.4]35  Vergayun.esp  [Version 1.0.5]36  Faregyl.esp  [Version 1.0.10]37  Faregyl+Anequina Patch.esp38  xulBeachesOfCyrodiilLostCoast.esp  [Version 1.6.4]39  Cybiades.esp  [Version 2.1]3A  CybiadesDungeon.esp  [Version 2.1]3B  Castle_Seaview.esp3C  CastleSeaview+LostCoast Patch.esp  [Version 1.0]3D  xulImperialIsle.esp  [Version 1.6.5]3E  RegionReviveLakeRumare-ImperialIsle patch.esp  [Version 1.3.3]3F  KragenirsDeathQuest-LostCoast patch.esp40  xulSkingradOutskirts.esp41  NRB4+UL-II Patch.esp  [Version 5.0.1]42  West Roads.esp43  WR Villages Addon.esp44  bartholm.esp45  Fort Akatosh Redux.esp46  FortAkatoshRedux-NewRoads&Bridges patch.esp47  Millstone_Farm_COBL.esp48  NRB4+RR Patch.esp  [Version 2.1]49  BlackScreenSneakFix.esp4A  DecoratorAssistant with OBSE v1.1.esp4B  DropLitTorchOBSE.esp  [Version 2.4]4C  Duplicate_Item_Spell.esp4D  Panzer_Kleidung_03.esp4E  Quest Award Leveller.esp  [Version 2.0.1]4F  Quest Award Leveller - Knights of the Nine.esp  [Version 2.1.0]50  Companion Neeshka.esp51  NRB4 Standard Road Record.esp52  Bashed Patch, 0.esp

(BeamingSunglare is a tiny mod containing all of two data files and no ESM/ESP so does not appear in the load order.)

