[RELz, BETA, WIPz, whatever] Super Hotkeys

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:49 am


First of all thanks for this mod, makes playing Oblivion that bit more enjoyable and smooth. I have encountered a problem with 0.48 though. Whenever I have bound a key to be a potion selecter/drinker key there is no way to switch it back to a cycler hotkey. When I try to switch it (it seems to bind the items fine, in this case a sword and a bow) but when I press it it just gives the message that I have a cycler hotkey equipped and mentions the names of the items bound to it, but does not switch weapons at all. It does however select the first weapon bound, provided you dont have it equipped already.

Edit: With some more testing it appears that when you try to turn a potion hotkey into a cycler and bind the same items to it as you have on another cycler hotkey, the other cycler hotkey gets stuck as well and won't switch items anymore.
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Mr. Ray
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:36 am

Shran: I can't reproduce those.
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Anna Krzyzanowska
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:45 am

Shran: I can't reproduce those.

Mmm strange, I thought it might be due to me downloading the B version you gave earlier (which fixed the arrow crashes) so I went back to the original 0.48 file. Started a new game, made a potion selector key, bound minor mana potion to it. Then changed that key into a cycler and bound the katana and steel sword to it. Pressing the cycler doesnt equip the katana nor the sword and instead gives the message: "cycler katana,steel sword equipped" I wonder what I am doing wrong here (since it was a new game). Ah well for now ill refrain from using the potion key.
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Cameron Garrod
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:43 pm

I think the problem of all added hotkeys becoming wiped over with whats on the 'normal' (1-8) keys happens when
1) you don't have much stuff assigned and
2) bound hotkey items are removed from inventory.
However, it appears that they're not wiped, just seem to be and then comeback later.

I think it may be a OBSE glitch as it was the same for Improved hotkeys.

I'm not managing to get this to happen exactly. Here's what I see happening:
This mod has an idea of what wheel you currently have selected, based upon the modifier keys.
Whenever a real hotkey changes, this mod updates the currently selected wheel to reflect that change.
Whenever the modifier keys state changes, this mod switches wheels, and sets the hotkeys to match the new wheel. This is done AFTER the updating of the current wheel to reflect changes to the actual hotkeys.

When a saved game is loaded, Oblivion remembers the state of the current hotkeys, and this script remembers which wheel was active.

Sometimes this script does not run for the first few seconds though, so you could see the wheel that was based upon the modifier keys pressed at save time instead of the current modifier keys. Also, attempts to bind items to special hotkeys will behave strangely - the special hotkeys will get overwritten with the bound items until the script starts running, at which point it will set them back to the special hotkeys and notify those special hotkeys of the last item you tried to bind. So for the first few seconds, you could concievably see the wrong wheel, though so far as I can tell everything acts correctly and no wheel gets overwritten.

As a special case, if the number of wheels specified in the ini file changes, the wheel will get forced back to wheel #0 at load time. This can override any binds you did in the first few seconds.

Summary: so far as I can tell, everything works right, though things look a little funny sometimes for the first few seconds and attempts to bind multiple items during that time period may forget all but the last item.
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Phillip Brunyee
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:30 am

Mmm strange, I thought it might be due to me downloading the B version you gave earlier (which fixed the arrow crashes) so I went back to the original 0.48 file. Started a new game, made a potion selector key, bound minor mana potion to it. Then changed that key into a cycler and bound the katana and steel sword to it. Pressing the cycler doesnt equip the katana nor the sword and instead gives the message: "cycler katana,steel sword equipped" I wonder what I am doing wrong here (since it was a new game). Ah well for now ill refrain from using the potion key.

It's quite possible I'm the one doing something wrong, but I don't know what, so I can't fix it yet.
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Shannon Lockwood
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:27 am

It's quite possible I'm the one doing something wrong, but I don't know what, so I can't fix it yet.

