[RELz, BETA, WIPz, whatever] Super Hotkeys

Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:25 pm

For more detail on the sorts of things that can be done with dynamic cyclers, consider these cases:

key 1: fire on target, fire on touch, area fire on touch, fire on target, basket, frost on target, frost on touch, area frost on touch, frost on target, basket
key 2: frost on target, fire on target, frost on target, basket, fire on touch, frost on touch, fire on touch, basket, area fire on touch, area frost on touch, area fire on touch, basket
Pressing key 1 will switch between on target, on touch, and area on touch, and then wrap around to on target again.
Pressing key 2 will switch between fire damage type and frost damage type.
Walla, smart cycler keys.
The baskets are used because equipping them has no effect, and they are never equipped. You can drop the basket after the hotkeys are set up if you want.

another one:
key 3: on-target spell, on-touch spell, on-target spell, basket, bow, sword, bow, basket
Pressing key 3 alternates between long range and short range, and does so for both weapons and spells at once. Mind you, if you alter your spells to something else then it will stop cycling spells, and if you switch to the wrong one of the spells, out of synch with your weapon, then it will stay out of synch when cycling

key 4: bow, sword, bow, on-touch spell, basket, sword, on-target spell, basket
Pressing key 4 alternates between ranged and melee, and does so for both weapons and spells at once. If your weapon and spell get out of synch, it assumes your weapon is right and corrects your spell to match. It's an improved version of key 3, I think. I'm not really sure.

Here's a good one:
key 5: daedric cuirass, glass cuirass, daedric boots, glass boots, daedric helmet, glass helmet, daedric gauntlets, glass gauntlets, daedric greaves, glass greaves
Pressing 5 will alternate you back and forth between a full heavy armor and full light armor. Okay, maybe one set should be replaced with, say, clothes or something. You could have a melee outfit and a stealth outfit and a social outfit and a magic outfit, and use a single hotkey to alternate between them. Unfortunately, that only really works with this hotkey type if they all occupy the same slots (ie you can't have one outfit with no boots for instance, or it will keep on the boots from the previous outfit, and extra care will be needed to make sure the next outfits boots are set up to go on with the next outfit)

Anyway, you get the idea.
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Alada Vaginah
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:21 am

Hi SkyRanger,

I already downloaded the mod and hopefully I'll start to test it soon enough :)

I never used hotkeys mods, since the seemed bothersome and difficult to use, and always had some bug or another :P

But yours seems interesting so I'll give it a play run this weekend! :D

I'm also using some of your other mods: Enhanced Magic System, and Alternate Armor Formula. Excellent work, they're excellent! :goodjob:

Best wishes,
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DAVId MArtInez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:10 am

You're the script guru! :shocking:

I can hardly wait next update! I'l check your scripts for future reference while I wait. I hope I can understand those. :toughninja:
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Jerry Cox
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:44 pm

From the other topic ~ shadeMe: I'm afraid you're out of time. The Enforcement Division has been contacted.

Sorry for being late, for starters. You've no idea what I've been through to test your mod. Got to nail down a CTD and pin it to your mod :evil: , before I brought down the house. Briefly, I'm getting a CTD after using the cast key on spell added to any key wheel ( everything else is generic, as in this doesn't happen under any specific circumstances ). Haven't read the whole thread but I see you've got a new release up. Will try that as soon as I get Oblivion to run. And the console seems to be spammed with srHotkeyNewTokenScript: NO UNUSED TOKEN FOUND whenever I sprint during combat ( I have no hotkey equipped ).
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:08 pm

Hi SkyRanger,

I already downloaded the mod and hopefully I'll start to test it soon enough :)

I never used hotkeys mods, since the seemed bothersome and difficult to use, and always had some bug or another :P

But yours seems interesting so I'll give it a play run this weekend! :D

I'm also using some of your other mods: Enhanced Magic System, and Alternate Armor Formula. Excellent work, they're excellent! :goodjob:

Best wishes,

I never really used hotkey mods either... I tried extended hotkeys when it was first released years ago for a few days and didn't like it, and I tried the gear keys added in JOGs Stealth Overhaul years ago too and didn't like those much either. Almost my entire knowledge of hotkeys comes from reading the docs on mods that I haven't downloaded.

