The super mutant Behemoths in Fallout 3 were scaled up from what they were originally designed to be, which is why the fire hydrants they carried as weapons were so comically oversized.
The ones in Fallout 4 are actually the size they were originally designed to be in Fallout 3.
And the ones in FO3, were roughly to scale with the ones in Fallout 2; so does that mean they are smaller in Boston?
The only ones that seem smaller to me are the behemoths.
All the others just appear to be hunching over more then they did in Fallout 3, which hides their true height.
If they are actually smaller then in Fallout 3, and no reason why is stated, then it simply a retcon of Vault 87 super mutant height. Assuming they are vault 87 super mutants in the first place.
Yes, enemies to large to fit in doorways are training dummies. Mammoths and Giant was perfect for training archery or destruction in Skyrim, draw agro, return to open world doorway and shoot at them.
Most doors in Fallout 4 will not be load doors. so you select an 9 mm gun, aim at target, strap down the fire button and walk the dog, level up on return.
Nice that somebody use their head, hopefully this apples to dialog the same way as Fallout 3 improved level scaling over Oblivion.
You're doing it all wrong, man. You use Mammoths to clear out bandit camps
Well, we can shoot off ghouls' limbs. Maybe Super Mutants can slightly keep their shoulders and head down and go trough doors?
Perhaps they are not small, maybe they are far away...
There needs to be a mod that makes equippable clubs of lost limbs. Such that any attacker (or PC) can pick one up and use it ~even their own.
It could be that smaller supermutants indicate smarter ones.
(Not impossible ~perhaps, that the PC can rally a faction for aid against another? SMs against the machines?)
Here's a picture of what I'm assuming is a regular Super Mutant: looks to be a little bit bigger than the PC.
There's also the Behemoth:'m guessing it's at least twice the PC's size, and carrying a fire-hydrant. So, yeah. Looks like they've both been down-scaled a bit.
Looks scaled down ~a lot. The Behemoth looks like a normal supermutant. At that distance, the first SM shown, looks to be just a head taller than the PC.
*Also the forearms on that mutant are longer than its shins.
**Nice Behemoth model.
Sadly... I do think that since there are supermutants confirmed, that there will be a newly minted source of FEV in Boston.
I'm guessing they are somehow linked to vault 87. Mariposa is probably too far, and we know many super mutants from vault 87 have been scouring the wastes for ways to create more. Maybe these are from a group that's been searching or they did find another way to create more.
I was under the impression that behemoths are basically like the final boss in Fallout 2 (Frank Horrigan). Wasn't he bigger than the other supermutants for some reason? Or am I mis-remembering?