Thanks a lot anyway for looking at it :)

Edit: The plot thickens: the problem I described earlier does not seem to be related to the potion key. Starting a new game I tried to make hotkey 1 wheel 0 a cycler key and bound two weapons to it, cycler key didnt work (didnt equip the weapons nor cycled between them). Next I bound two spells to the cycler which works perfectly fine. Making hotkey 2 wheel 0 into a cycler and binding weapons to it works fine, it does what it is supposed to do. Next I tried to bind the same two weapons to hotkey 1 (still a cycler) with the above results, doesnt work. In addition to that cyler hotkey 2 doesnt work anymore either.
Sorry that I made things more difficult by assuming it was related to the potion key but earlier I had made hotkey 1 wheel 0 into a potion key first and then changed to a cycler, should have done some more proper testing before I related the two :embarrass:
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Jesus Sanchez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:51 am

Edit: The plot thickens: the problem I described earlier does not seem to be related to the potion key. Starting a new game I tried to make hotkey 1 wheel 0 a cycler key and bound two weapons to it, cycler key didnt work (didnt equip the weapons nor cycled between them). Next I bound two spells to the cycler which works perfectly fine. Making hotkey 2 wheel 0 into a cycler and binding weapons to it works fine, it does what it is supposed to do. Next I tried to bind the same two weapons to hotkey 1 (still a cycler) with the above results, doesnt work. In addition to that cyler hotkey 2 doesnt work anymore either.
Sorry that I made things more difficult by assuming it was related to the potion key but earlier I had made hotkey 1 wheel 0 into a potion key first and then changed to a cycler, should have done some more proper testing before I related the two :embarrass:

This reminds me of what happened with a bug i was experiencing. I made a key a cycler hotkey, and went on to bind two spells on it. I think the correct messages were there when i bound the stuff (can't be 100% sure, as memory tends to fill in such things), but the key didn't work when i was out of menu. The interesting thing about this was that the cycler icon didn't appear in the hotkey wheel. So it would seem that some breakage happens randomly when hotkeys are made (?).
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trisha punch
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:14 am

GoddamnHippie: The symptoms you describe match the behavior of what I believe is an OBSE bug. I'm attempt a fix for OBSE, but not having much luck so far. If that fails, I may do a work-around in the script, but that would require bloat (not much - just a little per time the bug starts... but there's no clear upper limit to how many times the bug could start for a long lasting character).

edit: having less trouble now. I have a fix for this issue, in the form of modified OBSE dlls. I'll post more once I've done a little more testing.
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Lexy Dick
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:56 am

Okay, I have a tentative fix for the OBSE bugs this mod has been running in to. I'm looking for ginnie pigs testers for this.

This is a modified OBSE dll.
Do NOT redistribute it.
Anyone using it should be very aware that they are using a non-standard OBSE. Particularly keep this in mind when reporting bugs to Oblivion mods or to OBSE itself - verify that any problems also occur with the normal OBSE, and/or report that you are using non-standard OBSE dlls.
This includes changes I made to ClearHotKeyItem and SetHotKeyItem. It also includes a change I made earlier to GetFirstRef and GetNextRef, which are unrelated to this mod but a fix to an OBSE bug effect some other mods of mine.
I'm assuming everyone testing this dll is using OBSE 1.2.416, I haven't bothered to create dlls for other Oblivion versions. If you have some reason to not use 1.2.416, let me know.
Warning: Pregnant women, the elderly and children under 10 should avoid prolonged exposure to Super Hotkeys Mod.
Caution: Super Hotkeys Mod may suddenly accelerate to dangerous speeds.
This mod contains a liquid core, which, if exposed due to rupture, should not be touched, inhaled, or looked at.

Anyone interested in testing the modified OBSE dll, post here and I will respond with a PM containing a link to the dll.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:42 am
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:39 pm

Would be interested in trying the obse.dll. And thanks again for taking a look at my problem, its greatly appreciated.
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:16 pm

I'd also like to test Super Hotkeys with the modified OBSE dll. If there is anything specific that should be tested in relation to the changes you made please let me know. Am I correct when I assume v0.49 is intended to be used with this dll?
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Roanne Bardsley
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:14 am

Version 0.49 can be used with either dll. But the modified dll will fix more bugs.
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Hazel Sian ogden
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:53 am

From a short look I can say that all my bugs so far seem to have been resolved. This is with using 0.49 and the changed OBSE.dll. Will do some more testing later on.
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Sheila Reyes
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:44 am

Well, the bugs seem to be under control now. Or at least, they will be once OBSE releases a new version... I've been pushing very gently for an OBSE 16a release to get bugfixes out before the new features are ready, I think I'm going to push harder.