Here's my BAIN package list (showing only active installs).
Bain Packages:++ 002 - LoreDialogue300_v23_BAIN-25091.7z (C0C0F197) (Installed)++ 003 - nVidia_Black_Screen_Sneak_Fix-13632.7z (DB5DB419) (Installed)++ 004 - DecoratorAssistantOBSEv11-6021.7z (1F0DC8FA) (Installed)++ 005 - Duplicate_Item_Spell-22852.rar (00A9792E) (Installed)++ 006 - Panzer_Kleidung_Transmuter_v03_BAIN-12996.7z (DE7C798E) (Installed)++ 007 - Quest_Award_Leveller_v210-BAIN.7z (7F262AB1) (Installed)++ 009 - COBL_172_lite_21104.7z (A0906B5D) (Installed)++ 010 - DCRP+CURP_v2-4.7z (35353838) (Installed)++ 011 - TamrielResourcePack_v141.7z (1AF1F943) (Installed)++ 013 - Unofficial_Oblivion_Patch_v320-5296.7z (BCBA7B56) (Installed)++ 014 - Unofficial_SI_Patch_v140-10739.7z (79CE866D) (Installed)++ 015 - Unofficial_Official_Mods_Patch_v15-9969.7z (59895567) (Installed)++ 016 - KOTN_UOMP_Hotfix-27710.7z (B213EDDF) (Installed)++ 018 - OC_DarkerNights-4135.7z (6E8691AA) (Installed)++ 019 - Rainbows in Tamriel-8927.7z (E6A8B3B4) (Installed)++ 020 - Beaming_Sunglare_V1_1-16533.7z (7A8938CC) (Installed)++ 021 - Elsweyr-Anequina_v2_July2010-20053.7z (59707490) (Installed)++ 022 - PyFFI - Elsweyr Anequina v2 - 2010_July.7z (38D49226) (Installed)++ 023 - Anvil Exterior & Ship Textures v1.1.7z (542ADD85) (Installed)++ 024 - Animated_Window_Lighting_System_-_Meshes_v5-2-0-19628.7z (DC5C883E) (Installed)++ 025 - AWLS_-_Brumbek_Mixed_Textures_v5-1-3-19628.7z (55868814) (Installed)++ 026 - RAEVWD_v1_7-20053.7z (C0E54CCD) (Installed)++ 027 - RAEVWD_Elsweyr_Anequina_v2-20053.7z (B809644E) (Installed)++ 028 - UOP_Hotfix_v329-27710.7z (5017E006) (Installed)++ 030 - CityLights_ImperialCity-2979.7z (BE2AD370) (Installed)++ 031 - DarkerIC-Reduced-15500.7z (A6CD32A6) (Installed)++ 032 - ImpeREAL IC - All the Districts  Merged-19589.7z (E9FA96C0) (Installed)++ 033 - ImpeREAL - Unique Castles-22446.7z (2579EA74) (Installed)++ 034 - ImpeREAL - Unique Forts-22965.7z (80E6C77A) (Installed)++ 035 - TheElderCouncil_v25.7z (6B51B643) (Installed)++ 036 - TEC_TempleOfTheOne_v15.7z (D3D80995) (Installed)++ 037 - New_Roads_and_Bridges_v457-20218.7z (2087DA83) (Installed)++ 038 - NRB4_UL-II_Compatibility_Patch-20218.7z (BCC0543A) (Installed)++ 039 - NRB4_Region_Revive_Compatibility_Patch-20218.7z (1BF11900) (Installed)++ 040 - West_Roads v1.3-29523.7z (5988E7A5) (Installed)++ 042 - InquisitorLodgeSI_v1.7z (86C426AA) (Installed)++ 043 - Kvatch_Rising_v1_9.7z (1E9C4097) (Installed)++ 044 - Kvatch Watch Towers v2_7-19691.7z (F710E47C) (Installed)++ 045 - County Kvatch - Wolfs Gate-16220.7z (5D4B0D96) (Installed)++ 046 - FAR_v132_BAIN-21856.7z (91BB0E49) (Installed)++ 047 - RR-LR_v13-22751.7z (A3FE0D43) (Installed)++ 048 - AFK_Weye_v2_0-BAIN-22828.7z (14536B7E) (Installed)++ 049 - VHBloodlinesV12SI-BAIN-14601.7z (149CCE2D) (Installed)++ 050 - DC_Villages_v1_1-BAIN-4890.7z (946FB9B0) (Installed)++ 051 - Feldscar-30000.7z (AAF51607) (Installed)++ 052 - Vergayun-26643.7z (EAC246C4) (Installed)++ 053 - Faregyl_Village-21562.7z (F182678F) (Installed)++ 054 - Faregyl_Anequina_Patch-21562.7z (CBB3203C) (Installed)++ 055 - Millstone_Farm_COBL-29126.7z (CB65B93D) (Installed)++ 056 - Bartholm697&700_BAIN-5022.7z (A2EB9E66) (Installed)++ 057 - Castle_Seaview_v1.1-25574.7z (F790BA25) (Installed)++ 059 - UL_-_Imperial_Isle_v165-9531.7z (1E0A7B3F) (Installed)++ 060 - UL_Beaches_Lost_Coast_v164-14720.7z (8AC2FD6C) (Installed)++ 061 - UL_-_Skingrad_Outskirts_v100-29948.7z (60B36A6A) (Installed)++ 063 - BlackLusterArmor v315e Exnem-10544.7z (EE05CC41) (Installed)++ 065 - AyleidSteps_v34-16316.7z (B0F1356B) (Installed)++ 066 - Kragenirs_Death_Quest_v2_0-26219.7z (F3ADE930) (Installed)++ 067 - Cybiades_BAIN-11755.7z (162A235C) (Installed)++ 068 - Et in Arkay Ego 1_2-21816.7z (53BCBE88) (Installed)++ 069 - OVBE_v03-25841.7z (DA5B9C59) (Installed)++ 070 - Lost_Spires_v14-BAIN.7z (D15C3A48) (Installed)++ 071 - LostSwordOfTheAyleids-20184.7z (E331FDC2) (Installed)++ 073 - ATP_Blackwood v2.7z (5F34B9C1) (Installed)++ 074 - ATP_Colovia Highlands v2.7z (E278A85D) (Installed)++ 075 - ATP_Gold Coast v2.7z (FEDADA25) (Installed)++ 076 - ATP_Roads&Cobblestones v2.7z (DC708118) (Installed)++ 077 - Koldorns LOD Noise Replacer_BAIN-9952.7z (A1F81AEB) (Installed)++ 079 - ElvenMaps_Barth_NRB_WR_Elswery-31314.7z (0F7EDCD0) (Installed)++ 080 - MedievalMusic_v1_BAIN-22085.7z (DDCBE5F8) (Installed)++ 082 - Exnem Female Body Replacer - nvde.7z (E8C5DE20) (Installed)++ 084 - VOILA_v07-BAIN.7z (11A016D9) (Installed)++ 085 - Companion_Neeshka_v2_5_BAIN-8256.7z (5D05DC20) (Installed)086 - ==Last==