Thank you. I take it you're not one of the early users of AAF... some of them are still unhappy with me for those crashing issues. EMS, my favorite gameplay mod, has thankfully been much much closer to problem free, despite being infinitely more complicated to implement, and less disciplined in coding style.

I'm actually a bit worried by the overlap in usefulness between this mod and EMS... one of the big things people go to EMS for is the spell chaining, and the auto-cast hotkeys in here will reduce the demand for that. I'm going to try to make it up a tiny bit from the current position by adding some special code in here to recognize some EMS stuff and play nice with it, so that auto-cast can handle quickened spells properly for instance.

And, more important than even being an EMS user, you're also the guy who is putting some work in to fixing the HUD stuff in Pluggy. There are major features on the to-do list for EMS that depend upon that.

You're the script guru! :shocking:

I can hardly wait next update! I'l check your scripts for future reference while I wait. I hope I can understand those. :toughninja:

The next update isn't actually going to make much difference for usage I think, just have the modifier keys a lot more configurable. The scripts make extensive use of activators-as-function-calls, so you'll have to wander back and forth a bit. The main script is srHotkeyScript, the various special hotkey types each get a srHotkeyTokenTypeSomethingScript, etc.
Sorry for being late, for starters. You've no idea what I've been through to test your mod. Got to nail down a CTD and pin it to your mod :evil: , before I brought down the house. Briefly, I'm getting a CTD after using the cast key on spell added to any key wheel ( everything else is generic, as in this doesn't happen under any specific circumstances ). Haven't read the whole thread but I see you've got a new release up. Will try that as soon as I get Oblivion to run. And the console seems to be spammed with srHotkeyNewTokenScript: NO UNUSED TOKEN FOUND whenever I sprint during combat ( I have no hotkey equipped ).

Fortunately for you, the Enforcement Division happens to be a bit understaffed and overworked at the moment. srHotkeyNewTokenScript shouldn't be running outside of the stats menu, let alone printing that message (it should only happen when you create a bunch of special tokens in the stats menu without returning to game mode in between), I'll have to investigate what's going on. Dunno what you're seeing with the cast keys, I'm hoping that's due to an old version.
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Charles Weber
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:17 pm

Fortunately for you, the Enforcement Division happens to be a bit understaffed and overworked at the moment. srHotkeyNewTokenScript shouldn't be running outside of the stats menu, let alone printing that message (it should only happen when you create a bunch of special tokens in the stats menu without returning to game mode in between), I'll have to investigate what's going on. Dunno what you're seeing with the cast keys, I'm hoping that's due to an old version.

Same here. I'll d/load the new version and start testing asap, [spoiler]while you go back to your stock market manipulation :P !
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:39 am

The scripts make extensive use of activators-as-function-calls, so you'll have to wander back and forth a bit. The main script is srHotkeyScript, the various special hotkey types each get a srHotkeyTokenTypeSomethingScript, etc.


I plan to have the number of modifier keys (and which key they are) read from an .ini file, but I haven't gotten around to writing code to read the .ini file yet.

By the way, how many are you planning to set the max number of modifier keys?
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Danny Blight
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:36 am

There is no maximum number. Though I suppose if you set it high enough you some integers would overflow, not to mention performance degradation. Keyboards don't have that many keys anyway.
edit: There is now a maximum... I think it's set at 40 or so.
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Catharine Krupinski
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:15 am

I never really used hotkey mods either... I tried extended hotkeys

Heh ... I remembered I used Extended Hotkeys also at first ... I liked that mod, it is still great work and worked very well. But now with the new OBSE support is a bit aged. I remember that I stopped using it after upgrading computer and when reinstalled Oblivion I completely forgot about install it... That shows that I was not using it extensively at all :P

Thank you. I take it you're not one of the early users of AAF...

