currently I'm using the latest version of Supreme Magicka, i modified some of the *ini settings which may have caused a problem with my magicka regeneration.
If I use a Regenerate Magicka spell, choose Mage Birthsign, or equip an enchanted item with Magicka Regeneration, my Magicka does not stop increasing when it reaches my characters maximum.
However, this has not always been the case at all, so I guess i messed up the *ini settings.
I hope you guys can help me with that, so I post my *ini below:
; Set these options only if you're having problems with the mod. There are 6 options
Set SMDebugMode1 to 0 ;turns off the central spell script- everything related to enemies
(spell effects,
;Poison Damage, etc). Adds the token for the spell knockbacks and
Set SMDebugMode2 to 0 ;turns off the configuration quest so if you set it to that you can
only change it
; back in the console.
Set SMDebugMode3 to 0 ;turns off the conjuration script controlling multiple summons.
Set SMDebugMode4 to 0 ;turns off the levitation token script
Set SMDebugMode5 to 0 ;turns off the magicka based skill progression script.
Set SMDebugMode6 to 0 ;turns off the main quest script which basically controls some other
Set SMDebugMode7 to 0 ;turns off the system that monitors your current spell and sets
variables and
;custom scripts on them
;set zzSMQuest.bShieldFix to 1 ;Uncomment to fix any issues with the players armor rating value or
waterwalking. Once you have
;run the fix its best to turn this back off before loading your game
; (NOTE: It may be better to call this from in game by typing the
same line into the game console)
;Set UninstallMode to 1 ;Going into game with this uncomented will cause supreme magicka to
uninstall and stop all processes
; (NOTE: Its better to call this from in game by typing the same line
into the game console)
; Spell Control Systems ;
;Spell Token systems (SMDebugMode1 turns these all off)
Set SMFireTokenOn to 1 ;Set to 1 to turn on fire stagger effects
Set SMFrostTokenOn to 1 ;Set to 1 to turn on frost slowing/paralyzing effects
Set SMShockTokenOn to 1 ;Set to 1 to turn on shock bounce effects
Set SMPoisonTokenOn to 1 ;Set to 1 to enable poison spells
Set SMDamageHealthTokenOn to 1 ;Set to 1 to enable cancelled out restoration spells
Set SMVampireTokenOn to 1 ;Set to 1 to enable damaging vampires with light
Set SMStealthTokenOn to 1 ;Set to 1 to do extra damage with magic attacks while stealthed
Set RestoreDamageEnabled to 1 ; Determines whether Restore Health damages undead
; or not, 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled
Set SMBurdenEffectOn to 0 ;Set to 1 to enable burden spells slowing you based on your fatigue
Set zzSMTokenScript.bFortifySpellOn to 1 ;Set to 1 to stop fortify
health,magicka,fatigue,endurance spells from
;taking away your original health, magicka and
fatigue when spells end
; Conjuration ;
; NOTE: if sustainable summons is enabled consistent, variable and levelled summon settings are
; If levelled summons is enabled consistent and variable summon settings are ignored.
; If variable summons is enabled consistent summon settings are ignored.
; These different summon durations do not apply to your own made spells.
; The following settings lock all default spells of that type to a specific duration
; Setting it to 0 sets them to their default durations
; # in parenthesis = recommended duration if you wish to turn it ON
Set ConsistentSummons to 0 ; Sets duration for all summon spells (60)
Set ConsistentBoundArmor to 0 ; Sets duration for all bound armor spells (120)
Set consistentBoundWeapon to 0 ; Sets duration for all bound weapon spells (60)
; The following settings set the default spells of that type to durations based on
; your skill in conjuration.