Not sure how to track this one down. Any advice is much appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

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Austin Suggs
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Post » Thu Jun 10, 2010 1:08 am

I can't tell if your Bashed Patch is properly built*, partly because all the plugins are active, where some of them shouldn't be. Or needn't be, perhaps. The bosslog.txt file that BOSS generates tells you quite a bit about such things, as does the Mod Checker (ijust click on its icon on the status bar of Wrye Bash to run it). Worth a look, in both cases.

Running TES4LODGen is also advisable, generally speaking.

Also, there are some intricacies with BAIN installs, that you might've run afoul of. Certain parts of some mods won't be installed, unless you specifically tell BAIN to do so, for example. And some things just won't install at all (very few, mind you).

* edit: But, in general, it's a good idea to "tick" everything mod-specific that comes up in the various sections of merge/import when rebuilding the Bashed Patch. There are exceptions, but you might not have to worry about those anyhow - FCOM is where I know some of them lurk. Then, there are a few other settings that are advisable, throughout the rest of the options. So yeah, if you haven't done some of those things, it could be causing problems.

edit2: Also, could be something to do with mods that don't show in the load order (other than the Sunglare one, I mean). Any others?
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Queen of Spades
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Post » Thu Jun 10, 2010 8:25 am

I can't tell if your Bashed Patch is properly built*, partly because all the plugins are active, where some of them shouldn't be. Or needn't be, perhaps. The bosslog.txt file that BOSS generates tells you quite a bit about such things, as does the Mod Checker (ijust click on its icon on the status bar of Wrye Bash to run it). Worth a look, in both cases.

I'm new to Bashed Patches so might have picked some inappropriate settings. As to merges, Wrye Bash found a grand total of TWO of my mods that could be merged into the Bashed Patch. I deliberated selected to NOT merge them at this time. I don't need to worry at about running out of ESM/ESP slots, so decided to hold off until I'm more comfortable with Wrye Bash and the Patch. I fully intend to merge at some point. (BTW, Beaming Sunglare was not one of the two.)

Running TES4LODGen is also advisable, generally speaking.

This is a given for me.

Also, there are some intricacies with BAIN installs, that you might've run afoul of. Certain parts of some mods won't be installed, unless you specifically tell BAIN to do so, for example. And some things just won't install at all (very few, mind you).

So far as I can tell, the two small files comprising BeamingSunglare were indeed installed, but I'll double-check my Oblivion\data directory this afternoon to make sure.

* edit: But, in general, it's a good idea to "tick" everything mod-specific that comes up in the various sections of merge/import when rebuilding the Bashed Patch. There are exceptions, but you might not have to worry about those anyhow - FCOM is where I know some of them lurk. Then, there are a few other settings that are advisable, throughout the rest of the options. So yeah, if you haven't done some of those things, it could be causing problems.

Yeah, this is my worry, that I might not have configured the Patch properly. I built it pretty much as you say, tempered by guidance from Tomlong's site (Ignoring several options listed as "broken").

edit2: Also, could be something to do with mods that don't show in the load order (other than the Sunglare one, I mean). Any others?

Let me think..... There's Elys Universal Silent Voice, Fast Exit 2, Oblivion Stutter Remover, and WE Crash Prevention, all installed via OMOD (as was DropLit Torches OBSE).