You're right ... I'm just started using it a few weeks ago ... It worked very well since then. My char is just a newbie now (level 2) and not so much of a fighter, and so I wasn't able to test it under heavy fight conditions yet. Still, no problems at all :)

I'm actually a bit worried by the overlap in usefulness between this mod and EMS...

Yeah, that seemed the case to me. I'm still learning my ways on both mods for now, so I'm not an advanced user of neither. Still, I didn't got any trouble yet using both of them. In any case, if I note something odd, I'll surely drop a comment here ... :goodjob:

Referring to Super Hotkeys: I just tested a few useful features and they worked great for me. Nothing fancy yet, just cyclers and some Gear keys. Using the last version.

And, more important than even being an EMS user

Yes, I'm a bit worried about that too ... I'm trying hard to get to the bottom of the problem, trying to understand what happens. Is difficult to fix a crash like that when you cant the crash yourself :( I'll keep at that though.

I've just sent to kyoma and Conker the link to a new version with a few more error handling corrections, I don't have high hopes that those fixes may resolve the issue, but their a start. Also, I've been reading and researching a bit on DX3D and their state management, so I'm a bit more confident and starting to understand the workings of it ... maybe, if I have the time, in a few weeks I could nail it down at last.

Best wishes,
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Tiffany Carter
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:19 am

Okay, the ini file stuff is done, passes preliminary tests.

This is an ini file for how it used to be:
Set srHotkey.num_wheels to 2Set srHotkey.init_key_scancode to   srHotkey.init_key_scancode + (srHotkey.init_key_which==0) * 42Set srHotkey.init_key_wheelcount to srHotkey.init_key_wheelcount+(srHotkey.init_key_which==0) * 1Set srHotkey.init_key_mode to	   srHotkey.init_key_mode +	 (srHotkey.init_key_which==0) * 0

That makes one set of hotkeys work when nothing is pressed, and the other work when left-shift is pressed.

This is the ini file that it's going to be uploaded with the next version:
Set srHotkey.num_wheels to 4Set srHotkey.init_key_scancode to   srHotkey.init_key_scancode + (srHotkey.init_key_which==0) * 42Set srHotkey.init_key_wheelcount to srHotkey.init_key_wheelcount+(srHotkey.init_key_which==0) * 1Set srHotkey.init_key_mode to	   srHotkey.init_key_mode +	 (srHotkey.init_key_which==0) * 0Set srHotkey.init_key_scancode to   srHotkey.init_key_scancode + (srHotkey.init_key_which==1) * 56Set srHotkey.init_key_wheelcount to srHotkey.init_key_wheelcount+(srHotkey.init_key_which==1) * 2Set srHotkey.init_key_mode to	   srHotkey.init_key_mode +	 (srHotkey.init_key_which==1) * 0

That makes there be 4 wheels, with wheel #0 used when no keys are pressed, wheel #1 used when left shift is pressed, wheel #2 used then left alt is pressed, and wheel #3 used when both left shift and left alt are pressed.

Here's a configuration that matches the behavior described in the Yet Another Hotkey Mod:
Set srHotkey.num_wheels to 4Set srHotkey.init_key_scancode to   srHotkey.init_key_scancode + (srHotkey.init_key_which==0) * 42Set srHotkey.init_key_wheelcount to srHotkey.init_key_wheelcount+(srHotkey.init_key_which==0) * 1Set srHotkey.init_key_mode to	   srHotkey.init_key_mode +	 (srHotkey.init_key_which==0) * 3

That has 4 wheels, with tapping the left shift key cycling between them.

Here's a variation on that:
Set srHotkey.num_wheels to 4Set srHotkey.init_key_scancode to   srHotkey.init_key_scancode + (srHotkey.init_key_which==0) * 42Set srHotkey.init_key_wheelcount to srHotkey.init_key_wheelcount+(srHotkey.init_key_which==0) * 1Set srHotkey.init_key_mode to	   srHotkey.init_key_mode +	 (srHotkey.init_key_which==0) * 3Set srHotkey.init_key_scancode to   srHotkey.init_key_scancode + (srHotkey.init_key_which==1) * 56Set srHotkey.init_key_wheelcount to srHotkey.init_key_wheelcount+(srHotkey.init_key_which==1) * 3Set srHotkey.init_key_mode to	   srHotkey.init_key_mode +	 (srHotkey.init_key_which==1) * 3

That has 4 wheels, with tapping the left shift key cycling switching to the next wheel, and tapping the left alt key switching to the previous one.