; # in parenthesis = recommended duration if you wish to turn it ON
Set VariableSummons to 0 ; Set max duration (master) of all summons spells to fixed
values based on your conjuration skill. This is how long summons last at 100 conjuration skill (60)
Set VarSumMin to 20 ; Set min duration (novice) of all summons spells if
conjuration based duration system turned on. This is how long summons last at 0 or less conjuration
skill (20)
Set VariableBoundArmor to 0 ; Set max duration of all bound armor spells to fixed values
based on conjuration skill (60)
Set VarBoundA to 20 ; Set min duration (novice) of all bound armor spells if
conjuration based duration system turned on (20)
Set VariableBoundWeapon to 0 ; Set max duration of all bound weapon spells to fixed values
based on conjuration skill (60)
Set VarBoundW to 15 ; Set min duration (novice) of all bound weapon spells if
conjuration based duration system turned on (15)
; The following setting sets the default conjuration spell durations based on your
conjuration skill and the magic effect costs
; So cheap effects like the skeleton will have larger durations than the lich magic effect
which is much more expensive
; Duration = BaseConjuration / ( SQRT(Magic Effect Base cost*1000) * ( 1 / LevelledSummons )
) (Secret formula discovered by Kyoma)
Set zzSMConjurationControl.LevelledSummons to 0 ; Divisor (recommended 134 - Increase value
for generally longer laster summons or decrease for shorter lasting summons).
;Set to 1 to turn on a sustainable summon system where summons will stay out as long as you
have enough mana to sustain them.
;The spell cost of the summon will keep that amount of magicka in use until summons dies or u
run out of magicka.
;Overrides consistent summons and variable summon control.
Set SustainableSummons to 0
set SustainableXP to 0.01 ; Conjuration skill use per second while sustained summons is active.
Set to <= 0 to disable gaining experience. Recommended value 0.01
; These settings sets the summoning limit for each level of Conjuration
; Some suggested choices are listed next to each setting (might get buggy if > 5)
; (Technically a maximum limit of 10)
Set ConjSummonLimitNovice to 1 ; 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 5
Set ConjSummonLimitApprentice to 1 ; 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 5
Set ConjSummonLimitJourneyman to 2 ; 1 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 5
Set ConjSummonLimitExpert to 2 ; 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Set ConjSummonLimitMaster to 3 ; 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 5
; These settings set the summoning limits for npcs. The higher these values the harder the
game will be.
; (Technically a maximum limit of 4 for performance reasons)
set AISummonLimitNovice to 1
set AISummonLimitApprentice to 1
set AISummonLimitJourneyman to 1
set AISummonLimitExpert to 1
set AISummonLimitMaster to 2
set zzSMConjurationControl.LimitAISummons to 0 ; Set to 1 which makes sure the AI can never summon
more creatures than you are able to
; These settings set the percentage chances of npc's summoning 4,3,2 summons respectivly
set AISummonPercent4 to 0
set AISummonPercent3 to 0
Set AISummonPercent2 to 0
Set ModifyBoundArmorType to 1 ; Set to 0 to stop supreme magicka changing the
; type of bounded armor (To heavy or light) to match your higher
armor skill
Set zzSMQuest.bUseLeveledBounds to 1 ; Set to 0 to stop supreme magicka levelling bound weapons an
armor based on your
; conjuration skill. Note i recommend another mod is loading
afterwards (like LAME)
; when turning this off so that the bound spells are balanced
for when this feature is off.
set DispelDamageMult to 5 ; Set to value that is multiplied to dispel magnitude to determine
damage dispel does on summons
set SummonAura to 2 ; Set to 1 for a particle shader around summons, Set to 2 for a membrane
shader around summons, Set to 0 to disable the aura around summons
; Elemental Spell Effects ;
Set FireScare to 2 ; Sets % chance of fire spells scaring enemies (2)
set FireScareMult to 2 ; Sets multiplier % added to fire spells per mastery level
Set FirePush to 1 ; Sets % chance for enemy to be blasted away (1)
Set FirePushMult to 1
Set FireStagger to 5 ; Sets % chance for enemy to stagger (5)
Set FireStaggerMult to 5 ;
Set FrostSlow to 5 ; Sets % chance of frost spells slowing enemies (5)
Set FrostSlowMult to 5
Set FrostParalyze to 1 ; Sets % chance of frost spells paralyzing enemies (1)
set FrostParalyzeMult to 1
Set FrostRestore to 33 ; Sets % chance enemies recover from paralysis due to
; frost every 3 seconds (33)
Set ShockPush to 5 ; Sets % chance of shock recoiling enemies (1)
Set ShockPushMult to 5
Set ShockBounce to 1 ; Sets % chance of shock causing enemy to spasm/stagger (5)
Set ShockBounceMult to 1
Set SMElementalShieldFactor to 5 ; determines the amount by which elemental shield magnitudes
are divided
; to determine the damage dealt by the shields. If it's less
than or equal
; to 0, the elemental shield changes are disabled.
