[RELz, BETA, WIPz, whatever] Super Hotkeys

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:42 am

Humm. I just had a couple of ctds. I made key 6 a cycler hotkey, then went to spell tab and hit 6 and it crashed. Started Oblivion again, did the same thing and it crashed again. Started the game again, did something else with super hotkeys (0.45, that is), and then the same thing, but it didn't crash anymore. I realize a bug report with so little information probably isn't useful, but i thought i'd mention it anyway :).

Could you add some way to bind hand to hand? IIUC it's only possible to either unequip a specific weapon, or change to a specific gearset that doesn't include weapons? It would become cumbersome to update the key when the player gets new gear. Binding HTH might be made slightly more complicated by the fact that the player can do HTH combat using only the right hand while holding a torch in left, so it might be needed to have the option to switch to HTH with or without a torch. It would probably do fine to just have the option of unequipping weapons, and players could unequip the torch separately. There might be a "reference implementation" in http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=17402, although it uses a menu system for setting up things.

Anyway, i'm liking the mod. Takes a bit of time to understand what's possible and how, though. :)
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carley moss
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:53 am

H2H in cyclers or other hotkey types is certainly possible, but what should the interface be? Conceivably a hotkey type that does nothing except unequip weapons could be created, but that would be a bit of a waste of menu space and not work for cyclers etc. A cycler mode similar to to the current gear-set modes that assumes that at the end of each cycle should be H2H is another possibility, but again it doesn't sound very good. Same for a dummy item added to the inventory to take the place of H2H, or a dummy spell. What does that leave?
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Jessica Nash
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:41 am

Well, the dummy item just occurred to me too. Another advantage to that is that players might be able to see their HTH attack rating in the inventory. Currently it's not easy to find out unless one uses talkietoaster's damage text mod. It's quite absurd to have one's fists in the inventory though, so i agree it's not a graceful way to handle it. I've no other ideas at this time, sorry. :)
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Calum Campbell
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:22 pm

Okay, how about an item in the inventory that unequips weapons which by default doesn't exist anywhere, but has a console command to add it to the players inventory? Or maybe a menu option buried somewhere to make it show up in the players inventory?
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Bereket Fekadu
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:23 pm

Can't think of any problems with that, sounds good.
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danni Marchant
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:11 am

This adds the potion hotkey type that dev_akm wanted.
It also tweaks cycler hotkeys a bit in the hopes of improving them.
It also removes the debugging code accidentally left in the previous version which was giving the player a test item on startup.
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Laura Shipley
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:05 am

Thanks for the update! :) I'm not sure about OBSE bug but hope it will be fixed in the next release.


edit: I've also experienced random CTDs while using Cylcer Key and Gear-Set key. It looks like CTD occurs when you rapidly cycle items or swith gear-sets.
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Big Homie
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:23 am

Just installed 0.48 and I'm having problems with it.

1st, my auto cast don't save, I can attach them to a hotkey and use them, but when I reload a saved game later, they're gone. I had this problem with earlier versions too.

2nd, the cyclers don't seem to work as well. I used the no. 1 key as a cycler and added two different weapons (silver dagger and steele shortsword) but it doesn't switch between the two. It seems to get stuck on the silver dagger. Its weird becos I bound 3 types of arrows to 'L-shift 2' and it cycles through them fine.

3rd, after reloading a save I found all the additional hotkey wheels this mod adds had been over written with what was saved in the original, '1-8' keys (minus the auto-cast ones obviously!). I've had this problem with other hotkey mods too, like improved hotkeys, so I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong, tho I have no other hotkey mods installed at all!

It's getting a bit frustrating, although it's still the best hotkey mod I've used.
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Claire Jackson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:48 am

I really like this but could someone tell me please what do I do with the configuration settings file. I know is a silly question I just want to make sure I do this right :embarrass:
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Helen Quill
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:18 am

Just installed 0.48 and I'm having problems with it.

1st, my auto cast don't save, I can attach them to a hotkey and use them, but when I reload a saved game later, they're gone. I had this problem with earlier versions too.

2nd, the cyclers don't seem to work as well. I used the no. 1 key as a cycler and added two different weapons (silver dagger and steele shortsword) but it doesn't switch between the two. It seems to get stuck on the silver dagger. Its weird becos I bound 3 types of arrows to 'L-shift 2' and it cycles through them fine.

3rd, after reloading a save I found all the additional hotkey wheels this mod adds had been over written with what was saved in the original, '1-8' keys (minus the auto-cast ones obviously!). I've had this problem with other hotkey mods too, like improved hotkeys, so I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong, tho I have no other hotkey mods installed at all!

