Awesome! This has come so far already and I didn't even have time to test yet!
Huge thanks to bnnfish for all the testing and feedback.
I will somehow find time to test this in the next few days if at all possible.
Thanks so much for all the great work. I am really excited about this. :tops:
This looks knob on pal.
Been using improved hotkeys and realised what I needed was some cyclers too, but could I get hotkey cyclers to work? NO!
Will test ASAP!
Wow. Knob on. How British!
I like current intuitive and quick interface. Yes, Super Hotkeys' intereface is very intuitive and accessible for me.
Thanks! I'l try .41 after I go back home. I can't wait playtesting new version but I can only look into the esp file for now.
From this script line, the menu looks like...
Select new mode for this Gear-Set Hotkey # mode is # 0. Equip set, remove any other clothing/armor 1. Equip/unequip items as when they were bound 2. Equip set, remove any other clothing/armor/weapons
and when I switch Gearset...
mode 0. will unequip All but clothing/armor and won't touch enything else and this allows me to change clothing/armor independently of weapon.
mode 1. will try to unequip All possible but won't touch anything unless the equipment-slots are overlapped by new Gearset.
mode 2. will unequip Everything regardless of equipment slot/type (clothing/armor/weapon/ammo/quiver...etc) in any case.
Am I correct?
The %r in the mode prompt is not a number, but a new line. So the prompt reads:
Select new mode for this Gear-Set Hotkey.
Current mode is 0
0. Equip set, remove any other clothing/armor
1. Equip/unequip items as when they were bound
2. Equip set, remove any other clothing/armor/weapons
Mode 0 is what I believe the average person will expect: it will remove all non-weapon, non-ammo items that occupy slots, and equip everything in the set (note that it will NOT unequip clothing/armor that occupies no slot - such as the magic feather from Lost Spires).
Mode 1 is the behavior from the original versions of this mod: it will consider only items in the set, and it will unequip or equip items in the set based upon the status they had when they were first bound to the set.
Mode 2... is supposed to be like mode 0, only also unequipping weapons and ammo. However, at the moment it does not appear to work correctly in a quick test I just tried. Dunno why, the code looks right. I'll take another look in a few minutes.
Hey I downloaded this mod(v0.41) to test the hotkeying of whole equipment sets, and ran into some trouble with changing the gear-set hotkeys modes.
When loading from a quicksave that never had this mod loaded before, no matter what mode I changed the gear-set hotkey to, it equipped what I assigned the key to and unequipped everything else except for the weapon and ammo which it left alone. After reloading this save and trying to use gear-set hotkey's I get the message "srHotkeyBase equipped" instead of the normal gear-set equip message, and i can no longer change the gear-set hotkey mode.
Another time loading from a save that already had the mod loaded it wouldn't change my equipment with the gear-set hotkeys at all(even though it seemed to set them in the inventory).
Another time(can't remember if the save had mod already or not) when I set a gear-set hotkey to mode 0 it would equip everything I assigned to it, but any slots I didn't assign it would leave equipped with what I previously had on already from another gear-set hotkey.
I'm not sure if any of these saves are "unclean" and aren't suitable for testing, but it seems to me that the gear-set hotkeys aren't changing modes correctly.
It's possible. I've only seen oddities with mode 2 so far myself, but I haven't been playing much. I'll take a look at it.
I have some questions and requests on this mod if you would be much obliged to answer them.
1)When you change the mode of a gear-set hotkey already assigned with an equipment set, is it supppose to change how the gear-set hotkey works before you reassign it with new equipment? If not could this be done or could you make it so gear-set hotkeys are cleared when you change their mode.
2)I found that as well as holding down a gear-set hotkey in the stats menu and then clicking you want it as a gear-set hotkey again to access what mode it is, if you click cancel it comes up with the list of modes for it. Is this intended or not? Could this please be removed so it only shows the option for gear-set hotkey mode when you click gear-set hotkey again?
3)I previously found that Improved Hotkeys was the best hotkey mod for me, but it suffered from OnEquip bugs for whole equipment sets. Could you make this mod easier to use for gear-set hotkeys like that mod by just having a bind key(Right-Shift in Improved Hotkeys) to use in conjuction with the hotkey so that it binds all items currently equipped? Imo this is much more user-friendly then having to hold the hotkey down and then have click every single item you want bound.
4)Could you make additional gear-set hotkeys to be used, that aren't used with the wheel for keys 9,0,- and =? Improved hotkeys allowed you to bind equipment sets to the keys 9, 0, -, and =. This way you had more hotkeys to be used without pressing a modifier key, and didn't have to bring up the wheel to display a single item icon for a whole equipment set.
5) When you write about assigning gear-set hotkeys:
It was my understanding that when you bound items to a gear-set hotkey it equipped everything you assigned to it and unequiped anything else not of a weapon or ammo slot. None of the gear-set hotkey modes allow specific items to be set to be unequipped do they? If I understand correctly the above line should read "Equip every item you want the Gear Hotkey to equip, and unequip every item you don't want it to equip" This may seem petty, but the two sentences mean different things, and are confusing me over what your intended results are supposed to be.
6) Isn't the ammo and quiver slots the same one? I run out of arrows in 3rd person and the quiver disappears. Or is this a technicality?
1. Yes. The change in mode takes effect immediately... for instance, if you bound a mode 0 gear-set with some items that were not equipped when you bound them, and then switched to mode 1, it would unequip those items instead of equipping them.
2. There's a cancel button? Oh. Er... yes, I will do that. Didn't realize that I'd actually added the cancel button to 0.41, it's probably not a good idea to use it yet. It will work that way in 0.42
3. I like this interface. Suppose... suppose that when you created a new gear-set hotkey it automatically bound everything you were wearing, but from then on it worked like the current interface?
4. Not soon. Eventually I have some plans to be able to add non-wheel keys to wheels, but not soon.
5. That line was written in reference to the behavior that is now mode 1. It appears to work as the description says when I do a quick test. It goes through the list of items you bound to that hotkey, and equips the ones that were equipped when you bound them, and unequips the ones that were unequipped when you bound them. So mode 1 does let you tell it specific items to unequip. I believe this matches the docs.
6. I think it's a technicality.