Here's a hybrid of the toggle wheels and the normal hold-for-different-wheel mode:
Set srHotkey.num_wheels to 4Set srHotkey.init_key_scancode to   srHotkey.init_key_scancode + (srHotkey.init_key_which==0) * 42Set srHotkey.init_key_wheelcount to srHotkey.init_key_wheelcount+(srHotkey.init_key_which==0) * 1Set srHotkey.init_key_mode to	   srHotkey.init_key_mode +	 (srHotkey.init_key_which==0) * 0Set srHotkey.init_key_scancode to   srHotkey.init_key_scancode + (srHotkey.init_key_which==1) * 56Set srHotkey.init_key_wheelcount to srHotkey.init_key_wheelcount+(srHotkey.init_key_which==1) * 2Set srHotkey.init_key_mode to	   srHotkey.init_key_mode +	 (srHotkey.init_key_which==1) * 3

In that one, there are two sets of two wheels... you can switch sets by tapping the left-alt key once, and switch back by tapping it again. Within a set of two, which one you are using is determined by whether or not the left shift key is held down.

There's a bunch of other possibilities... if you have a desired configuration, ask, I'll tell you how to make it. This is the technical information on how it works:
key mode 0: while this key is held down, the wheelcount of this key is added to the current wheel number
key mode 1: when this key is held down, the current wheel number is equal to the wheelcount of this key, overriding all other factors except for other overriding keys earlier in the key list
key mode 2: when this key is held down, the current wheel number is equal to the wheelcount of this key, overriding all other factors except for other overriding keys earlier in the key list; unlike mode 1 however, this key will not reset any persistent effects of mode 3 keys
key mode 3: when this key is tapped, the wheel number will be increased by the keys wheelcount. this effect will persist, even after this key is released, and is cumulative with addition presses of this key

So, you can do all sorts of things... have a cycle that you walk through with 1 key, but which is temporarily overriden by another key, whatever. Some of the more complex behaviors might be bugged atm, I've only tested a few cases. There might be a better interface to this behavior, but I haven't thought of any.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:23 am

1. I made a http://www.mediafire.com/?0nmz1mhwzzz which adds an Iron Mace that pops-up a message dialogue when you equip it. (OnEquip sciript)
2. script won't run if you assign this Iron Mace to Cycle, Gear-Set or Dynamic Cycler
3. script runs if you assign this Iron Mace to Normal

I tracked this down, should be fixed in the next version. OBSE is behaving slightly oddly here... either I'm misreading the docs, the OBSE docs are wrong, or this is an OBSE bug. Any which way, it's easily dealt with in my scripts. The next version should have this fixed.
edit: on second thought I think it's neither a bug nor misdocumentation but a... a something.
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Amy Melissa
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:57 am

Version 0.38 is now up. This fixes the OnEquip issue and adds ini files for configuring the modifier keys, and a bunch of new types of modifier keys.
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Samantha Jane Adams
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:21 am

same setup as before...

Quick test v0.38:
0. Reverting back to Normal seems to work as intended :goodjob:
1. Cycler seems to work as intended :goodjob:
2. Gear-Set seems to work as intended :goodjob:
3. Auto-Cast seems to work as intended :goodjob:
4. Dynamic Cycler seems to work as intended :goodjob:
5. OnEquip script seems to work as intended :goodjob:
6. ini. config haven't tested yet, sorry

It looks like "System: All Green" so far...GJ!