; Telekinesis Effects ;
; Sets % chance of telekinesis pushes enemy if magic
; skills are equal. So will be twice as likely if
; your skills are double the targets. (Set to -1
; to always be able to push the enemy)
Set TelekinesisPushChance to 20 ; 20 (Novice and Apprentice spells)
Set TelekinesisPush2 to 30 ; 30 (Journeyman Spells)
set TelekinesisPush3 to 40 ; 40 (Expert Spells)
set TelekinesisPush4 to 50 ; 50 (Master Spells)
; Sets % chance of telekinesis staggering the enemy.
; (Set to -1 to always be able to stagger the enemy)
Set TelekinesisStaggerChance to 50 ;50
Set TelekinesisStagger2 to 60 ;60
Set TelekinesisStagger3 to 70 ;70
Set TelekinesisStagger4 to 80 ;80
;These setting controls the general amount of damage done by telekinesis when used to throw items
into enemies
; Damage Done = (Speed item is moving * Weight of item) / Divisor
; The setting is best put at a value that when squared is the maximum possible value the speed *
weight can reach
; Reduce this to generally do more damage, increase to generally do less damage
; Set fTelekinesisDivisor1 to 0 to completly disable this telekinesis feature
set zzSMQuest.fTelekinesisDivisor1 to 145 ; (145) Divisor for novice and apprentice telekinesis
magnitude < 45
set zzSMQuest.fTelekinesisDivisor2 to 130 ; (130) Divisor at journeyman magnitude >= 45
set zzSMQuest.fTelekinesisDivisor3 to 115 ; (115) Divisor at expert magnitude >= 75
set zzSMQuest.fTelekinesisDivisor4 to 100 ; (100) Divisor at master magnitude >= 100
set zzSMQuest.fTeleDamageKnockover to 5 ; (5) Amount of damage required when throwing items
at enemies to possibly knock them over and play the damage sound
; Note the chance the object knocks the enemy over is
based on the telekinesis push chances set above
; These settings can be used to change specifically the damage from different item types when thrown
by telekinesis
; These settings are multiplied by the general amount of damage calculated above.
; Set any of these values to 0 to make those item types do no damage at all when thrown by
set zzSMQuest.fTeleWeapMult to 1.00 ;Weapons(1.00)
set zzSMQuest.fTeleArmorMult to 0.80 ;Armor(0.80)
set zzSMQuest.fTeleLightMult to 1.00 ;Torches(1.00)
set zzSMQuest.fTeleClothingMult to 0.60 ;Clothing(0.60)
set zzSMQuest.fTeleIngrMult to 0.60 ;Alchemy Ingredients(0.60)
set zzSMQuest.fTeleMiscMult to 0.80 ;Other items(0.80)
; RapidFire Effects ;
; Controls the settings for the three rapidfire spells
; Magicka Cost of each rapidfired projectile = Original spell cost * SMRapid__Cost
; Number of extra projectiles released per second = 1 / SMRapid___Speed
set SMRapidWeakCost to 1.0 ; (1)
set SMRapidWeakSpeed to 1.0 ; (1 = 1 extra projectile per second for weak rapidfire spell)
set SMRapidMediumCost to 0.5 ; (0.5)
set SMRapidMediumSpeed to 0.5 ; (0.5 = 2 extra projectiles per second for medium rapidfire spell)
set SMRapidStrongCost to 0.33 ; (0.33)
set SMRapidStrongSpeed to 0.33 ; (0.33 = 3 extra projectiles per second for strong rapidfire spell)
; Magic sneak attack settings ;
; Multiplier to your spells damage when you succesfully sneak cast a spell.
