So Todd says they are merging some skills together(cutting them out basically), cause they are superfluous/'not needed'. What I don't understand is, what is the point of this merging? Isn't this suppose to be an RPG after all? I can't see how removing certain skills will improve the game as an RPG.. RPG-players love stats,skills,and stuff, I know I do at least. If they want to improve on the RPG part, they should add more, not cut down..
And now I hear there's a rumour that they are cutting out attributes to.. That is on top of the removal of classes.. WTH! Why don't he just go all the way. "Ah axe skill and blade skill, that is superfluous!, let's merge them to weapon skill! HAH, I'm brilliant, I just improved the game! Oh look at all those magic skills, let's just combine them into magic skill, yeah baby!" :rock: "Wait a minute, why do we need these skills at all. Remove them from my sight!" I R genius
Is TES turning into an action game, because some people can't be bothered with the R-P-G part?
being more than is sufficient or required; excessive.
unnecessary or needless.
Let's first look at daggerfall. It had over 30 skills and one of them was swimming. Do you really want to have swimming as a skill? Of course, no one complains about it being removed as a skill and combined with athletics. This whole "The more skills the better." crap is just trying to match things to Morrowind. That's exactly what it is, don't complain that I just made it off the top of my head. Everyone uses Morrowind as an example of what it should be but Morrowind was LESS skills then Daggerfall and most of those skills were actually just removed from the game instead of put somewhere else. There were over 10 skills removed from Daggerfall to Morrowind, there were 6 removed from Morrowind to Oblivion and all but one of those skills were either consolidated into another skill or put somewhere else in the game. Now in Skyrim there are 3 less skills and all of them all being put somewhere else in the game.
I see people saying "What makes an RPG is stats and numbers and dice rolls" and that isn't the truth at all. RPGs are Role-playing games. Thus the main aspect is roleplaying in which you make your character how you want. Having innumerable skills would be nice but that is unrealistic seeing as how players will only pick the select few of skills that are the best. Why have needless skills when they fit under another skill? There is no point of having acrobatics and athletics when acrobatics is synonymous with athletics. See what is going on here? Why do you need more skills when they fit under something else? It's not that they are taking choices away from you, they are putting the skills together where they make the most sense. You have to realize that there are more choices to customize your character in this game than any other TES game. I don't understand how people can complain that they are losing customization when they had to have read what we are getting....
Also, you have to take in account the new leveling system. No one every brings up that 18 skills could be equivalent to 50 skills in Oblivion or Morrowind for all we know. If anyone read, it doesn't work like the old leveling system, you don't get a level every set amount of skill levels, you level depending on what level the skills were that you had raised during that level. So it could probably be possible to level every skill 1 level before you get an overall level, which would gimp you in the game.
In short, people need to realize between the new perks system (which is a blend of the original TES perk system and the original fallout perks system), the new leveling system and new magic system gives you numerous choices and we don't even know at what extent the armor system is yet, which has been confirmed to be more than the fallout armor system so it will probably be between Oblivion's armor system and Morrowinds. The fact of the matter is that there are more choices than any other TES game and that's just the features we know of. So people need to stop being doomsayers and overreacting, when less skills doesn't mean the game is less content or fun, it's just that way when you make it that way which is what most people that loved Morrowind so much did, they played through Oblivion but didn't appreciate it for what it was because they were too busy looking for differences in the game instead of letting them sink into the game and seeing how great it was.