...well, I'm gonna back to the test and try to report further bugs as well as FPS hit if time permits.

edit: Just one time though, scripting flaw was occured while I was testing and it started endlessly spamming "switching to wheel 1" in a console ('tdt') window. But I couldn't reproduce it.
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Alisia Lisha
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:06 am

Oh..and FYI, open a console and type 'tdt' and then 'sdt 5' to check script profiler. :hubbahubba:

edit: Just one time though, scripting flaw was occured while I was testing and it started endlessly spamming "switching to wheel 1" in a console ('tdt') window. But I couldn't reproduce it.

Okay, I could reproduce it. This flaw appears to be caused if you're holding 'modifier keys' when script begins initializing, very minor issue though.

Nvm, this flaw has occured several times but I can't accurately reproduce it yet.

Here's a Pic for proof: http://i380.photobucket.com/albums/oo245/bnnfish/Oblivion2009-02-0121-20-32-82.jpg

[Short Movie] (No commentary yet...)
Cyclekey: http://zoome.jp/bnnfish/diary/3/, http://zoome.jp/bnnfish/diary/4/ @zoome
Gearsetkey: http://zoome.jp/bnnfish/diary/5/ @zoome
Castkey: http://zoome.jp/bnnfish/diary/2/, http://zoome.jp/bnnfish/diary/1/ @zoome
DynamicCyclekey: http://zoome.jp/bnnfish/diary/6/ @zoome
Cycle Wheel:
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Sheila Esmailka
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:07 am

posted some movies, have fun ;)
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:36 pm

I've set Gear-Set Hotkeys to use the Blades Shield icon for the next version, and the Cycler Hotkey to use the Daedric War Axe icon. Neither is particularly wonderful... should probably have cyclers in particular use a different icon if they're cycling spells. Or maybe just have them use the last icon they're bound to, but with it really used so that it stays when saved and reloaded, not just the accidentally shows up due to a minor glitch in Oblivion stuff the way it is now. Or for cycles they could use the icon for the current item/spell or the next item/spell. Though figuring out the icons for particular spells could be difficult.

The auto-cast keys aren't working right when you run out of mana while they're casting. I'll rewrite a bit of that stuff to get them working sometime.

Oh..and FYI, open a console and type 'tdt' and then 'sdt 5' to check script profiler. :hubbahubba:

Okay, I could reproduce it. This flaw appears to be caused if you're holding 'modifier keys' when script begins initializing, very minor issue though.

Nvm, this flaw has occured several times but I can't accurately reproduce it yet.

Here's a Pic for proof: http://i380.photobucket.com/albums/oo245/bnnfish/Oblivion2009-02-0121-20-32-82.jpg

[Short Movie] (No commentary yet...)
Cyclekey: http://zoome.jp/bnnfish/diary/3/, http://zoome.jp/bnnfish/diary/4/ @zoome
Gearsetkey: http://zoome.jp/bnnfish/diary/5/ @zoome
Castkey: http://zoome.jp/bnnfish/diary/2/, http://zoome.jp/bnnfish/diary/1/ @zoome
DynamicCyclekey: http://zoome.jp/bnnfish/diary/6/ @zoome
Cycle Wheel:

I didn't know about sdt 5. It says my Oblivion is spending ~2.5% of the time in quest scripts, does not appear to count object scripts.
A lot of weird stuff happens during initialization, but I can't think of anything dangerous involving modifier keys. On the other hand, using a special hotkey to equip a scripted item in the first 5 seconds, that could concievably be dangerous... Also, setting hotkeys types in the first 5 seconds doesn't work at all. I suppose I could probably fix most of that stuff with a bit of effort, it hadn't occured to me as anything other than a minor annoyance (the first 5 seconds after the mod is enabled the first time can't be fixed, but the rest can I think), but it could be a source of bugs, or a major annoyance if it happens every time a save is loaded.
For the continually switching wheels thing, I'll have the next version show what wheel number it thinks its switching from too. Probably won't help, but sooner or later the bug will get squished.

posted some movies, have fun ;)

The videos look good. Hopefully they'll be effective advertising.
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Victoria Vasileva
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:24 am

This is looking promising. Whenever I get a chance to actually play, I'll give it a shot.
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Isabel Ruiz
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:00 pm

I've set Gear-Set Hotkeys to use the Blades Shield icon for the next version, and the Cycler Hotkey to use the Daedric War Axe icon. Neither is particularly wonderful... should probably have cyclers in particular use a different icon if they're cycling spells. Or maybe just have them use the last icon they're bound to, but with it really used so that it stays when saved and reloaded, not just the accidentally shows up due to a minor glitch in Oblivion stuff the way it is now. Or for cycles they could use the icon for the current item/spell or the next item/spell. Though figuring out the icons for particular spells could be difficult.