So, in the meantime, anyone want to suggest / request new hotkey types or features?

Or vote on ones already floating around my head? Current ideas include:

1. Gear-Cycler:
A cross between a gear-set and a cycler. Two possible interfaces are being considered:

1.A. Bind the first gear set as if binding a Gear-Set Hotkey. Then lift the hotkey, press it again, and repeat for your second gear set and so on. You can add new sets of gear easily this way, but if you screw up, the only way to remove or redo a set of gear is to start all over by going back to hotkey type selection menu and select gear-cycler again - that will give the mode menu that gear-sets have plus an extra option to clear all the gear-sets in the cycler. All sets of gear would use the same mode.

1.B. When you first create the Gear-Cycler Hotkey, a menu asks you how many sets of gear you want to cycle between. Binding any given works exactly like binding a Gear-Set Hotkey, including the ability to (semi-)easily change a set if you make a mistake. When you bind a set, it changes the set for the current cycler position only, so to bind all the sets in a gear cycler you will need to leave the menus to enter game mode and press the hotkey in order to switch to another set. You can go back to hotkey type selection menu and select gear-cycler again - that will give the mode menu that gear-sets have plus an extra option to change the number of sets. That allows (and requires) mode to be set on a per-set basis. More work to implement than interface A above.

2. Action tokens:
A new button added to the hotkey type selection menu, or maybe added as a COBL menu option: open extended menu. On this menu is only one planned item so far: Toggle action token visibility. When this option is selected, a bunch of items appear in your inventory. These items are zero weight quest items, with scripts that watch over them to make sure they don't wander off. They exist for the sole purpose of being bound to hotkeys. They have names like "Action: Unequip weapon". They include:
2.A. Unequip weapon: unequips your weapon
2.B. Get naked: unequips all clothing and armor and weapons and shields
2.C. Next spell: switches you to the next spell in your spellbook in alphabetical order
2.D. Previous spell: switches you to the previous spell in your spellbook in alphabetical order
2.E. Equip best melee: switches you to melee weapon you would deal the most damage with, counting the effects of skills, but not counting the effects of enchantments or scripts. If your hand2hand skill is high enough and your weapon svcky enough this could mean unequiping all weapons.
2.F. Unequip torch
The idea there is that these tokens can then be bound to hotkeys, both normal hotkeys and special hotkeys, to get their actions accessible via the desired interface. For instance, if you wanted a hotkey to unequip a weapon, a normal hotkey at that action token would work. If you wanted hand-to-hand to appear in a weapon cycler, then you'd create a cycler and stick the unequip weapon hand-to-hand token in it. If you wanted keys for next spell and previous spell like in morrowind, you could bind those action tokens. Etc.
When you're done binding them, you can select the same menu option again and they'll stop polluting your inventory screen, but continue to work for all hotkeys bound to them.

3. Support for hotkeys not in any wheel:
The ability to specify that any arbitrary key will act as a hotkey, and ignore the currently selected wheel. This is actually currently sorta possible, but the interface to it atm is a bit painful.

4. Support for non-numeric hotkeys in a wheel:
The ability to specify that any arbitrary key will act as a hotkey, and respect the currently selected wheel. This actually currently sorta possible, but currently it must map to an existing numeric hotkey.

5. Pluggy HUD function support for potion hotkeys:
Check if Pluggy v122 is present, if so add a HUD element for currently selected potion type for the potions special hotkey type.

6. Protection against binding items to special hotkeys clobbering the same item already bound to a vanilla hotkey:
A small mis-feature (not quite a bug) is that if you bind a sword to a special hotkey, and that sword was already bound to a regular hotkey, the regular hotkey becomes unbound. This is easily worked around because if you bind the regular hotkey second that does not hurt the special hotkey. Still, the scripts for this mod could be tweaked to detect this case and fix it up.

