[RELz, BETA, WIPz, whatever] Super Hotkeys

Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:46 pm

This is thread #1. Thread #2 can be found here: http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=956745

If Hitachi can name an instruction set Super-H, I can name a hotkeys mod Super Hotkeys.


Download version 0.49 http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22326
Or for links to more beta-ish versions, check the last few posts in this thread.

The previous thread this comes from is here:

Fromt the readme:
Super Hotkeys
version 0.49
by SkyRanger-1

Forum thread: http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=949637

tesnexus download: none yet

This mod requires OBSE version 16 or later. OBSE can be obtained here:

Section 1: Overview

This mod extends the vanilla hotkey wheel in two general ways:
1. It adds new hotkey wheels, accessable by holding down modifier keys.
2. Slots in hotkey wheels can be marked as being special hotkeys. Special hotkeys have similar interfaces to the vanilla hotkeys, but can do a variety of different things like cycling you between weapons, or storing an entire outfit instead of a single item, or switching to a spell and casting it and then switching back to your original spell.

Section 2: General Interface

The general interface at this point is this:

2.1. It mostly works like regular hotkeys. You press the number and click on the item/spell to bind the key. Pressing and holding the number will cause the wheel to appear, showing you how the keys are currently configured.

2.2. Modifier keys allow you to switch between multiple wheels, similar to Improved Hotkeys. In the default configuration, pressing left-shift will switch you to an alternate wheel of hotkeys, pressing left-alt will switch you to another, and pressing left-shift and left-alt at the same time will switch you to a 3rd wheel of hotkeys, for a total of 4 wheels including the default wheel used when no modifiers are pressed.

2.3. To create a special hotkey, go to the stats menu and press the hotkey (plus optional modifier keys). A menu will come up asking you what type you want that hotkey to be.
Note: Some hotkey types have additional configuration options that can only be accessed by first setting the type of the hotkey, and then accessing this menu again and setting the type to the same thing it already was.

2.4. Now that slot in the hotkey wheel is occupied by a special hotkey of the type you chose. To change it back to a normal hotkey, repeat step 3 and select normal hotkey from the menu.

2.5. The process for configuring the special hotkey depends upon the type of special hotkey, but it generally involves binding items or spells to the hotkey by holding down the hotkey in the inventory or magic menu and clicking on one or more spells or items you want bound to it. In most cases you have to hold the hotkey down until you have finished binding all items.

The hotkey types are:

Normal Hotkey: These work just like in vanilla.
Cycler Hotkey: Used to cycle through a set of weapons or spells.
Gear-Set Hotkey: Used to equip an entire outfit at once.
AutoCast Hotkey: Used to cast a spell or sequence of spells automatically while still keeping your current spell selected.

For more details see section 3.

Section 3: Special Hotkey Types

Current hotkey types include Normal, Cycler, Gear-Set, Auto-Cast, and Dynamic Cycler.

3.0 Normal Hotkeys
The default hotkey type. Works just like a vanilla hotkey. That's because it IS a vanilla hotkey. All other hotkeys types are collectively referred to as "special hotkey types".

3.1 Cycler Hotkeys
Bind the Cycler Hotkey to each item you want it to cycle through, in order, without lifting the hotkey until all items have been bound. Configuration is now done, but can be repeated at any time. Each Cycler Hotkey remembers a position in the cycle. The position starts out as the first item in the cycle. Each time the hotkey is pressed, it will equip the item in the current position (or select the spell in the current position) and then switch to the next position.

3.2.0 Gear-Set Hotkeys, Mode 0 (default)
Bind the Gear-Set Hotkey to each item you want it to equip or unequip, without lifting the hotkey until all items have been bound. Configuration is now done, but can be repeated at any time. This will unequip any armor, clothing, jewelry, shield, or torch that is not part of the set.

In order to switch a Gear-Set hotkey between normal mode and alternate mode, go to the stats menu and press the hotkey for your Gear-Set. When prompted for what type you want to change it to, select Gear-Set. This will cause a menu to pop up offering you the option of switching to the alternate mode.