Can you use unique icon paths instead of vanilla icons'? If you would do that, it becomes really easy to replace icons to different ones including unique icons at user's choice.

The auto-cast keys aren't working right when you run out of mana while they're casting. I'll rewrite a bit of that stuff to get them working sometime.

I'l look into that too after I go back home. :brokencomputer:

I didn't know about sdt 5. It says my Oblivion is spending ~2.5% of the time in quest scripts, does not appear to count object scripts.
A lot of weird stuff happens during initialization, but I can't think of anything dangerous involving modifier keys. On the other hand, using a special hotkey to equip a scripted item in the first 5 seconds, that could concievably be dangerous... Also, setting hotkeys types in the first 5 seconds doesn't work at all. I suppose I could probably fix most of that stuff with a bit of effort, it hadn't occured to me as anything other than a minor annoyance (the first 5 seconds after the mod is enabled the first time can't be fixed, but the rest can I think), but it could be a source of bugs, or a major annoyance if it happens every time a save is loaded.
For the continually switching wheels thing, I'll have the next version show what wheel number it thinks its switching from too. Probably won't help, but sooner or later the bug will get squished.

At the moment there seem to be no major bug but even the most trivial glitch should be fixed according to the Heinrich's Law. :whistle:
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Sarah MacLeod
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:17 pm

And there was One Hotkey Mod to rule them all.

I see you're planning on adding the option to change the modifier keys. What about the other keys? My favorite hotkey mod so far is Expanded Hotkeys and Spell Delete v2 because it allows q, e, r and f to be used for hotkeys. This mod does look amazing. I'll give it a try.
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Andrea Pratt
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:46 am

For who wants to customize .ini, here's a keycode list I borrowed from http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22143 made by Ieldra.

Code	Key=================1		Escape2		13		24		35		46		57		68		79		810		911		012		Minus13		Equals14		Backspace15		Tab16		Q17		W18		E19		R20		T21		Y22		U23		I24		O25		P26		Left Bracket27		Right Bracket28		Enter29		Left Control30		A31		S32		D33		F34		G35		H36		J37		K38		L39		Semicolon40		Apostrophe41		~ (Console)42		Left Shift43		Back Slash44		Z45		X46		C47		V48		B49		N50		M51		Comma52		Period53		Forward Slash  54		Right Shift55		NUM*56		Left Alt57		Spacebar58		Caps Lock59		F160		F261		F362		F463		F564		F665		F766		F867		F968		F1069		Num Lock70		Scroll Lock71		NUM772		NUM873		NUM974		NUM-75		NUM476		NUM577		NUM678		NUM+79		NUM180		NUM281		NUM382		NUM083		NUM.87		F1188		F12156		NUM Enter157		Right Control181		NUM/184		Right Alt200		Up Arrow203		Left Arrow205		Right Arrow208		Down Arrow256		Left Mouse Button257		Right Mouse Button258		Middle/Wheel Mouse Button259		Mouse Button 3260		Mouse Button 4261		Mouse Button 5262		Mouse Button 6263		Mouse Button 7264		Mouse Wheel Up265		Mouse Wheel Down

Here's an example of .ini customization. With this setting, you can cycle wheels (hotkey row, 1 to 8) by mouse wheel down. 'Zooming out' is ?hardcoded? to mous wheel down though...I want to know if I can change mouse wheel binds.

