== Super Marioblivion v2.0 == ATTENTION: Do not save over your existing savegames while this mod is loaded. This is a stand alone mod and messes with the player stats. Don't blame me if you overwrite the only savegame of your 500 hour/level 48 character. Thanks.= Description =This mod is a total conversion. Really, it is. And it is complete! Did you ever want to play a platformer in Oblivion? Probably not. Well, now you can anyway. Super Marioblivion is a platformer with 'old school' graphics.To get the mod running all you need to do is install it and load any savegame. There are three levels (plus three bonus levels) with an average playtime of 10-15 minutes for a total of 30-45 minutes.= Playing Instructions =To get the mod running all you need to do is install it and load any savegame.The gameplay is simple - collect all coins, reach the next checkpoint and try to survive. If you die (fall down, get hit by a trap or enemy) you'll respawn at the last checkpoint.Some things to keep in mind while playing:1. Do not use quicksave while playing the mod. Quicksaves behave differently then regular saves and the coins won't update properly after you reload. Regular saves work fine.2.Leave your companions at home. The AI is too stupid to get through the level and companions will only fall down all the time.3. Do not save over your existing, 'serious' savegames while the mod is loaded.4. The Koopa (turtle) shells will not respawn once they fell down. Plan ahead if you jump on them. They're not needed to reach the end of the game, but if you want to collect all stars you need them.= Installation =Note: If you have v1 or v1.1 installed overwrite the old files. You need to start a new game for v2.0, you can't use any existing savegames. Put the SuperMarioblivion.esm, the Supermarioblivion.esp and the Supermarioblivion.bsa into your Oblivion/Data folder. Check the esm and esp in the 'data files' section of the Oblivion launcher. To uninstall remove the three files.= Compatibility =This mod is a stand alone. You don't need to remove your carefully ordered list of mods to play it though. Just put it somewhere in your load order, play it and remove it afterwards. Like mentioned above, make sure you don't overwrite any 'serious' savegames while playing. It is also a good idea to leave your companions at home. Or park them somewhere.= Changelog =1.0 - initial version1.1 - added two texture that were missing in the bsa (sun and water textures)- altered the script so your athletics, speed and acrobatics skills are adjusted depending on the players race size2.0 - again altered the scripts so the jump height etc are completely independant from player race- added two new levels- made a proper ending- the game tracks now how often you die, you'll find out once you reach the end- you can now collect stars for a highscore- there are three bonus levels (one for each regular level) where you can collect lots of stars in a short amount of time = Permission = This mod is a modders resource. All you need to do is give credits. Since the mod is esm based you can easily create new levels by the way. Just load the esm into the CS and start building.