7. Better Icon support:
The current icons in this mod are kinda painful. I could take the icons that bnnfish put together and split them up and put them in appropriate directories and package them with this mod and change the scripts to use them. Actually, I tried to do that once and windows barfed on me in very strange ways, but probably it would work if I tried a second time.

8. Menu for changing special hotkeys names and/or icons.
Dunno how I'd do that.

9. Semi-Normal Hotkey:
Acts like a normal hotkey, but is actually a special hotkey. This means that the hotkey continues to work properly even if the item it is bound to leaves your inventory temporarily. It also means that the item it is bound to can be bound to normal hotkeys without conflicting (an odd mis-feature of vanilla hotkeys is that no two can be bound to the same thing unless that thing is a spell).
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:13 am

@3. Could you elaborate on why the interface is painful? Just a brief rundown. I was wondering since other hotkey mods have done this already. Has some of the new funstions of your hotkey mod made it harder to make new hotkeys?

@7. Did the Gear-Set hotkeys previously show as the icon the last item bound as part of the set? I personally think this could work alright for them as you could assign last an item that represents the set to you, e.g. a cuirass of that armour type. It wouldn't work well for a cycler of course as you would have many items/spells/gear-sets. But yes custom items sound cool. :)
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Nikki Morse
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:30 am

In order of personal preference: 5,7,4. Showing the potion selected would just finish the potion hotkey and polish it up. 7 is also polishment, not nessecary but maybe I am a svcker for ui polishing. :) 4 is creating more flexibility, which is always good.
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Yvonne Gruening
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:10 am

7. Better kind of icon support especially for Auto-cast keys would be nice.

9. Some items (like Alchemy stuff) doesn't need to be in your inventory all the time, but would be really good if hotkey remembered it when it's put back. Not a major hassle to rebind, just a -would be nice- one :)
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Stacy Hope
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:02 am

If you're still looking for testers, I'd like to try modified .dll! Things have been hectic IRL these days. :ahhh:

My requests:

Aforementioned Flexible Keymapping with .ini settings (V, B.., F1, F2.., Num1, Num2.., etc)
Cycle Potion/Poison Selector Hotkey
Poison Coating Hotkey without Confirmation Message (acts like Potion Drinker Hotkey)

Take Everything Hotkey in Looting Menu

Customizable Console Command Hotkey with .ini settings (tg, tdt, tfc, tgm, tcl.., etc)
Spell Delete Hotkey
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Stryke Force
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:23 am

@3. Could you elaborate on why the interface is painful? Just a brief rundown. I was wondering since other hotkey mods have done this already. Has some of the new funstions of your hotkey mod made it harder to make new hotkeys?

@7. Did the Gear-Set hotkeys previously show as the icon the last item bound as part of the set? I personally think this could work alright for them as you could assign last an item that represents the set to you, e.g. a cuirass of that armour type. It wouldn't work well for a cycler of course as you would have many items/spells/gear-sets. But yes custom items sound cool. :)

#3: it hadn't occurred to me that it was already possible until I started writing out #3. I've glanced at the code, and it is sorta possible atm, but I think it will only work correctly if you hold the key down for at least 3 frames. And the ini configuration to make it work is a little strange. Also, making 5 or 10 of them would take more CPU than is really necessary, not that people need many of them.
#7: Well, they sort of did, but that wasn't intentional, and it didn't persist across saves. It could be done intentionally though, wouldn't be difficult, and would then persist across saves.

In order of personal preference: 5,7,4. Showing the potion selected would just finish the potion hotkey and polish it up. 7 is also polishment, not nessecary but maybe I am a svcker for ui polishing. :) 4 is creating more flexibility, which is always good.

5 isn't terribly difficult though it's not exactly easy, but the big problem with it is that atm Pluggy causes crashes for many people. Work is being done on fixing it, but no one quite knows why it causes crashes so progress is slow.
#7 is looking popular I guess. The damned daedric axe icon for auto-cast spells is svcking.