It's getting a bit frustrating, although it's still the best hotkey mod I've used.

A double-check: you are using OBSE 16 and Oblivion 1.2.416, right?
1: ??? no clue yet. Unless you were using OBSE 15 beta 1 or beta 2, should have that problem on those versions. Shouldn't be any different for auto-cast keys than for any other special hotkey type though.
2: We are talking about the regular cycler, right? No clue yet.
3: Could be related to having modifier keys pressed when the save was made or within the first few seconds of when it was loaded. I'll investigate.
edit: Hey, if you're not in a mod-added location, could you try uploading a saved game with problem 2 to or something?

I really like this but could someone tell me please what do I do with the configuration settings file. I know is a silly question I just want to make sure I do this right :embarrass:

If you're happy with the default configuration, simply place the files from the .zip in to you data directory. If you're not happy with the default configuration, be more specific.
If it can't find the ini file, it should still work (though this is untested atm...) but you won't have any modifier keys so there will only be 8 accessible hotkeys.
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Sarah Bishop
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:25 pm

I'm fine with the default configuration just wasn't sure if they went into the data file or the INI Tweaks that all
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Britney Lopez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:27 am

A double-check: you are using OBSE 16 and Oblivion 1.2.416, right?

Yep, definitley. Its a very new install.
1: ??? no clue yet. Unless you were using OBSE 15 beta 1 or beta 2, should have that problem on those versions. Shouldn't be any different for auto-cast keys than for any other special hotkey type though.

It's odd, i know. I can assign auto cast keys, use them lots, no problems.Then I'll Save & exit Ob. When I reload the last save game they're gone, deleted and the slot is blank. Very annoying :banghead:
EDIT: I've gotten round this by assigning the key to a cycler then adding auto cast to it. Seems to work.
EDIT2: Actually I think it IS assigning the autocast, but loosing the spell icon. So it looks like its gone but hasn't. Is this correct?
2: We are talking about the regular cycler, right? No clue yet.

Yes, I assignd the key (in stats menu page) to cycler, then chose what I wanted. Then in game was pressing key it cycled from sword to dagger, but then wouldn't change. Thinking about it it might be the dagger, as i'm on OOO and got it from the mages guild, so might have ownership tags on it. As the arrows cycler worked fine it's probably not this mod. I'll retest ASAP with other stuff and report back.
EDIT: Just tried again with limited equipment my new lev 1 char has and the normal cycler wouldn't work with that either.
EDIT2: Got a load of weapons (about 7) added to cycle hotkey and it worked fine. Must be the guild ownership tag on dagger.
On a different cycler note, i noticed something odd. When I upgraded to 0.48 i did a clean save. When I loaded save without mod installed I noticed the cycler icons where still in the hotkey slot. I have no other cycler mods installed and re-ran bashed patch between.
3: Could be related to having modifier keys pressed when the save was made or within the first few seconds of when it was loaded. I'll investigate.
edit: Hey, if you're not in a mod-added location, could you try uploading a saved game with problem 2 to or something?

As other similar hotkey mods did this, it's probably my rig doing it. It likes creating weird bugs that no-one else ever gets :brokencomputer:
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:16 am

It's odd, i know. I can assign auto cast keys, use them lots, no problems.Then I'll Save & exit Ob. When I reload the last save game they're gone, deleted and the slot is blank. Very annoying :banghead:
EDIT: I've gotten round this by assigning the key to a cycler then adding auto cast to it. Seems to work.
EDIT2: Actually I think it IS assigning the autocast, but loosing the spell icon. So it looks like its gone but hasn't. Is this correct?

Yes. In 0.48 IIRC auto-cast hotkeys are not assigned an icon. It will show the last icon to be assigned to that hotkey, or no icon, depending upon the circumstances. You can tell they're still there by holding down the key and when the wheel shows up it will print the name for it. I don't really have icons to give them yet. bnnfish made some icons, but I haven't managed to get them in to the game yet. In 0.49 I think I'm going to have auto-cast hotkeys use a saphire icon. Eventually they'll probably use the spell icon if they have only one spell in them, and some custom icon if they have multiple spells or zero spells in them.

Yes, I assignd the key (in stats menu page) to cycler, then chose what I wanted. Then in game was pressing key it cycled from sword to dagger, but then wouldn't change. Thinking about it it might be the dagger, as i'm on OOO and got it from the mages guild, so might have ownership tags on it. As the arrows cycler worked fine it's probably not this mod. I'll retest ASAP with other stuff and report back.
EDIT: Just tried again with limited equipment my new lev 1 char has and the normal cycler wouldn't work with that either.
EDIT2: Got a load of weapons (about 7) added to cycle hotkey and it worked fine. Must be the guild ownership tag on dagger.