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Nathan Barker
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Post » Thu Jun 10, 2010 12:09 pm

That should not have anything to do with BAIN. Just remember not to use BAIN to install shader editors and OBSE plugins.

Oh, most of the Bash tags are working now. I have to update that page. That is on my TO-DO list. Is beaming sunglare just a texture file replacer? I am not sure that I am seeing what is wrong. Also, rebuild your Bashed Patch with all import-only and merged plugins deactivated, and leave them that way. Oh... position of the sun. That has nothing to do with data files, unless the land is transparent or something. Does the issue go away if you deactivate all of your plugins (not your mods.)
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Madeleine Rose Walsh
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Post » Thu Jun 10, 2010 1:55 pm

That should not have anything to do with BAIN. Just remember not to use BAIN to install shader editors and OBSE plugins.

Which, yes, is what I was referring to.

Well, that and the occasional thing that needs the "Extra Directories" treatment, or what have you. Sometimes, it's those little details that aren't obvious to some users, but can make quite a bit of difference. That's all.

Didn't mean to imply that anything wrt BAIN was the most likely culprit here (re: Sunglare). But hey, you never know. :)
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Post » Thu Jun 10, 2010 6:56 am

Which, yes, is what I was referring to.

Well, that and the occasional thing that needs the "Extra Directories" treatment, or what have you. Sometimes, it's those little details that aren't obvious to some users, but can make quite a bit of difference. That's all.

Didn't mean to imply that anything wrt BAIN was the most likely culprit here (re: Sunglare). But hey, you never know. :)

Okay, okay, but what happens when no plugins are active? Is the sun still misplaced? If beaming sunglare is just a texture replacer, then it probably has nothing to do with the transparency issue either. I'm thinking bad mesh. I do not even know how a bad edit in a plugin could do that. Do you use PyFFI?
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Post » Thu Jun 10, 2010 9:24 am

Errand day for me, so haven't been able to do a lot of checking yet. As for Beaming Sunglare, as mentioned it is only two small TEXTURE files in Oblivion\data\textures\sky. The only other file housed there is the one from Rainbows. I looked in my backup folder of the old OMOD build and found no difference in that directory. So Beaming Sunglare is indeed installed correctly (or at least as correctly as it always was). I'll agree that Beaming Sunglare seems to be a victim of whatever the issue is rather than its cause.

Yes, I use PyFFI. I have NOT run it on any vanilla meshes to my knowledge. In fact I've not used it on much at all yet. Elsweyr-Anequina IS one of the mesh folder I ran it on. Hmm....maybe I should revert to the original meshes there and see what happens? All my (few) other PyFFI meshes are part of their mod's prime package, where I treat 'em as selectable alternatives (03 Meshes - original, 03 Meshes - PyFFI). Just looked, the other mods I PyFFI'd are 1) Kvatch Watch Towers, 2) Fort Akatosh Redux, and 3) VHBloodlines. (The last was done some time ago and ran in my old build without issue. The first two, like Anequina, were PyFFI'd during the rebuild process.)

I looked through my Bashed Patch and saw nothing that referenced the sun. Of course I'm new at it and might overlook something, but I'm inclined to think it's maybe PyFFI related, though I've never heard of this issue in relation to PyFFI (or anything else for that matter).

I'll try reverting Anequina to normal meshes next time I get some play time and see what happens (though since the issue was noticeable on the Gold Coast it may be more global in nature.

Thanks for the input. Keep it coming!

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Post » Thu Jun 10, 2010 2:34 pm

I would check by deactivating plugins too. The PyFFI thing was just a guess, but it seems like the land is not solid or something... or the sun shines through everything....
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Rozlyn Robinson
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Post » Thu Jun 10, 2010 7:20 am

Just a brief update...

Spent most of the evening re-building my Elsweyr-Anequina BAIN package, incorporated the PyFFI meshes as a selectable option (02 meshes - PyFFI, 02 meshes - originals) rather than keep 'em as a separate package, which seems somewhat messy. Also fixed it so that Two Moon Temple can be seen at distance. Additionally, I redid (and kept separate) my RAEVWD-Anequina BAIN package since Arthmoor updated it today (noticeable improvements).