; The multipliers are based on your sneak skills mastery.
; Only set to values >= 1
set zzSMQuest.fNoviceMagicSneakMult to 1.00 ; (1.00)
set zzSMQuest.fApprenticeMagicSneakMult to 1.25 ; (1.25)
set zzSMQuest.fJourneymanMagicSneakMult to 1.50 ; (1.50)
set zzSMQuest.fExpertMagicSneakMult to 1.75 ; (1.75)
set zzSMQuest.fMasterMagicSneakMult to 2.00 ; (2.00)
; Staff settings
; Chance that using your staff returns a % amount of the charge based on how skilled you
; are in the particular school the staff casts. The value used depicts how much is returned
; at 100 skill which is reduced or decreased based on your skill in the school.
set zzSMQuest.fStaffChargeMult to 0.70 ; (0.60) At 100 skill gain 60% charge back. Set to <= 0 to
disable any return
set zzSMQuest.sStaffChargeStart to 25 ; (25) Minimum skill required to gain back charge.
; At defaults once you hit apprentice skill you gain back 15%
of charge
set zzSMQuest.fStaffXP to 0.05 ; Set to value of XP to gain for the staff spell school.
; Enchantment Settings ;
; Sets the soul values for each soul gem type (vanilla value in parenthesis)
; To prevent SM modifying these setting add a comment character (;) to start of line
SetGS iSoulLevelValuePetty 350 ; (150)
SetGS iSoulLevelValueLesser 800 ; (300)
SetGS iSoulLevelValueCommon 1600 ; (800)
SetGS iSoulLevelValueGreater 1800 ; (1200)
SetGS iSoulLevelValueGrand 2400 ; (1600) (OOO: 2800)
; Sets the weapon enchant limits for each soulgem type (vanilla value in parenthesis)
; To prevent SM modifying these setting add a comment character (;) to start of line
SetGS fEnchantPettyLimit 30.00 ; (15.0)
SetGs fEnchantLesserLimit 50.00 ; (25.0)
SetGS fEnchantCommonLimit 80.00 ; (40.0)
SetGS fEnchantGreaterLimit 120.00 ; (60.0)
SetGS fEnchantGrandLimit 170.00 ; (85.0)
set UseProgressiveEnchant to 0 ; Set to 1 to allow your mysticism skill to determine how
powerful your enchantments are.
; Will be half as effective at 0 skill but double effective
at skill 100.
; You may want to reduce the above values because of this.
This wont effect constant enchantments.
; Alchemy Settings ;
; Sets how many potions you can drink at a time depending on your alchemy level
; vanilla value in parenthesis, suggested values after that
; To prevent SM modifying these setting add a comment character (;) to start of line
SetGS iMagicMaxPotionsNovice 3 ; (4) 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 4 | 10
SetGS iMagicMaxPotionsApprentice 4 ; (4) 1 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 5 | 10
SetGS iMagicMaxPotionsJourneyman 4 ; (4) 1 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 10
SetGS iMagicMaxPotionsixpert 4 ; (4) 1 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 10
SetGS iMagicMaxPotionsMaster 5 ; (4) 1 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 5 | 5 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 6 | 10
; Gameplay Settings ;
; Sets some in built magic related settings of oblivion
; Key Vanilla = V, Supreme Magicka = SM, bgRaceBalancing = bg, Less Annoying Magicka = L, MM = Mighty
Magick, OOO =Oscuros Overhaul
; To prevent SM modifying these setting add a comment character (;) to the start of line.
; For example fPCBaseMagickaMult setting change is never applied because its commented out.
;setGS fPCBaseMagickaMult 3 ;Sets how much magicka 1 point of intelligence gives you.