I don't know of any reason for ownership to do anything funny with them, though if there was a script on it this mod would treat it very differently than if there was no script. Still, in 0.48 it should keep cycling after that item even if it can't figure out what to do with it.

On a different cycler note, i noticed something odd. When I upgraded to 0.48 i did a clean save. When I loaded save without mod installed I noticed the cycler icons where still in the hotkey slot. I have no other cycler mods installed and re-ran bashed patch between.

Yep. That's an unfortunate side effect of how things are done here. When you remove a mod that uses cloned tokens, the cloned tokens persist, though they lose their scripts and cease to have any effect. One of these days I should see if there's anything I can do to clean them up.

As other similar hotkey mods did this, it's probably my rig doing it. It likes creating weird bugs that no-one else ever gets :brokencomputer:

I've gotten a few weird bugs that can't easily be reproduced on this too... I think this uses the hotkey functions in ways that other mods don't, and is exposing bugs in either OBSEs or Oblivions handling of hotkeys, bugs that normally don't get noticed.
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Andrea P
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:19 am

Just out of curiosity, does anyone else CTD while cycling arrows?
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Marquis T
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:53 pm

Just out of curiosity, does anyone else CTD while cycling arrows?

Try these two variants: Renaming them to sr_super_hotkeys.esp first is recommended. They change the way that stacks of multiple unscripted arrows are treated. With these changes, after it drops all your arrows it will wait 1 or 2 frames before having you pick them back up. The wiki seems to think this is a good idea, but in testing on my system I found it to improve nothing while creating the potential for problems, but maybe the wiki was right about your system.
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SaVino GοΜ
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:31 am

No problem with B but CTD with A.
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Chris Johnston
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:51 am

I guess I should use the variant in B for future releases.
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Adam Kriner
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:20 am

I've no idea why but it looks like that CTD with switching Gear-Set is also fixed with Variant B.
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yessenia hermosillo
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:40 pm

Did the gear-set include arrows? The change effected all special hotkeys attempting to equip multiple arrows on the player.

Or if it effected gear-sets that didn't include arrows, then it must have been some other change I made.

Note that A and B are identical to each other except for arrow handling, but they are slightly different from 0.48 in a few random other ways.
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:31 pm

I vaguely remember so I've tested v0.48 again with 2 patterns. If I keep switching among 3 gear-sets which doesn't include arrows, it doesn't CTD. But if I keep doing that with gear-sets which includes arrows, it CTDs in the mean time.
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:33 pm

So it CTDed on arrow equips for you, regardless of whether they were in cyclers or gear-sets. But for some reason the arrows CTD on gear-sets didn't happen every time. And variant B fixed the issue.
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louise fortin
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:08 pm

How to use Potion Drinker/Selector Hotkey? It just keep saying "Select Potion: (Potion Name)" and nothing else happens. :confused:
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Rachel Eloise Getoutofmyface
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:17 pm

Last I checked, it worked as intended, but the intention was on crack. dev_akm asked for it, I don't really understand why he wanted it.

What you do is this:
You create several potion type hotkeys. You bind each one to a type of potion in your inventory, except one potion key which you leave unbound (you can unbind a potion key by binding it to a non-potion, though that's untested atm). Then, you press a potion key that's bound to a potion type. That does not make you drink a potion, it merely selects that potion type. Then you press the unbound potion key, that makes you drink a potion of whatever the most recently selected type was.

Effectively, it's an interface to potions anologous to the interface to spells. Unbound potion hotkey (named Potion Drinker IIRC) is like the cast key. Each of the various bound potion hotkeys (named Potion Selector or something like that) acts like a normal spell hotkey - it selects that potion type, but does not drink it. I could put a little more work in to it to make it show an extra HUD icon next to your weapon and spell HUD elements to display the currently selected potion type, but that would require the Pluggy HUD functions to work and they're currently borked.
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:24 pm

I see, Thanks. Normal Hotkey forgets bound potions if all of them are consumed and I need to re-bind potions but this doesn't even if they're consumed, quite useful.
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sarah taylor
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:03 am

I think the problem of all added hotkeys becoming wiped over with whats on the 'normal' (1-8) keys happens when
1) you don't have much stuff assigned and
2) bound hotkey items are removed from inventory.
However, it appears that they're not wiped, just seem to be and then comeback later.

I think it may be a OBSE glitch as it was the same for Improved hotkeys.
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