You gonna code this for them?
Thats isn't hard to be implemented by devs, since modders can do thats why devs cannot, besides thats great improvement will be.
Reneers Guard Overhaul
Clothing matters
For first there is must be regional style bounty with levels and reduction overtime,
so if stole an apple in small village guards in large city will don't know about thats, but if you kill some one famed or important or stole something very valuable and your bounty will be significantly large you will be known in other cities also, %PCname can be recognized on sight but if he has training in Sneak skill there can be preformed check so stealth can be used in public places also and certain items can work like disguise by improving chance of not be detected on sight, wearing of stolen items at sight of previous owner can increase chance to be detected so value of stolen item and thieves guild fences will be much more important but all items will not have stolen mark assignment.
For second there is must be alert state,
If %PCname become recognized by NPC, NPC go into alert state and try say guards about player player can kill NPC and alert will be removed, if %PCname bounty is large there is can be used bells thats will alert guards in larger arena.
For reduction of bounty there can different ways not only prison.
By time low level bounty can reduced to zero afters few days
By bribe of guard or guards captain, membership in thieves guild can reduce such costs or provide removing of larger bounty level
By doing quests for factions thats rule in thats area
By stealing evidence from local court
1. Guards will evaluate how many of their own have been killed by you and where you are in the city (if your position is known).
Dynamic spawn points in secured areas (guild quarters, rich shops and banks, palaces and halls of nobles, city doors and city walls area for preventing of escape from city, there can be stealth entrances to cities for shady characters) thats will spawn leveled guards from a list accordingly to amount of bounty of %PCname and %PCname class specialization (Radiant Story take in account such features).
Such spawn points can be placed around doors so guards will not materialize from air but will create illusion of come from such entrance, leveling can adjuct number of spawned guards their equipment their class skills and abilities accordingly to player level, bounty, and level of area so high skilled guards with powerful equipment will not spawned in small villages if %PCname with high bounty will enter,
2. Guards will take defensive positions if you prove to be a serious threat (ie kill 2-4 guards)
2a. Defensive positions include accessible walls, roofs and doorways. They could also create roadblocks
2b. Guards will switch to weapons better suited to defending their own positions (bows for rooftops, polearms for roadblocks)
Well some door can be closed by NPC if area in alert state now, thats can be scripted and isn't hard
3. Prior to becoming a threat (significantly wounding/killing a guard), guards will attempt to subdue you with attacks that drain fatigue/knock you down. So they can arrest you.
Thats can be done with shield bash and blunt weapon for reducing of player fatigue, mages and cover ops special squads like rangers can use paralyze spells and poisons, when player will fall, then he force equip Wrist Irons thats enchanted with drain speed and stunned magicka\silence
4. Lighter guards will be used to sneak up on you if you enter a city with a large bounty that includes numerous guard deaths. These men will attempt to hit you with poisoned weapons that cause paralysis.[indent]
Yes guards must arrest not kill on sight, NPC also can be affected by this thats will reduce City Wars from one stolen apple like thats was in oblivion.
4a. Mounted units will ride ahead in order to cut you off should you escape a city.
Well better left patrolling guards thats travel by some route