I had the exact same thing..Got all the achievements except for the SuperSoldier one... I never changed the difficulty.. I mean the "Complete the Campaign on Super Soldier diff... the 3/7 Achievement I did get..
1 notable thing that happened during my campaign; I fell thru the map, then got a checkpoint while exploring under the map

.. Couldn't resume campaign..So I had to quit, then manually select the beginning of the mission/chapter. (I think it was chapter 6)
Weird of course that all the other difficulty achievements did "sort of"; follow thru.. But not the Super Soldier..
Don't know if this helps, or if it can be the reason why.. (Maybe the same goes for the 3/7 Achvmt.. If you restart a chapter..)
Message me if you need to know where I fell thru, and then on which chapter I had to restart.. (Will check and try agian)