Had hoped that between the two redone Anequina packages my issue would clean. That didn't happen. I traveled to Two Moon Temple to make sure the distance fix blended right, then stood behind behind the Temple. The sun shown through the Temple. This is a most odd glitch for sure.

I next disabled my Bashed Patch and launched the game (at the location shown in my screenshot). No difference. We can rule out a Bash Patch issue.

It's getting late. Tomorrow morning I'm gonna start out by trying the obvious, disable Beaming Sunglare and see what happens. As mentioned elsewhere, I can't see Beaming being the cause of the problem. It's about the most simple mod I run (two small textures files that conflict with nothing, no ESP or ESM) and ran trouble free for me over a year with my previous build.

UPDATE: A thought. I recall someone mentioning that this might be a corrupt mesh issue. One thing I can try is drop in the Oblivion - meshes.bsa from my old install and see if things change. So far as I know, the two BSAs should be identical (assuming no corruption). The issue didn't exist with my old install. I'm pretty sure a corrupt official BSA isn't my problem, but that will at least rule out one more possibility.

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Sophie Louise Edge
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Post » Thu Jun 10, 2010 2:16 pm

I suggested that, but have you already made sure that the problem is definitely not plugin-related. Did you test without any plugins activated? Extracting the Meshes BSA seems a bit drastic a step if you have yet to test the plugins...
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Kortniie Dumont
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Post » Thu Jun 10, 2010 3:35 am

I suggested that, but have you already made sure that the problem is definitely not plugin-related. Did you test without any plugins activated? Extracting the Meshes BSA seems a bit drastic a step if you have yet to test the plugins...

Just woke, so haven't begun to experiment. Glad I stopped when I did last night and slept on it. I now realize I'm gonna have to take my avatar somewhere else where the issue is viewable before disabling plugins. Might not be pleasant if I tried to load him outside of Dune when Elsweyr no longer exists. Ha!

As to my old-install Oblivion - meshes.bsa, there's no extracting involved. My backup of that build is simply the entire Bethesda Softworks directory moved to a different partition and renamed Bethesda Softworks Original Install. No compression involved. I did it that way so I could easily drop in already cleaned ESPs (for those mods that didn't need updating) as I was creating my BAIN packages. Saved a lot of work. Plus, made checking to see if the new build's Beaming Sunglare BAIN package is correctly installed (it is, so far as file placement is concerned) a snap.

You mention that your Bashed Patch guidance page is due for an update. Looking forward to that. A suggestion. Somewhere on the page, state that the information "is current as of Wrye Bash version XXX". It might even be helpful on individual items that change to say something like "safe as of Wrye Bash XXX" so folk would think to check and insure they have the most current edition.

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Post » Thu Jun 10, 2010 1:51 am

Just woke, so haven't begun to experiment. Glad I stopped when I did last night and slept on it. I now realize I'm gonna have to take my avatar somewhere else where the issue is viewable before disabling plugins. Might not be pleasant if I tried to load him outside of Dune when Elsweyr no longer exists. Ha!

As to my old-install Oblivion - meshes.bsa, there's no extracting involved. My backup of that build is simply the entire Bethesda Softworks directory moved to a different partition and renamed Bethesda Softworks Original Install. No compression involved. I did it that way so I could easily drop in already cleaned ESPs (for those mods that didn't need updating) as I was creating my BAIN packages. Saved a lot of work. Plus, made checking to see if the new build's Beaming Sunglare BAIN package is correctly installed (it is, so far as file placement is concerned) a snap.

You mention that your Bashed Patch guidance page is due for an update. Looking forward to that. A suggestion. Somewhere on the page, state that the information "is current as of Wrye Bash version XXX". It might even be helpful on individual items that change to say something like "safe as of Wrye Bash XXX" so folk would think to check and insure they have the most current edition.


