The Official Biography of Ashkhan Ashina Zelaku
as written by her scribe, Odaishah Odirnipal,
on the command of the goddess Azura
There wasn’t time for Ashina to consider her next move. The shadow of an unarmoured Khajiit appeared from the dense foliage, and no sooner had the approaching Ashlanders seen the glint of the sunlight on the mysterious weapon, it had released a glorious stream of fire.
Ashina threw her wounded advisor to the floor, pulling a sword from the tree where the bandit had left it, and forced herself over the boggy ground.
She looked up in time to see the Khajiiti insurgents hurtling through the heavy rain, having abandoned their fortifications in an attempt to break the Ashland siege.
The first of the wild beasts to come at Ashina was a tribesman; in typical fashion, he attempted to slash and hack his way through the forest in a wild frenzy of grasping hands and swinging blades, and threw himself at Ashina with a surge of energy. He was sent skittering back, clutching entrails, grasping as his blade as it slipped from his hands to Nirabi’s feet. She raised the blade, before she brought it back down again, on Ashina's command.
The Khajiit who attempted to get revenge for the slaughter was sent spinning away as a result of his own momentum, as his blade was knocked aside in a whirlwind of a parry, and his arm and the rest of his body went with it. He fell into the river, and his head did not appear above the surface again.
The other insurgents to take on Ashina fell together, a single slash cutting the throat of one and digging deep into the side of the other's neck as he turned his head to face Ethrador, now on Ashina's right flank.
Another was claimed by Nirabi, sent down beneath the flailing blade, but two more of the Khajiit insurgents reached Ashina at the same time, and their shields knocked her off of the rock she was standing on. Her arm struck Nirabi, who was pushed to the side, and in desperately trying to regain his balance found himself in the path of and knocked down by another Khajiiti soldier, and the senche-raht that he commanded.
The horde ignored her, trampling and kicking Ashina as she tried to stand. She rolled around in agony on the floor, her sword fruitlessly slashing at the Khajiiti insurgents as her feet lashed out at their shins - a technique she’d been taught by Assamma-Idan. But Nirabi realised that, no matter how hard she tried, she was beaten, and it would not be long before the insurgents came to their senses and beheaded her, or she was crushed by the senche-raht.
But they were only Khajiit in that they were part of Azura’s creation. They were not clever, and thought about as much as the animals that they thought they were hunting, even if they did have the ability to understand the Khajiiti language. Nirabi also had that ability, and, at last, it had some use.
At her command, it took the barbarians less than a second to reconsider their stance. Ashina’s armour had done more than what Nirabi expected, and the senche-raht abandoned their attempts to break it. They threw her to the side, and charged back towards the fortifications, and fell upon their tribe in an almost cannibalistic and indiscriminate orgy of teeth and claws.
Their toy managed to roll free, and shakily got to her feet, and, with a brief war cry to console her wounded pride, she knocked the last Khajiit back. His tribe disappeared into the burning trees, as he slipped beneath the surface of the water.