Set srHotkey.init_key_scancode to   srHotkey.init_key_scancode + (srHotkey.init_key_which==1) * 265Set srHotkey.init_key_wheelcount to srHotkey.init_key_wheelcount+(srHotkey.init_key_which==1) * 1Set srHotkey.init_key_mode to	   srHotkey.init_key_mode +	 (srHotkey.init_key_which==1) * 1

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meghan lock
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:19 am

Can you use unique icon paths instead of vanilla icons'? If you would do that, it becomes really easy to replace icons to different ones including unique icons at user's choice.

Anything can be used. I could read an icon path from the ini file if desired. However, in the long run it is likely to be advantageous to have the icon path somewhat scripted... people probably want different icons on weapon cyclers than on spell cyclers. I suppose there could be a menu to select icon paths for particular hotkeys.

I'l look into that too after I go back home. :brokencomputer:

I think I know what's going on with it, it'll just take a bit of rewritting and whatnot to fix. And lots of checking the docs, because the OBSE input functions are a little weird.

At the moment there seem to be no major bug but even the most trivial glitch should be fixed according to the Heinrich's Law. :whistle:

Fingers crossed. Yeah, 0.38 seems pretty useable for most things.

And there was One Hotkey Mod to rule them all.

I see you're planning on adding the option to change the modifier keys. What about the other keys? My favorite hotkey mod so far is Expanded Hotkeys and Spell Delete v2 because it allows q, e, r and f to be used for hotkeys. This mod does look amazing. I'll give it a try.

Well, technically you can do that with the current version, though it's not recommended at all... you can edit your Oblivion.ini to change which keys the hotkeys are. Since version 0.36 or so this mod supposedly will work correctly even if your vanilla hotkeys are not mapped to numbers, though that's untested.
In terms of more general support, I'll take a look at it sometime soon.

For who wants to customize .ini, here's a keycode list I borrowed from http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22143 made by Ieldra.


Here's an example of .ini customization. With this setting, you can cycle wheels (hotkey row, 1 to 8) by mouse wheel down. 'Zooming out' is ?hardcoded? to mous wheel down though...I want to know if I can change mouse wheel binds.

Set srHotkey.init_key_scancode to   srHotkey.init_key_scancode + (srHotkey.init_key_which==1) * 265 Set srHotkey.init_key_wheelcount to srHotkey.init_key_wheelcount+(srHotkey.init_key_which==1) * 1 Set srHotkey.init_key_mode to	   srHotkey.init_key_mode +	 (srHotkey.init_key_which==1) * 1

That doesn't look right to me... I think what you described is more like this:
Set srHotkey.num_wheels to 8Set srHotkey.init_key_scancode to   srHotkey.init_key_scancode + (srHotkey.init_key_which==0) * 264Set srHotkey.init_key_wheelcount to srHotkey.init_key_wheelcount+(srHotkey.init_key_which==0) * 1Set srHotkey.init_key_mode to	   srHotkey.init_key_mode +	 (srHotkey.init_key_which==0) * 3Set srHotkey.init_key_scancode to   srHotkey.init_key_scancode + (srHotkey.init_key_which==1) * 265Set srHotkey.init_key_wheelcount to srHotkey.init_key_wheelcount+(srHotkey.init_key_which==1) * 7Set srHotkey.init_key_mode to	   srHotkey.init_key_mode +	 (srHotkey.init_key_which==1) * 3

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Nina Mccormick
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:43 am

Aw, I want to use that config setting...but I can't remove zoom function from mouse wheels. :sad:

Btw, is there any easy way to change gear sets like http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=14794?

For example, I set #1 to #4 to Gear-set keys and assigned gears like below (Super Hotkey):
#1 {Iron Cuirass, Iron Greaves, Iron Gauntlets, Iron Boots, Iron Battle Axe}#2 {Leather Cuirass, Leather Greaves, Leather Gauntlets, Leather Boots, Iron Bow, Iron Arrow}#3 {Necromancer's Robe, Shoes, Staff of Indarys}

if I change #1 to #3 => {Necromancer's Robe, Iron Gauntlets, Shoes, Staff of Indarys}
if I change #2 to #3 => {Necromancer's Robe, Shoes, Staff of Indarys, Iron Arrow}

This is very minor thing but breaks immersion for me. Of course, I can set #3 to unequip Iron Gauntlets and Iron Arrow but this isn't practical and bothers much. If I use http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=14794, this never happens.
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Maria Garcia
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:41 am

So far as I can tell, there is no way to remap the zoom controls or manipulate them from scripts. You can however disable them with bEnableBowZoom in oblivion.ini, if you like using the mouse wheel to select your hotkey wheel more than you like bow zooming. Or you can just use keys.