3.2.1 Gear-Set Hotkeys, Mode 1
To configure a Gear-Set Hotkey that is in mode 1, equip every item you want the Gear-Set Hotkey to equip, and unequip every item you want it to unequip. Bind the Gear-Set Hotkey to each item you want it to equip or unequip, without lifting the hotkey until all items have been bound. Configuration is now done, but can be repeated at any time. Now when you use the gear-set key it should equip and unequip items appropriately.

3.2.2 Gear-Set Hotkeys, Mode 2
As for mode 0 above, except that weapons and ammo are unequipped just like clothing.

3.2.3 Gear-Set Hotkeys, Mode 3
This gear-set mod equips everything in the set and unequip nothing (though the act of equipping some things may force items occupying the same slots to be unequipped).

3.3 Auto-Cast
Bind the spells you want this hotkey to cast, without lifting the hotkey until all spells have been bound. Configuration is now done, but can be repeated at any time. Now when you use this hotkey, your character should cast the bound spell in order as if you were switching to them and casting them sequentially. You can modify your currently set spell without interfering with the process or being interfered with by the process. You can press additional Cast Hotkeys, the spells they cast will be queued up. You can abort the sequence at any time by pressing the cast key, though if a spell had already started casting then that spell will complete before it aborts.

3.4 Dynamic Cycler
This hotkey type is difficult to understand and configure properly.
Go to the inventory or spell menu. Bind the Dynamic Cycler Hotkey to each item you want it to cycle through, in order, without lifting the hotkey until all items have been bound. Configuration is now done, but can be repeated at any time. If you have one item from the cycle selected (and it is only in the cycle once) then using the hotkey should cause you to equip the next item in the cycle (not necessarily unequiping the previous item, if it did not occupy the same slot). The same is true for spells. If you have no items or spells from the cycle equipped then it will cause you to equip the first item from the cycle. If you have multiple items (or a spell and one or more items) from the cycle equipped, or if the cycle includes some items or spells more than once, then the behavior is more complicated but still consistent. Specifically, it will cause you to equip every item that comes immediately after an item in the cycle that you currently have equipped. Your active spell counts as equipped. If you have none of the items in the cycle equiped, then it will equip the first item in the cycle. Note that if this causes multiple scripted items to be equiped from a single keypress then only one of those items will avoid the OnEquip issue in the current version.

Potion Selector/Drinker: A Potion Drinker Hotkey will make you drink one of the selected potion type whenever you press it. The "selected" potion type in this case means the potion type bound to the most recently pressed Potion Selector Hotkey. To make a Potion Selector Hotkey, simply make a Potion Drinker Hotkey and then bind it to a potion type.

Planned but not yet implemented hotkey types include:

Gear-Set Cycler: Bind your Gear-Set Cycler Hotkey to your first set of gear, as for a Gear-Set Hotkey above. Then bind it to your second set of gear, as if you were replacing the original gear set. Repeat for each additional set of gear you want this hotkey to cycle through. Configuration is now done. When you use the Gear-Set Cycler Hotkey is should switch you to the next set of gear, as appropriate. Unlike some other hotkey types, you can not reconfigure by repeating the configuration process. If you want to reconfigure it, you have to reset it by selecting the hotkey type again from the stats menu.

Section 4: .ini file configuration

While hotkeys are generally configured in-game, modifier keys are configured from the .ini file. The options available from the .ini file are extensive, confusing, and difficult to explain.