;Always add 1 to the value given here for true value (V: 1.00
bg:4.00 OOO:1.2)
SetGS fNPCBaseMagickaMult 1.5 ; Sets the amount by which NPCs have their base magicka
; multiplied to conpensate for the fact that
; they're so stupid (v: 1.5)
SetGS fMagicArmorPenaltyMax 0.5 ;Armor reduces magic effectiveness by a maximum of value%(V:
0.3 bg:1 OOO:0.6)
setGS fMagicArmorPenaltyMin 0.01 ;Armor reduces magic effectiveness by a minimum of value%
(V:0.05 bg:0.2 OOO:0.12)
;Skill based spell cost decrease settings that determine how prices of spells change as your skill
;Vanilla Formula = 0.2 + ( 1 - Skill / 100 ) * 1.2
Set fMagicCasterSkillCostBase 0.25 ;(V: 0.2 bg:0.4)
set fMagicCasterSkillCostMult 1.00 ;(V: 1.2 bg:0.75)
setGS fMagicCEEnchantMagOffset 2.50 ; The Minimum possible constant enchantment magnitude (V:
5.00, SM: 2.5)
setGS fSpellmakingGoldMult 5 ; The Magicka cost of a spell is multiplied by this value to
determine what the spell costs in Gold to buy or create.
;For spell merchants this cost is then modified by barter
settings. (V: 3 SM:5)
setGS iNumberActorsAllowedToFollowPlayer 10 ; Increased in SM to support the higher number of
summons that follow (V: 6 SM: 10)
setGS iNumberActorsGoThroughLoadDoorInCombat 5 ; (V: ? SM: 5)
setGS fMagicFogMaximumDistance 4000 ; Maximum distance for firing this projectile type, must be
greater than optimal value(V: 2000 SM:4000)
setGS fMagicFogOptimalDistance 2000 ; Prefered distance for firing this projectile type(V: 1000
setGS fMagicBallMaximumDistance 4000 ; Maximum distance for firing this projectile type, must be
greater than optimal value(V: 2000 SM:4000)
setGS fMagicBallOptimalDistance 2000 ; Prefered distance for firing this projectile type(V: 1000
setGS fMagicBoltMaximumDistance 4000 ; Maximum distance for firing this projectile type, must be
greater than optimal value(V: 2000 SM:4000)
setGS fMagicBoltOptimalDistance 2000 ; Prefered distance for firing this projectile type(V: 1000
setGS fMagicProjectileBaseSpeed 1800 ; Base speed (in ball form) of spell projectiles (V:1000
setGS fMagicAreaScale 1.50 ; (UNKNOWN FUNCTIONALITY) Likely for controlling AOE graphic
or havoc size of spells
SetGS fMagicLevelMagnitudeMult 0.50 ; Sets the multiplier for level based spell effects like
; Calm and Command Creature, 0.5 means that a
; spell of magnitude 100 will affect enemies
; up to level 50 (vanilla: 0.25)
; ------Spell Cost game settings (For controlling the mana cost of spells)-------
; Effect Factor = Base Cost * fMagicDurMagBaseCostMult
; Magnitude Factor = Magnitude ^ fMagicCostScale
; Duration Factor = Duration (minimum of 1)
; Area Factor = Area * fMagicAreaBaseCostMult (minimum of 1)
; Range Factor = if Target, fMagicRangeTargetCostMult; else, 1
; Skill Factor = fMagicCasterSkillCostBase + fMagicCasterSkillCostMult * (1 - Effective Skill/100)
; Unscaled Effect Cost (Base Cost) = Effect Factor * Magnitude Factor * Duration Factor * Area Factor
* Range Factor (minimum 1)
; Scaled Effect Cost (Actual Cost) = Effect Factor * Magnitude Factor * Duration Factor * Area Factor
* Range Factor * Skill Factor (minimum 1)
setGS fMagicRangeTargetCostMult 1.40 ; Spells magicka cost is multiplied by this value if ranged
(V:1.5 SM: 1.4)
;setGS fMagicDurMagBaseCostMult 0.10
;setGS fMagicCostScale 1.28
;setGS fMagicAreaBaseCostMult 0.15
;setGS fMagicCasterSkillCostBase 0.2
;setGS fMagicCasterSkillCostMult 1.2
; Magicka Regeneration Settings
SetGS fMagickaReturnBase 0.4 ; Sets the base magicka regen per sec (V: 0.75 bg:-1.01
SM:0.05 OOO:0.4)
SetGS fMagickaReturnMult 0.045 ; Sets the addtional magicka regen per sec from willpower (V:
0.02 bg: 0.05 SM 0.034 OOO:0.045)
set zzSMConfigurationQuest.MagickaCombatBase to -1 ; Magicka gameplay settings while in combat,
set to -1 to disable reduced magicka in combat
set zzSMConfigurationQuest.MagickaCombatMult to 0.0033
set zzSMConfigurationQuest.MageMagickaBase to 0.01 ; Magicka gameplay settings while in combat
with the mage birthsign only if above setting is enabled
set zzSMConfigurationQuest.MageMagickaMult to 0.01
; Magicka-Related Settings ;
Set MagickaSkillProgression to 1 ; Set to 0 to disable.
