Mode 2 is intended to unequip torches, but according to the wiki the functions I use to detect equipped objects don't work on torches. I could do an alternate method to detect standard torches, but I don't think there's anything I could do (except perhaps with RefStuff) to handle non-standard torches like the one in Lost Spires.
edit: yes there is, I could equip a standard torch then unequip it, that would clear the slot. What I can't do is detect whether or not the slot is occupied.
IMHO, there's no need to implement the function to detect & unequip torches. Or is there any advantage?
I have Drop Lit Torch too but don't have in enabled atm since I thought the hotkey torch item it adds might interfere with Super Hotkeys. Any insight into this, is it working fine for you? When I used it before Super Hotkeys the only difference I noted was that it kept the key used assigned to torches even if you dropped all you torches and picked them up again.
I always use 'Drop Lit Torches' but I'm not using those since I've been testing Super Hotkeys with minimum setup.
I'm having trouble making arrows work right. The original code makes the right number appear in the quiver but only 1 be selected, the trick I copied from Improved Hotkeys makes the right number be selected but only 1 appear in the quiver. I may have to handle them the same way I handle scripted items, which is not good... that method doesn't scale well at all.
I'm not sure what difference there is but you can also take a look at It won't allow you to run OnEquip script though.
edit: I've uploaded to show auto-cast key's strange behavior.
1. Load a clean save
2. Open console and 'tdt' 'tfc'
3. Access to stats menu and set key '1' to Auto-Cast Hotkey
4. Switch to spell menu and assign 'Heal Minor Wounds' to the hotkey
5. Close inventory menu and use the hotkey
!! If I change the current active spell (for default 'C' cast) to other spell before using the hotkey, it won't spam like I say below.
6. It starts casting the spell untill I become oom (You can't cancel it by pressing casting key, default is 'C')
7. Open console and 'tgm' (= infinite magicka)
8. Use the hotkey again
9. It starts casting the spell endlessly untill inventory menu appears