Section 5: Version History

version 0.30: initial release
version 0.31: bug fix? or maybe I added gear keys? I forget
version 0.32: fixed handling of scripted inventory objects
version 0.35:
......added auto-cast hotkey type
......renamed the old cycler hotkeys to dynamic cycler hotkeys
......added new, simpler cycler hotkeys
......more stuff I've forgotten
version 0.36:
......changed cast hotkeys to support multiple spells in one hotkey
......changed name of cast keys to auto-cast keys
......improved handling of queued auto-cast spells
......fixed a couple bugs in auto-cast keys
......fixed bug when changing special hotkeys back to normal hotkeys
......fixed a bug that was preventing modifier keys from working properly
version 0.37:
......fixed issues with selecting the type of hotkeys with modifier keys
version 0.38:
......fixed an issue that was prevent the OnEquip stuff from working
......made modifier keys configurable from an ini file
......added 3 new types of modifier keys
version 0.39:
......improved behavior of auto-cast hotkeys
......added the ability to map a hotkey to an additional key
......changed the default behavior of gear-set hotkey, added menu to select behavior
version 0.40:
......removed spurious popups when viewing the stats menu immediately after starting a new game
version 0.41:
......added another mode for gear-sets
......possible fix for the continuous wheel spam bug
......added "cancel" button to hotkey type menu
version 0.42:
......fixed mode 2 for gear-sets
......added code to fix wheel number if it got messed up somehow
......fixed "cancel" button in hotkey type menu
version 0.43:
......fixed mode 2 for gear-sets, for real this time
......newly created gear-set hotkeys are now by default bound to the items you are wearing
......fixes bug introduced in .41 or .42 where going to the menus in the first few seconds after loading could make this mod go beserk
version 0.43, release 2:
......updates documentation somewhat, no other changes
version 0.44:
......fixes bug in gear-set type selection
......changes some hotkeys names to be more informative
version 0.45:
......fixes bug with multislot items not being unequiped properly in gear-sets
......fixed gear-set name updates
......misc. changes (ie stuff I've forgotten)
version 0.47:
......fixed issues with special hotkeys only equipping a single arrow
......reorganized some code, possibly other stuff I've forgotten
version 0.48:
......removed debugging script that gave player a test object
......added new hotkey type, the potion drinker/selector hotkey
......futzed with cycler hotkeys in hopes of fixing any problems in them
version 0.49:
......fixed a bug with equipping multiple arrows that could cause crashes on some computers
......fixed a bug with equipping scripted items that could cause hotkey 8 to be changed
......NOT INCLUDE: modified OBSE version now available, see below:

Modified OBSE version:
There is a modified version of OBSE 16 available from me. It seems to fix many of the problems that plague users of this mod. However, it is not a standard OBSE version, so until there is a standard OBSE version with these changes incorporated, care must be taken to avoid creating versioning problems for OBSE. If you want to test out this modified OBSE version, post in the forum thread or PM me on the official Bethesda forums, and I'll send you a link to the modified OBSE dll.

Section 6: Plans

Improve OnEquip handling
Fix up auto-cast hotkeys to work better with my big mod, Enhanced Magic System.
Support for hotkeys that are not part of wheels
Possibly add Pluggy HUD options for potion drinker/selector hotkeys.
Add additional options for mapping hotkeys to other keys.
Add Gear-Set Cycler Hotkey.
Add Toggle-Spell/Maintain-Spell Hotkey.

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Chica Cheve
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:54 am

OMG, this sounds like all i ever hoped for in a hotkey mod... perfect :). How's it on performance? Like are there scripts going on checking for pressed buttons or such?
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Sophie Louise Edge
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:07 am

Generally it takes a buttload of scripts running to have even the faintest effect on performance.

More specifically, it doesn't do very much most of the time, but it does it in both game mode and most menu modes, and what it does it tends to do inefficiently because it stores most everything in leveled lists, even things like which keys its looking for. I'd guess the performance hit would be lighter than most universal token mods (Reneers Guard Overhaul, Alternate Armor Formula, that mod that gives all actors elemental resistances equal to half their armor rating, etc) in populated areas, but heavier than most other pure script mods.
It goes to some lengths to avoid producing bloat.
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Liv Brown
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:46 am

sounds very interesting, I'm always on the look for a better hotkeys mod :blink: .

will you be adding a quick-sets function? (that's a must for me).
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Tyler F
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:40 am

I haven't a clue what a quick-set is. If it fits in to the framework for special hotkeys it can probably go in easily. Otherwise, maybe not.