The Wrye Bash page on the site has the latest listed in the install instructions, but I can do something about getting the latest Bash version on the relevant Bash pages. I am planning on doing a lot more with that page. It is basically going to be destroyed. Nearly all of the tags are safe. I do not know of one that is not, at the moment, so that information is not very helpful. Rather, I am going to give a description and description of the purpose of each tag. I'll be expanding the color reference page in a similar way, but what I really need to do is add a page about what the Bashed Patch is.

It is amazing how many ways a people can misinterpret or confuse themselves all reading the same information...
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Zosia Cetnar
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Post » Thu Jun 10, 2010 10:37 am

The Wrye Bash page on the site has the latest listed in the install instructions, but I can do something about getting the latest Bash version on the relevant Bash pages. I am planning on doing a lot more with that page. It is basically going to be destroyed. Nearly all of the tags are safe. I do not know of one that is not, at the moment, so that information is not very helpful. Rather, I am going to give a description and description of the purpose of each tag. I'll be expanding the color reference page in a similar way, but what I really need to do is add a page about what the Bashed Patch is.

It is amazing how many ways a people can misinterpret or confuse themselves all reading the same information...

As to your last statement, I think much of it is that most communication, whether written or oral, contains passages that can be interpreted multiple ways. I myself have long noted that whenever that's the case I tend to settle on an interpretation different from the norm.

Good to know almost all tags are safe now. I seem to recall (from reading another thread) that there is an issue with the MAO skeletal option (might be off a bit on terminology there), but that's about it recently. Oh, in all my rantings here I don't think I mentioned that I run Wrye Python 03 and Wrye Bash 287.

Haven't found time to do much investigating yet. I did wake my avatar and travel (walk) from outside Dune to Skingrad, checking sunglare the entire way. The issue indeed remained constant. Sunglare was seen both through the outer walls of Skingrad (I stood a bit outside the east gate) and through pavement/walls once inside the city. Now that I've a save showing the issue in a vanilla area I'm free to disable ESPs as/if needed.

0800 UPDATE: Dropped in my old-build (pre-issue) Oblivion - meshes.bsa. No different. Uninstalled BeamingSunglare through BAIN. Loaded my outside-Dune save (pictured above). With glare gone, the issue is far more subtle. At first I thought it was gone. But I went behind a huge nearby boulder. Standing close to it showed a definite burn spot. Whatever the issue is it effects the vanilla sun too. (I should point out that I ran TES4LODgen after each change.) Hmm... I wonder if it effects other lighting? I've not really noticed that, but then it's likely subtle. I'll have to think of a situation where non-sun light bleed-through would be obvious. Assuming I don't stumble upon the cure first, that is. (I re-installed Beaming to make the issue more obvious for easy tracking.)

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Post » Thu Jun 10, 2010 6:29 am

I don't know if this is common to other users, but I see this issue with my install as well (QTP3+BC+UL+FCOM game). Not sure what is causing this issue, but I can see the sunglare through walls in my build as well in cities (Imperial City, Cheydinhal)...

Edit: I don't use a sunglare mod...
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Kim Bradley
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Post » Thu Jun 10, 2010 7:39 am

I don't know if this is common to other users, but I see this issue with my install as well (QTP3+BC+UL+FCOM game). Not sure what is causing this issue, but I can see the sunglare through walls in my build as well in cities (Imperial City, Cheydinhal)...

Edit: I don't use a sunglare mod...

Thanks for the input anithinks. My sunglare issue persists. Admittedly, after my last entry here I decided to live with it (since it causes no game-play issues other than ruining a few otherwise stellar views at certain times of day) and just play the game awhile to make sure my new build didn't have any other odd issues. I got so involved with the main quest (which, unlike many, I found I actually enjoyed more the second time around) that I had no time to research the glare issue. Well, I finally finished the main quest two days ago, after closing some 52 gates! It's time to start in thinking about this error again.

Sadly, I've no more idea about its cause now than I did a month ago. It's an odd one for sure. I'm not even sure its mod related, but if not what can it be?

Still open for suggestions.

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Sunnii Bebiieh
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