Support = Joke

Post » Mon Nov 05, 2012 9:00 am

As someone who has been gaming since the early 80's (and works in IT), I can say that this PC version of the game is EXACTLY the reason people like me prefer to play on a console. I have Crysis 2 for the Xbox (limited edition code as well) and have had no issues with it. Obviously, with a console, it's a closed system, so less problems expected.

Now enter the PC version. REQUIRES a account to use the Limited Edition DLC in the box. LAME! Why is this a requirement! and why am I creating a new account since you are flying the flag of EA games? Can't I use my EA account (single sign-on!).

So, I had created an account way back in the Crysis Wars days. Don't remember the password. Tried to use the link to reset my password and it says that my email account doesn't exist in the system. Interesting. Try to create a new account using that same email and it tells me the account exists! Seriously! It's one or the other.

I only use one email for all of my registrations, so I know it is the one I used.

Talked to outsourced EA support idiot, who first tells me to go to gamespy to get the account fixed. The only problem, the link he sent me over the chat was to a page that EXPLICTLY states that the games accounts are no longer under their control and to talk to the publisher (another one of MANY reasons why outsourcing svcks!). I tell him this and he makes me wait for over 10 mins until he just says "use a second email account to get help on the forums".

That's the fix, open up a second account, to fix the first account? WTF! That is stupid! Not only does it create a new record in your database (waste) but then the account ends up dead after the initial email is fixed and what a hassle for the customer. It's not even a fix, it's just a poor mans workaround.

So, I did do it (like an idiot) and here I am. Now I can log in and when I try and apply the Limited Edition code, it just fails (no error). I have entered it through the website and it produces nothing under my account.

So, I just spent 2 hours of my sunday (precious time off from work) putzing with this needlessly when I could have been, ya know, PLAYING THE GAME!!!!!!

From this point on, i'm only buying EA games for one of my consoles since you obviously still don't understand a reasonable way of delivering content to PC gamers
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Post » Mon Nov 05, 2012 2:38 pm

btw, it took forever to type that post since the post kept "slowing down" as I kept typing. I am running Windows 8 Pro x64 /w 8GB of RAM on a Q8300 running a Radeon 6870 1GB card. I could type 10 works before 1 would print on the screen (and this is a fresh OS install). Maybe it's an IE 10 thing, but I thought you should know that as well (this reply didn't type out all slow, FYI).
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