Generally a special hotkey can respond to:
creation of a special hotkey (it being selected from the menu in the stats screen)
destruction of a special hotkey (a different hotkey type being selected from the same menu for the same hotkey)
reselection from that menu
item/spell being bound to that hotkey
the hotkey being released after an item/spell is bound to it
activation of the hotkey (ie the user presses it in game mode)

Anything else has to be handled as a special case. There's currently some special case stuff for dealing with OnEquip issues, and some special case stuff for managing quick-cast spells intelligently.
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Gisela Amaya
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:16 am

Just in case this is what you mean by quick-set, do note the Gear Hotkeys:
Gear: Equip every item you want the Gear Hotkey to equip, and unequip every item you want it to unequip. Bind the Gear Hotkey to each item you want it to equip or unequip, without lifting the hotkey until all items have been bound. Configuration is now done, but can be repeated at any time. Now when you use the gear key it should equip and unequip items appropriately.
The "Now when you use the gear key it should equip and unequip items appropriately" means that it will equip every item in the set that was equipped when you bound the hotkey, and unequip every item in the set that was not equipped when you bound the hotkey. The items in the set are the ones that you clicked on while holding down the hotkey.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:02 am

The "Now when you use the gear key it should equip and unequip items appropriately" means that it will equip every item in the set that was equipped when you bound the hotkey, and unequip every item in the set that was not equipped when you bound the hotkey. The items in the set are the ones that you clicked on while holding down the hotkey.

Ah, that is indeed what I mean. should have read the post more carefully, I guess :) .
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:41 am

Would renaming Gear Hotkeys to Gear-set Hotkeys (or somesuch thing) make it more likely for people to recognize it at a glance?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:43 am

Would renaming Gear Hotkeys to Gear-set Hotkeys (or somesuch thing) make it more likely for people to recognize it at a glance?

yes, perhaps 'gear & gear-sets'?. at a glance I thought it was a normal weapon/equipment key.
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Jeneene Hunte
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:25 am

Thanks for sharing and the linky, will add this to the list ! ! ! ! !
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Misty lt
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:35 am

grabbed, gonna test and try to report something~
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Matthew Barrows
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:32 am

short test, not fully tested yet...

Setup: Oblivion.exe v1.2.0416, OBSE v16
Installed Mod: Qarl's Depth of Field, Modular Beautiful People 2ch-Edition, Super Hotkeys (Of course I loaded 'Super Hotkeys' at the very end)

1. open stats menu
2. assign hotkey X to castkey
3. close stats menu
4. use hotkey X (no spell is assigned)
5. CTD

1. open stats menu
2. assign hotkey X to castkey
3. switch to spell menu
4. assign 'Healing Minor Wounds' to hotkey X
5. close spell menu
6. use hotkey X
7. cast spell repeatedly untill I run out of magicka

when I use/assign castkey, CTD randomly occurs...
Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime LibraryRuntime Error!Program: ~~~~~\Oblivion.exeThis application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.Please contact the application's support team for more information.

I coudln't switch back to ***key to normalkey via configuration menu.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:05 pm

short test, not fully tested yet...

Thank you. Version 0.36 up now. There's a new link, the top post will be updated to point at it in a second. Should fix all of those. Also, auto-cast keys can now hold multiple spells, and will auto-cast all of those in sequence. Auto-casting can be aborted by pressing the cast button (will finish the current spell and then stop).

Further note: It may require a clean save to switch to the update, not sure. Sorry about that
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Kevin S
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:55 am

Thank you. Version 0.36 up now. There's a new link, the top post will be updated to point at it in a second. Should fix all of those. Also, auto-cast keys can now hold multiple spells, and will auto-cast all of those in sequence. Auto-casting can be aborted by pressing the cast button (will finish the current spell and then stop).

Further note: It may require a clean save to switch to the update, not sure. Sorry about that

The hotkey casting function is much improved now and really awesome, ty! But there seems to be some issues remained.