; Set to 1 to use a magicka based skill
; progression system so that higher costing spells
; will train your skills more than lower costing
; ones which will prevent you from needing to spam
; weak spells to train magic skills at higher
; levels.
; Set to 2 to modify this further so you get 75% of the
experience if not in combat and
; 150% if you are in combat.
Set WPResistMult to 0.08 ; Set to amount of resistance to paralysis each point of
willpower provides
; Setting to less than or equal to 0 disables this effect.
Set SMLightDivisor to 20 ; Set value to divide light spell magnitudes by to determine
damage to vampires
set SMRestoreMult to 1.00 ; Multiplies the magnitude of restore spells by this to
determine how much damage to do to undead. (0.5)
set SMDamageMult to 8 ; Prevents this * damage health magnitude amount of health
being restored when affected by damage health spells. (8)
Set SMDamageUndead to 0.00 ; Multiplies magnitude of damage health spells to determine
how much to heal undead (0.5)
Set SMDamageVampire to 0.00 ; Multiplies magnitude of damage health spells to determine
how much to heal vampires (0)
set zzSMQuest.fMagicDamage to 0 ; set to 1.00 to make you do double damage spells, set to
2.00 to do triple damage with spells, set to 0.5 to do 1.5 more damage etc.
; WARNING: This settings is extremly unbalancing and can make
magic dangerous against both you
; and foe alike. Note self spells will not get any boost
(Exception being resist magic spells)
; Set to <= 0 to turn this off.
; Magic Effect Enchanting and spellmaking configuration
set zzSMConfigurationQuest.bDisableStartSpells to 1 ; Set to 1 to disable the flare and health
spell as starting spells. Adds replacement spell scrolls to sewer loot (only affects new games)
set zzSMConfigurationQuest.bAbsorbRestoration to 0 ; Set to 1 to make absorb spells revert to
being under the school of restoration instead of mysticism
set zzSMConfigurationQuest.bDisableChameleonSM to 0 ; Set to 1 to disable spell making for
chameleon spells
set zzSMConfigurationQuest.bEnableCharmSM to 1 ; Set to 1 to enable spell making for charm
set zzSMConfigurationQuest.bEnableDrainHealthSM to 1 ; Set to 1 to enable spell making for drain
health spells
set zzSMConfigurationQuest.bEnableMagickaSM to 1 ; Set to 1 to enable spell making for restore
magicka spells
set zzSMConfigurationQuest.bDisableChameleonEN to 0 ; Set to 1 to disable enchanting for
chameleon spells
set zzSMConfigurationQuest.bEnableFatigueEN to 1 ; Set to 1 to enable enchanting for restore
fatigue spells
set zzSMConfigurationQuest.bEnableHealthEN to 1 ; Set to 1 to enable enchanting for restore
health spells
set zzSMConfigurationQuest.bEnableMagickaEN to 1 ; Set to 1 to enable enchanting for restore
magicka spells
set zzSMConfigurationQuest.bNoPoisonLevitationEffects to 0 ;Set to 1 to disable the casting
graphics and sounds of these spells
;Disable only if you have swirling
pink clouds or swirling green clounds
;constantly appearing in your game.