7. Better kind of icon support especially for Auto-cast keys would be nice.

9. Some items (like Alchemy stuff) doesn't need to be in your inventory all the time, but would be really good if hotkey remembered it when it's put back. Not a major hassle to rebind, just a -would be nice- one :)

#7 is looking quite popular I guess.
9 is easy.

If you're still looking for testers, I'd like to try modified .dll! Things have been hectic IRL these days. :ahhh:

My requests:

Aforementioned Flexible Keymapping with .ini settings (V, B.., F1, F2.., Num1, Num2.., etc)
Cycle Potion/Poison Selector Hotkey
Poison Coating Hotkey without Confirmation Message (acts like Potion Drinker Hotkey)

Take Everything Hotkey in Looting Menu

Customizable Console Command Hotkey with .ini settings (tg, tdt, tfc, tgm, tcl.., etc)
Spell Delete Hotkey

I've sent you a PM with a link to the dll.
This mod is not likely to do Spell Delete or Take Everything - its hotkeys are not really intended for use in menus.
I might do a seperate mod for Spell Delete however, since scruggs Spell Delete seems to be the only standalone spell delete mod and it clearly has room for improvement.
I would do a seperate take everything key mod, but I don't know how. I've made requests for such a mod before.

What would a cycler potion/poison selector key do? Act as a cycler key that merely switches potion/poison type for the virtual actively-selected-potion thingy of potion select hotkeys? I could modify the existing potion selector hotkey type to be able to be bound to multiple potions and cycle through them.
I can modify potion drinker keys to support poisons too (if they don't already, I haven't tested that), or modify all hotkey types that select poisons to suppress the the confirmation box (if they don't already, I haven't tested that).

A customizable console command type hotkey is certainly possible. It sounds kind of weird, but conceivably an in-game text entry box could come up and allow you to type in scripts to be attached to a key.
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Louise Dennis
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:10 am

I could modify the existing potion selector hotkey type to be able to be bound to multiple potions and cycle through them.

That would be great! Saves quite some hotkeys, though I guess that would make the pluggy hud thing a bit more essential (certainly when you prefer to play without the messages, which I do).
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Andrew Tarango
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:05 pm

how about making the gear keys not part of [1-8] keys? have [9, 0, -, =] as gear sets.
or, since everything is so dynamic already, extend the keys wheel to 12(!), the last 4 simply won't be visible.
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Arrogant SId
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:51 am

That would be great! Saves quite some hotkeys, though I guess that would make the pluggy hud thing a bit more essential (certainly when you prefer to play without the messages, which I do).

It'll probably get done soon.

how about making the gear keys not part of [1-8] keys? have [9, 0, -, =] as gear sets.
or, since everything is so dynamic already, extend the keys wheel to 12(!), the last 4 simply won't be visible.

That's number 4 above.
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Kill Bill
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:50 am

Since we're right about at post #200, I've put up a new thread:
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Claire Vaux
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:21 pm

I've sent you a PM with a link to the dll.

Thanks, I've got your PM. :D

This mod is not likely to do Spell Delete or Take Everything - its hotkeys are not really intended for use in menus.
I might do a seperate mod for Spell Delete however, since scruggs Spell Delete seems to be the only standalone spell delete mod and it clearly has room for improvement.
I would do a seperate take everything key mod, but I don't know how. I've made requests for such a mod before.

Yes, indeed. I think so, too. Thant's why I relegate them to a lower priority. But if you make stand-alone mods compatible with Super Hotkeys for those, that sounds great!

What would a cycler potion/poison selector key do? Act as a cycler key that merely switches potion/poison type for the virtual actively-selected-potion thingy of potion select hotkeys? I could modify the existing potion selector hotkey type to be able to be bound to multiple potions and cycle through them.
I can modify potion drinker keys to support poisons too (if they don't already, I haven't tested that), or modify all hotkey types that select poisons to suppress the the confirmation box (if they don't already, I haven't tested that).

Yes, it just cycles potions/poisons to virtualy activate and won't consume those by itself.

Current Potion Drinker Hotkey will do coat poisons but a confirmation message always pops up. It's so annoying. That's the only reason. Maybe it's not a good idea that you modify all keys to skip the confirmation message. There might be someone who wants confirmation message when coating poisons.
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