My setup is same as before and I've newly created a clean save just in case. I've created a new character, immediately used a console to move to Imperial City (player.coc icmarketdistrictafightingchance) and quicksaved, nothing else is touched at all.

Well, I can't assign castkey to 'Shift+1' in stats menu.

0. Load a save
1. open stats menu
2. hold 'l-shift' and press '1'
3. message dialogue pops up

"You have set hotkey #1 in wheel #1 to an unscripted unequippable item.
What type do you want this hotkey to be?"

4. select 'cast hotkey'
5. somehow hotkey #1 wheel #0 become a 'castkey' and hotkey #1 wheel #1 is unchanged

Edit: I use version 0.36
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Misty lt
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:05 am

I'll get on it.
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Tyrone Haywood
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:46 am

Another small report...

1. load a clean save

2. open stats menu

3. hold 'shift' key
"switching to wheel 1 in stats menu"

4. press '1' key
"You have set hotkey #1 in wheel #1 to..."

5. select 'cast hotkey' and leave menu
"switching to wheel 0 in stats menu"
"activator types: old 00000000 new:srHotkeyTokeTypeCast (090037F7)
adding special hotkey (type=srHotkeyTokeTypeCast, wheel=FF00081F, hotkey=1)
stHotkeyTokenTypeCastScript: level=1, wheel=FF00081F, keynum=1
ending menu"
"srHotkeyTokenManagerScript: OnAdd worked manually"
"Token initialized with #11 and form FF00083E"

6. open spell menu and assign flare to '1' key (not 'l-shift+1')
"special hotkey being notified of change, activator=srHotkeyTokeTypeCast
srHotkeyTokenTypeCastScript: level=1, wheel = FF00081F, keynum=1
item list reset
srHotkeyTokenTypeCastScript: level=1, wheel = FF00081F, keynum=1

7. hold 'l-shift+1' and assign minor healing wounds to it
"switching wheel to 1"
"switching wheel to 0"

8. hotkey #1 wheel #0's icon changed to healing minor wounds' one from flare's <--- this should be minor glitch

9. I cast flare when I press '1' key.

10. spell (for 'c' key) switches to 'heal minor wounds' when I press 'l-shift+1' key
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leigh stewart
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:20 am

version 0.37 up. Should fix that stuff.

note: no need for a clean save this time, I think

edit 2:
8. hotkey #1 wheel #0's icon changed to healing minor wounds' one from flare's <--- this should be minor glitch

My code never sets any icons for the special hotkeys... they just behave weirdly icon-wise. I could probably specify the path for any vanilla icon I felt like (or a non-vanilla one if I wanted to include data files with this), but I haven't picked any out, and don't have my BSAs unpacked so it's harder than it otherwise would be to figure out the paths.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:05 am

what a quick update! grabbed .37 and tested...
All issues I mentioned seem to be solved. :icecream:

But I wonder why only a few ppl reporting bugs...:confused:
Please join this beta test and help skyranger if you want to use a super uber hotkey mod.
I swear that This mod will be an YET ANOTHER USEFUL HOTKEY MOD if it becomes bug-free. :swear:

well, I'm gonna keep testing this mod
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Joe Alvarado
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:16 am

I become more and more addicted to this mod every time I use these hotkey function...

Quick test:
0. Reverting back to Normal seems to work :goodjob:
1. Cycler seems to work :goodjob:
2. Gear-Set seems to work :goodjob: (It might be bit confusing to first-time users because you have to equip items before assiging them to Gear-Set keys.)
3. Auto-Cast seems to work :goodjob:
4. Dynamic Cycler isn't tested yet, sorry

There may be some oversights but it looks fine so far. I'l report back if I find anything that is not intended to work.
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Dragonz Dancer
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:10 pm

brief test for dynamic cycling...

