He we was alot bigger. He's actually bigger than the new behemoths.
He we was alot bigger. He's actually bigger than the new behemoths.
I'd take the size thing as more for gameplay. Lore wise they are the same size, gameplay wise they are small to fit through doors.
Reminds me of the armor of Zero from the megaman games.
It changed nearly EVERY game, and when asked why his armor changed, the explination was "it didn't change, it always looked like that(that being the design in the newest game) we just "changed" it becuase we thought it looked better".
Bethesda has always tinkered with the appearance of recurring items and objects. Mudcrabs look different in each game they appear in. Glass Armor looks different in each game also. One of the things I love about Bethesda is that they don't mindlessly recycle the art and gameplay of previous games.
I see these games as artistic representations of the "real" items. Each game is an artistic re-interpretation. It's not unlike a painter who paints the same scene several times during a long career. Each painting of the same subject is going to look a little different than the others because the painter has changed over the years.
Fo3 already recycled parts of Tactics
>Group of BoS being sent east to battle super mutants.
>Coming into contact with a machine overlord trying to exterminate most organic life on the planet.
>Being forced to recruit from the local populace to sustain their numbers.
And no, recycling content is not that bad, so long as they change it up a bit. Especially in Fallout, a series all about how humanity keeps making the same mistakes over and over again.
there is a reason why the Monomyth exists.
I'm fairly certain impressionists and cubists did portraits, too. Regardless, no, that isn't it. Not at all. It probably has more to do with your seemingly dogmatic adherence to the idea that anything different from Fallout 1 or 2 is lesser, if not outright bad. That tends to lead one to think you don't like or can't handle change.
I feel that most of the recycled content in Fallout 3 was to get a foothold in the series without jumping straight into someone else's lore. So they took some features from the previous games and moved to the east to get a fresh start while maintaining some coherency with the series.
If that is causing you to lose your suspension of disbelief, then I honestly find it odd how you dealt with most of anything in Fallout to begin with.
I personally hope the reason why Lyons BoS is in D.C., assuming it is Lyons, is because they are chasing the super mutants, who have fled from D.C. to Boston to try to escape their destruction, ala Tactics.
the mythic meta-symbolism that would represent would be great.
I also hope that if they ever set a game in the Amercian south/South-east, that they use parts of the unsued plot of Tactics 2, what with the mutant GECK creating a massive jungle of doom.
Were you also upset when Mario 64 or, heaven forbid, Mario Kart, weren't 8-bit platformers?
If supermutants are smaller, no. It doesn't have to mean that in the slightest bit. It can simply mean that the artists decided to design them a little differently this time. No more, no less.
Actually, Mario Kart was an entirely different genre. It's a racing game instead of a platformer. And guess what? Between the release of Fallout 2 and Fallout 3, there was also a big technology change. 3D was much more advanced and prevalent than it was when the first two came out. Perhaps just as importantly, there was a social change. Isometric turn based games as a genre were effectively dead. What did you want Bethesda to do? Release a game that would appeal to a tiny niche audience, but be a commercial failure? That probably would have been the last Fallout game you'd ever see.
The way I see it, characters, settings, stories, etc go beyond mere game mechanics. They can exist in any form. Fallout is the world or setting, not just an isometric turn based game.
It's a perfectly valid reason. There is absolutely no reason at all they shouldn't be seeking to improve not just the game, but also their designs. To demand that everything look exactly the way it did in Fallout 1 is just plain silly.
Does that mean Bomberman has always looked like this?
Instead of this
Right. Of course they aren't. How silly of me.