; Other Settings ;
Set SpellsTargetSmallAOE to 0 ; Sets all 0 area target spells to have an area of
; the number you set here
; intended for those who play in 3rd person
; since it's harder to aim than in 1st person
; custom spells not affected
; (If ON, Recommended: 3)
Set LevitationPenalty to 1 ; Enables/Disables penalties to levitation
; 0 = No penalty
; 1 = Stunted Magicka while levitating
; 2 = Silenced while levitating
; 3 = Both effects while levitating
; 4 = Cannot attack or cast spells in any way (But it
becomes easier and smoother to levitate up and down)
Set ChameleonLimit to 95 ;Set the maximum percantage limit of chameleon to allow. Set
to 100
;to disable any limiting. (Recommended: 95)
Set ChameleonInvi to 1 ;Setting to 1 changes how chameleon works above 100%. It will
;instead act like invisibility. Do an action and your
invisibility goes
;(but you still have your chameleon effect). After 15 seconds
;invisibility will re-enable automatically. (Chameleonlimit
must be
set zzSMQuest.fRechargeTime to 200 ;Amount of time it takes for recharge spells to return a bit
of your life force (200)
;Note the time the spells lasts you cannot rest or wait for
it to end. It uses real time not game time.
Set SMDetectLifeOn to 1 ;Set to 0 to turn off the this coloured detect life system
and only use the original shader.
;(Look at option 3 if you need to disable the system for
compatability with a shader mod)
;Set to 2 to use the less bright detect life shader.
;Set to 3 to turn off the coloured detect life system and use
original effectDetectLife shader
;Only do this if you use your own detect life shader mod and
load that mod after
;supreme magicka otherwise detect life will show no graphic
and not work.
Set DetectLifeUndead to 1 ;Setting to 1 makes detect life always detect undead
creatures instead of
;requiring player to be a vampire. Ignored if SMDetectLifeOn
is set to 0 or 3.
Set QuestSpellLevelling to 1 ;Setting to 1 makes the quest award spells finger of the
mountain and wizards fury
;improve in strength as your skill and level improves.
Setting to 0 will turn off
;and give you back the original spell you first received.
Set SMSpellLevelling to 0 ;Set to 1 to allow birthsign powers and racial powers to get
stronger as you level
;This only works with the standard vanilla birthsigns and
racial powers and so should
;not be used with other mods that modify these abilities.
Set zzSMQuest.bAutoDeadlyReflexComp to 1 ;Set to 1 to allow supreme magicka to apply deadly
reflex elemental effects to spells
;if deadly reflex is installed. (Has no effect if
deadly reflex cannot be detected)
set zzSMTokenScript.bDisableArenaInvisibility to 1 ;Set to 1 to prevent casting invisibility
within the Arena
set zzSMTokenScript.bAIDetectLife to 0 ;Set to 1 to allow AI with detect life to see through
your invisibility spells
set zzSMTokenScript.bVampireDetectLife to 0 ;Set to 1 to allow vampires to be able to see
through your invisibility spells
Mods in use:
Axebane_Hunters25 (fletching arrows)
FF_WaldnirsWoods (house mod)
FULL_Oscuros_Oblivion_Overhaul_deutsch (German OOO translation)
GalerionUnarmoredAcrobatics (Acrobatics as a substitude Unarmored skill)
LordKain_Adash_World (new Quests, new city, new spells I guess (haven't really explored it yet))
... + others which do not really affect the Magicka system
I do NOT use SM_OOO since it does not work with the German OOO, however, this has not been an issue yet. As far as I'm concerned, this should only affect prices.
Another oddity: I can only hear Nord's and Orc's voices in Shivering Isles, Breton voices are gone in Cyrodiil too. I'm afraid that this could be connected with the Elaborate Eyes pack, any suggestions?
Regards, Ash Poet