1. open stans menu and set key '1' to Dynamic Cycler
2. close stats menu
3. use '1' key (nothing is assigned)
4. CTD

1. open stans menu and set key '1' to Dynamic Cycler
2. assign Weapon1, Weapon2, Weapon3, Armor1, Armor2, Armor3, Spell1, Spell2, Spell3 to key '1' which is a Dynamic Cycler Hotkey
3. keep cycling items for a while
4. in the meantime, cycling function stops to work
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Undisclosed Desires
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:56 pm

what a quick update! grabbed .37 and tested...
All issues I mentioned seem to be solved. :icecream:

But I wonder why only a few ppl reporting bugs... :confused:
Please join this beta test and help skyranger if you want to use a super uber hotkey mod.
I swear that This mod will be an YET ANOTHER USEFUL HOTKEY MOD if it becomes bug-free. :swear:

well, I'm gonna keep testing this mod

Some people from the previous thread have said they will test but aren't available atm. As for the general population of the mods forum, perhaps they were scared off by my "[RELz, BETA, WIPz, whatever]" prefix on the thread title (I shouldn't be making thread titles when tired, apparently). Or the Super Happy Fun Ball reference.
I'm aiming for this to be super as opposed to just another hotkeys mod, but somehow I get the impression that you're making a reference to the recent release thread by that name.

I become more and more addicted to this mod every time I use these hotkey function...

Quick test:
0. Reverting back to Normal seems to work :goodjob:
1. Cycler seems to work :goodjob:
2. Gear-Set seems to work :goodjob: (It might be bit confusing to first-time users because you have to equip items before assiging them to Gear-Set keys.)
3. Auto-Cast seems to work :goodjob:
4. Dynamic Cycler isn't tested yet, sorry

There may be some oversights but it looks fine so far. I'l report back if I find anything that is not intended to work.

Thank you.

brief test for dynamic cycling...

1. open stans menu and set key '1' to Dynamic Cycler
2. close stats menu
3. use '1' key (nothing is assigned)
4. CTD

1. open stans menu and set key '1' to Dynamic Cycler
2. assign Weapon1, Weapon2, Weapon3, Armor1, Armor2, Armor3, Spell1, Spell2, Spell3 to key '1' which is a Dynamic Cycler Hotkey
3. keep cycling items for a while
4. in the meantime, cycling function stops to work

Case 1: Crash for dynamic cyclers with zero items is fixed for next version (which isn't available yet... working on getting it to read an ini file for key configurations in the next version).
Case 2: I cannot reproduce this.
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Jonathan Braz
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:29 am

for Case2, try this

1. open stans menu and set key '1' to Dynamic Cycler
2. switch to spell menu
3. hold '1' key and click Club, Iron Claymore, Iron Battle Axe, Iron Boots, Iron Curiass, Iron Gauntlets, Buoyance, Defend and Flare to assign
3. keep cycling items for a while (for me 10+ times cycling was enough)
4. in the meantime, cycling function stops to work and I can't switch weapon

I can reproduce this again and again

1. I made a http://www.mediafire.com/?0nmz1mhwzzz which adds an Iron Mace that pops-up a message dialogue when you equip it. (OnEquip sciript)
2. script won't run if you assign this Iron Mace to Cycle, Gear-Set or Dynamic Cycler
3. script runs if you assign this Iron Mace to Normal

somehow I get the impression that you're making a reference to the recent release thread by that name.

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Catherine Harte
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:27 am

for Case2, try this

1. open stans menu and set key '1' to Dynamic Cycler
2. switch to spell menu
3. hold '1' key and click Club, Iron Claymore, Iron Battle Axe, Iron Boots, Iron Curiass, Iron Gauntlets, Buoyance, Defend and Flare to assign
3. keep cycling items for a while (for me 10+ times cycling was enough)
4. in the meantime, cycling function stops to work and I can't switch weapon

I can reproduce this again and again

I believe that what you are looking at is intended behavior, though perhaps not the best behavior. The behavior can be a bit difficult to understand there. I presume you are getting stuck on the last weapon there (or a weapon not in the cycle), all the armor there equipped, and the first or second spell there selected? What happens it this: the last weapon tells it to equip a piece or armor, but it's already equipped so nothing happens. The first 2 pieces of armor tell it to equip pieces of armor, but they are already equipped so nothing happens. The last piece of armor tells it to select the first spell, and the first spell tells it to select the 2nd spell. It tries to select two different spells, and nothing else, and the one that wins is the first spell, which was already selected. Dynamic cyclers take some care to set up, and are not necessarily easy to explain. The name is also a bit misleading, because they often aren't cycles at all.

