A double-check: you are using OBSE 16 and Oblivion 1.2.416, right?
Yep, definitley. Its a very new install.
1: ??? no clue yet. Unless you were using OBSE 15 beta 1 or beta 2, should have that problem on those versions. Shouldn't be any different for auto-cast keys than for any other special hotkey type though.
It's odd, i know. I can assign auto cast keys, use them lots, no problems.Then I'll Save & exit Ob. When I reload the last save game they're gone, deleted and the slot is blank. Very annoying :banghead:
EDIT: I've gotten round this by assigning the key to a cycler then adding auto cast to it. Seems to work.
EDIT2: Actually I think it IS assigning the autocast, but loosing the spell icon. So it looks like its gone but hasn't. Is this correct?
2: We are talking about the regular cycler, right? No clue yet.
Yes, I assignd the key (in stats menu page) to cycler, then chose what I wanted. Then in game was pressing key it cycled from sword to dagger, but then wouldn't change. Thinking about it it might be the dagger, as i'm on OOO and got it from the mages guild, so might have ownership tags on it. As the arrows cycler worked fine it's probably not this mod. I'll retest ASAP with other stuff and report back.
EDIT: Just tried again with limited equipment my new lev 1 char has and the normal cycler wouldn't work with that either.
EDIT2: Got a load of weapons (about 7) added to cycle hotkey and it worked fine. Must be the guild ownership tag on dagger.
On a different cycler note, i noticed something odd. When I upgraded to 0.48 i did a clean save. When I loaded save without mod installed I noticed the cycler icons where still in the hotkey slot. I have no other cycler mods installed and re-ran bashed patch between.
3: Could be related to having modifier keys pressed when the save was made or within the first few seconds of when it was loaded. I'll investigate.
edit: Hey, if you're not in a mod-added location, could you try uploading a saved game with problem 2 to or something?
As other similar hotkey mods did this, it's probably my rig doing it. It likes creating weird bugs that no-one else ever gets :brokencomputer: