I'm going to make a dk/bosmer/dagger and shield that puts everything into casting! I'm serious, her name will Xanthia ( if anyone takes this name I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN). What rediculous build will you be going for? Everyone must have one...
I'm going to make a dk/bosmer/dagger and shield that puts everything into casting! I'm serious, her name will Xanthia ( if anyone takes this name I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN). What rediculous build will you be going for? Everyone must have one...
My first char will be named xanthia, that char I will only create for fun so no other scum can take that name.
Then I will make a Khajiit NB with a name I have not thought about yet
Within a month people will figure out the most efficient builds and 99 % of the people will make those characters.
Well considering my top 3 preferred MMO playstyles are irrelevant in this game I will have to find something.
I usually play a full healer, a pet class, or a archer class but none of them are viable so whatever seems to be the flavor of the month will be what I go with.
I am seriously thinking about rocking a cloth wearing Orc Templar with a 2H
I had a 2 hander, Bossmer Sorc, a ton of points in 2 handed and LIGHTENIN BABY
I swear even if this build becomes the best in the world I will not do it, I can't look at a guy wearing robes and jumping around stunning people with raw might from a 2h lol.
Word of advice: Never, ever, post a name you want to use on the forums. That other poster was just joking about using your name, but there ARE many others out there that will actually use a name if they know someone wants it. I recommend you start thinking of some alternate names, and for gosh sakes, don't tell anyone what they are!
Hopefully, since it is so long since opening day, people will forget by then, and you'll get your name....
I cant be bothered with the perfect build. I will make my characters as I want them to be. If they don't fare as well as others in PVP thats OK. I prefer my independence to a cookie cutter l33t build toon
lol I know it sounds.. crazy. I played a Orc Templar wearing plate and using a 2H and it was a total blast. Just need more magica, hense switching to cloth
There is just something too cool about being able to kite, kite, kite, then fly through the air to slam into them with a giant 2H sword. It's just amazing fun. Plus it is vary versitile. Powerful Templar kiting spells to keep melee at ranged, and amazing gap closer and melee abilities for those pesky archers.
Pshaw... A month? It'll happen within days. =D
I usually make the class i like to play the most. Mostly because of roleplaying so it will be an ranger whi uses bow and maybe 1-handed sword and does some alchemy. I don't need to be the strongest class and i also will not change anything to be invited to a guild who tells me how to raid. I just know that most people who only go for the "best build" won't be enjoying the game in the end. Some will because they only want to kill and maim but some make the best build just because they want to be able to solo everything or to be sure to be invited to a raid.
That said, i will also join the underdog side and i believe that is still Daggerfall covenant.
i agree. I have used plenty of damage meters in the past and I don't believe there is any room for them here. The builds are too flexible. Successful groups are going to need people to think outside the box. Damage meters are a useful tool for games like WoW where you need to optimize your role and learn the best rotations. ESO isn't like that. You still have your role, but it will need to be flexible because the tank doesn't have a million taunts here.
Highest dps right now would be to spam an AoE for example. I can tell you from experience that the tanks here cannot protect you if you do this and you will often die. So it will come to this: "I don't give two turds what your recount says. If you keep spamming AoE's, we are going to boot you from the group"
Combat logs ruin the game for the ones that use it because its not about the game itself anymore but mere dmg numbers..The problem starts when groups use such tools to determine if players can stay in teams. Infact the obsession with these tools creates very antisocial behaviors..I'll be a healer and do not have this sense of pride of who the very best is anyway..But when players that use combatlogs start telling other players which builds they should use in order to join their team..thats when the fun part vanishes mostly
im not entirely sure, i will roll a templar but im more thinking along a support role, so some damage and some heals and cc's, i only got to lvl 11 in the beta so im not sure on all specs, but i like to support in other games i play. i also agree with the other posts on damage meter and number counters and all that other stuff, i dont want them and im not interested in using them in my groups.
That sound crazy boring! What do they play for then.
I see your location is summurset though your picture is favouring DC Oo
I am thinking a Nord NB that wields a 2H and back up Frost Destruction Staff. I was planning on Dunmer NB, but thinking of this change.
I agree with this assessment. Glass cannons, diva tanks, and pure healers who lack dps are all utterly useless in ESO. If you cannot survive being hit hard, and do solid damage while using the most basic defensive skills, you have a weak build no matter if you are heals, tank or damage dealer. Dps meters cannot help build effective characters in ESO in the traditional sense. They may have some use as a type of tachometer to help avoid suicide by dps ego.
On topic now, I have a berzealer, a 2h wielding healer that can adjust from mostly dps with a heal or three, to full heals with ranged attacks. I start off in plate, but I will train other armor types so I can fill multiple roles in squad based AVAVA. I think I'll always keep plate chest, legs and shoulders and swap cloth and leather in for more magicka or stamina if i need to sneak or heal more than normal.