1. I made a http://www.mediafire.com/?0nmz1mhwzzz which adds an Iron Mace that pops-up a message dialogue when you equip it. (OnEquip sciript)
2. script won't run if you assign this Iron Mace to Cycle, Gear-Set or Dynamic Cycler
3. script runs if you assign this Iron Mace to Normal

Hm... That doesn't sound good. The only scripted item I have on me is the Light Of Dawn from OOO, it burns my vamp just fine. But maybe that's done through a quest-script instead of an OnEquip block? I'll check it out sometime... I know that code path used to pass my checks, it's possible I broke it when I added the extra active-wheel check though...


You may be interested to know the next version of this will actually support the modifier key style used in that mod. Though probably not many people would use that functionality.
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Emily abigail Villarreal
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:29 pm

2. Gear-Set seems to work :goodjob: (It might be bit confusing to first-time users because you have to equip items before assiging them to Gear-Set keys.)

I meant to say this earlier but forgot:
I got annoyed long ago at some gear-set hotkey mod (I think it might have been JOGs Stealth Overhaul) that didn't let me specify what to unequip (I don't remember if it unequipped too much or too little), so I decided to allow that to be explicitly specified.
On the other hand, there's still a few ways an equip-only version could be handled:
1. The current version could be renamed, with the current name given to a new simpler implementation. That is exactly what happened with the original cycler keys... someone said they were counterintuitive or too complex or something, so it got renamed and a simpler implementation was made for the original name.
2. A messagebox could prompt the user asking if they want the gear-set key to equip everything or equip some and unequip others. This could be done either when the gear-set key is first created (ie immediately after you click on "Gear-Set" in the hotkey type menu), or each time it is configured (ie when you lift the hotkey after clicking on some items in the inventory menu).
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Chica Cheve
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:27 am

ok, i got some idea of dynamic cycler's mechanism, ty for the detailed explanation. :twirl:

1. you set [Weapon1, Weapon2, Weapon3, Shield1, Shield2, Shield3, SpellA, SpellB and SpellC] in a row2. you equipped Weapon1, Shield1 and SpellA#1 you equip item next to Weapon1 = Weapon2   you equip item next to Shield1 = Shield2   you equp item next to SpellA = SpellB=> you equipped Weapon2, Shield2 and SpellB#2 you equip item next to Weapon2 = Weapon3   you equip item next to Shield2 = Shield3   you equip item next to SpellB = SpellC=> you equipped Weapon3, Shield3 and SpellC#3 you equip item next to Weapon3 = Shield1   you equip item next to Shield3 = SpellA   you equip item next to SpellC = Weapon1=> you equipped Weapon1, Shield1 and SpellA#4~ (Rince and Repeat)

Interesting lol

I meant to say this earlier but forgot:
I got annoyed long ago at some gear-set hotkey mod (I think it might have been JOGs Stealth Overhaul) that didn't let me specify what to unequip (I don't remember if it unequipped too much or too little), so I decided to allow that to be explicitly specified.
On the other hand, there's still a few ways an equip-only version could be handled:
1. The current version could be renamed, with the current name given to a new simpler implementation. That is exactly what happened with the original cycler keys... someone said they were counterintuitive or too complex or something, so it got renamed and a simpler implementation was made for the original name.
2. A messagebox could prompt the user asking if they want the gear-set key to equip everything or equip some and unequip others. This could be done either when the gear-set key is first created (ie immediately after you click on "Gear-Set" in the hotkey type menu), or each time it is configured (ie when you lift the hotkey after clicking on some items in the inventory menu).

I myself am personally satisfied with current system but more option is always welcome. :)
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