What is the problem with telling the gear-set keys to unequip the iron gauntlets and arrows? The ability to tell it to unequip specific items was added for that exact purpose, though it might be nicer if you could tell it to unequip specific slots instead, I don't know. I presume quick clothing unequips all non-weapon/shield slots when you equip a clothing set?

I'm thinking that if people really want an extra level of control over what things do, then more menu is needed. Perhaps the hotkey type selection menu can have an option at the end configure extra parameters for the current hotkey there, to allow hotkeys to offer additional menus without cluttering things up for people who just want the default behavior.
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Sasha Brown
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:17 pm

So far as I can tell, there is no way to remap the zoom controls or manipulate them from scripts. You can however disable them with bEnableBowZoom in oblivion.ini, if you like using the mouse wheel to select your hotkey wheel more than you like bow zooming. Or you can just use keys.

I'l try that when I get to play oblivion, thanks. :)

What is the problem with telling the gear-set keys to unequip the iron gauntlets and arrows? The ability to tell it to unequip specific items was added for that exact purpose, though it might be nicer if you could tell it to unequip specific slots instead, I don't know. I presume quick clothing unequips all non-weapon/shield slots when you equip a clothing set?

I'm thinking that if people really want an extra level of control over what things do, then more menu is needed. Perhaps the hotkey type selection menu can have an option at the end configure extra parameters for the current hotkey there, to allow hotkeys to offer additional menus without cluttering things up for people who just want the default behavior.

Well, I'l talk only about conclusions to save time. I want to allow hotkeys to unequip specific slots as well as specific items. If I can unequip specific slots by Gearset-keys. I can equip only robes, staff and shoes in any case by unequipping previous items which occupy other slots. If I can only allow hotkeys to unequip only specific items, I must set Gearkeys to unequip as many specific slot's item as possible and it require great care. It would be nice, if there're tokens which makes me to allow gearsetkeys to unequip specific slots by assigning them.

edit: I apologize if I ask too much and make you unmotivated.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:43 am

Solution 1: Tell your Gear-Set hotkey to unequip each item you don't want equipped seperately.
Solution 2: Make Gear-Set hotkeys unequip all clothing/armor slots. I'd guess that's what the mod you linked did.
Solution 3: Modify Gear-Set Hotkeys to not reset their bindings when you bind more things after lifting the hotkey. This way you can bind an equiped item that occupies a slot, the uneqip the item, then bind it again. The script handles items in the order they were bound, so if you then use the hotkey it equips that item, then unequips it, and effectively clears the slot it occupies. This only requires commenting out about 5 lines of script. However, it doesn't work if you drop the item that occupied that slot. And it takes extra effort when binding items. And it prevents rebinding without going back to the hotkey type selection menu. And it's silly.
Solution 4: Modify Gear-Set Hotkeys to instead of unequiping items they currently unequip, clear the slot those items would occupy. This removese the ability to unequip specific items, but replaces it with a generic ability to unequip slots. It's not the best possible interface to that ability though.
Solution 5: Pick the most commonly desired behavior (probably equip all items in sets, don't unequip anything), and have that as the default. However, add a configuration menu that can be selected from the hotkey type selection menu which gear-set keys can use to switch to the normal mode, and can flag specific slots to be unequipped.

edit: Solutions 1-3 are almost no effort, I'm just not sure they're actually desirable behavior. Solution 4 isn't much work. Solution 5 is more work, but might be the right thing to do. It probably won't happen in the next day or two though.
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