I can honestly say I would never by choice use a single-monitor setup, it's simply invaluable. For programming you can have references on your secondary monitor, for writing you can keep information and quotes, for art you can keep examples - there's hardly a situation that can't be made easier by adding another, seperate screenspace. It's not really something you "get" before you use it, but it's night and day.
However, keep any multi-monitor modes optional, at least - I run windowed/noborder so I can quickly and easily switch to whatever's on my other monitor, whether it be IRC, compile output, whatever.
A lot of people understood and even sympathized with my meaning for this thread, but PhYoshi, you really nailed it with this, hahaha. That 2nd monitor has become like some kind of invaluable secret to me; I tell so many people about it but they can't seem to understand its value, but yeah, I use it for
everything. Now, NOT using it seems too weird and paralyzing. I am an artist, so I'm always using it to study models of things, and when I'm writing, it holds reference books or materials. When I read a PDF, I may use the 2nd monitor to run my music on WMP and won't have to leave the document to fiddle with my music. But when I play a videogame, even a videogame I have digital maps for to aid me in navigating things, when I launch the game both windows get used somehow, so I can't do anything with the 2nd monitor, it's just black, so I turn it off. And I wonder why I can't use my imageviewer on that screen while playing the game on my default main monitor....
It seems like a useful advantage to have, whether others think its "FAIR" or not, I don't care about that viewpoint. I paid for a 2nd monitor and I love using it, and if it could be done, I wouldn't let public opinion on the "fairness" of using my 2nd monitor stop me from using my f'n monitor the way I see fit!
I can't believe the number of people on here who don't get it ... Once you go dual-jizzack, you never go back.... if I had the money to pay for a heart transplant to extend my life, you guys mostly act like it's NOT FAIR that I use that option. Your argument is selfish. "Oh, I can't afford a heart transplant, so everyone else should die too...." C'mon, people.
I mean, how much is a 2nd monitor at 19" anyway, $150 dollars now? Monitors used to be $500 when I was a kid, and that's back when our dollar had a high value and you could buy a nice used car for that much.