[RELZ] Supreme Magicka V0.89

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:53 pm

Hmm, I kinda have a request for the Spellfire spells, currently it is very unbalancing to be able to use a Damage (or Drain, Absorb) Magicka effect right after Spellfire to kill someone. Would it be a good idea to filter out any drops in magicka from a magic effect? To me it makes more sense to only trigger when the actor himself casts. :)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:57 am

@Kyoma: Hmmm. It is difficult especially if its an instant spell thats used (i.e. Damage magicka, 0 duration). I still looking into having an anti absorb magicka spell on your last idea though and expermenting with it a bit.
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Trey Johnson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:51 pm


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Karine laverre
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:42 am

Thank you, Strategy Master! Updating now...
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Emma Copeland
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:39 pm



My mod dosn't give spells an order like that so its not a typo on my end. Looks like wrye's naming system is being used?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:46 pm

I get green clouds when I throw a weapon using Unecessary Violence, and I did deactivate the spell lights in the INI. Any help?
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Allison C
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:54 am

Thanks for the mod Strategy Master. I have been going through and cleaning mods for my reinstall and using tes4edit I got these results for Supreme Magicka:

Removing: ICMarketDistrict01 [CELL:0001BD1F] (in ICMarketDistrict "Imperial City, Market District" [WRLD:0002C108] at 7,17)
Removing: GRUP Exterior Cell Sub-Block 2, 0
Removing: GRUP Exterior Cell Block 0, 0
Removing: LeyawiinCathedral [CELL:0000613D] (in LeyawiinWorld "Leyawiin" [WRLD:0001C31B] at 21,-35)
Removing: GRUP Exterior Cell Sub-Block -5, 2
Removing: GRUP Exterior Cell Block -2, 0
Removing: BravilPlaza [CELL:0000661C] (in BravilWorld "Bravil" [WRLD:0001C319] at 15,-9)
Removing: GRUP Exterior Cell Sub-Block -2, 1
Removing: GRUP Exterior Cell Block -1, 0
Removing: [CELL:0000ABC4] (in Tamriel [WRLD:0000003C] at -51,-6)
Removing: GRUP Exterior Cell Sub-Block -1, -7
Removing: ICStables01 [CELL:00005ED1] (in Tamriel [WRLD:0000003C] at 4,15)
Removing: GRUP Exterior Cell Sub-Block 1, 0
Removing: GRUP Exterior Cell Block 0, 0
Removing: StandardCureParalysisApprentice "Cure Paralysis" [SPEL:0003C3FB]
Removing: INVI "Invisibility" [MGEF:00001881]
Removing: TELE "Telekinesis" [MGEF:000018A1]
Removing: iMagicMaxPotionsJourneyman [GMST:0000CBD8]
Removing: iMagicMaxPotionsixpert [GMST:0000CBD7]
Removing: iMagicMaxPotionsApprentice [GMST:0000CBD6]
[Removing "Identical to Master" records done] Processed Records: 1088 Removed Records: 20 Elapsed Time: 00:00

Just wanted to let you know. Should these be removed?
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Alessandra Botham
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:33 am

Do not remove these definatly
Removing: StandardCureParalysisApprentice "Cure Paralysis" [SPEL:0003C3FB]
Removing: INVI "Invisibility" [MGEF:00001881]
Removing: TELE "Telekinesis" [MGEF:000018A1]

The cell references i cannot give advice on what those cells are off by heart so totally unsure from memory. In most cases my plugin stays pretty clean and things which are left in are usually nessecary so i still recommend not removing them. The only 3 i can garuntee are totally fine to remove are
Removing: iMagicMaxPotionsJourneyman [GMST:0000CBD8]
Removing: iMagicMaxPotionsixpert [GMST:0000CBD7]
Removing: iMagicMaxPotionsApprentice [GMST:0000CBD6]

@Johny Obliv: Its bugged thats why its not working. I'm not sure why but it seems the null reference is being ignored by the OBSE functions. I been pretty busy so havn't had time to look into it much further yet or go get feedback from the OBSE team.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:08 pm

I have a suggestion for this mod. How about those who choose no magic skills for their class do not have any starting spells, nor are they able to cast any spells without training to increase a magic school?
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{Richies Mommy}
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:39 am

@Johny Obliv: Its bugged thats why its not working. I'm not sure why but it seems the null reference is being ignored by the OBSE functions. I been pretty busy so havn't had time to look into it much further yet or go get feedback from the OBSE team.
How about using dummy models/sounds instead of setting things to a null reference?
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Matthew Aaron Evans
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:04 pm

Edit: I found the culprit: Kyoma's Spell Renamer. I guess I should have guessed that would cause some problems. :)

Edit: The problem was not Kyoma's Spell Renamer. I must have messed something up with my bashed patch because now it's fine after rebuilding. Sorry Kyoma.

SM_NoSpellLights.esp doesn't seem to be turning off spell lights for me. I tried the standalone "Spells No Lights" mod, which worked but messed up the spell settings unless loaded before the other magic mods, but that would cause it to not function.

Load order

= Check ModsThis is a report on your currently active/merged mods.=== MergeableFollowing mods are active, but could be merged into the bashed patch.* Mart's Monster Mod - Looting NPCs & Creatures.esp* Mart's Monster Mod - No Bone Loot.esp=== Active Mod Files:* 00  Oblivion.esm* 01  All Natural Base.esm  [Version 0.9.4]* 02  Francesco's Leveled Creatures-Items Mod.esm* 03  Francesco's Optional New Items Add-On.esm* 04  Cobl Main.esm  [Version 1.71]* 05  Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esm  [Version 1.34]* 06  Mart's Monster Mod.esm  [Version 3.7b1]* 07  Enhanced Daedric Invasion.esm* 08  TamrielTravellers.esm  [Version 1.39c]* 09  FCOM_Convergence.esm  [Version 0.9.9a7]* 0A  bookplacing.esm  [Version 1]* 0B  Progress.esm  [Version 2.0]* 0C  HorseCombatMaster.esm* 0D  Cobl Races.esp  [Version 1.52]* **  Cobl Races TNR.esp  [Version 1.53]* **  Cobl Races TNR SI.esp  [Version 1.53]* ++  HrmnsOblivionScriptOptimizationv1.0.esp* 0E  Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp  [Version 3.2.0]* 0F  UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp  [Version 1.0.0]* 10  DLCShiveringIsles.esp* 11  Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp  [Version 1.4.0]* 12  SM Plugin Refurbish - SI.esp  [Version 1.05]* 13  Francesco's Optional Chance of Stronger Bosses.esp* 14  Francesco's Optional Chance of Stronger Enemies.esp* 15  Francesco's Optional Chance of More Enemies.esp* 16  Francesco's Optional Leveled Quests-SI only.esp* 17  Francesco's Optional Leveled Guards.esp* ++  FCOM_Francescos.esp  [Version 0.9.9]* ++  FCOM_FrancescosItemsAddOn.esp  [Version 0.9.9]* 18  FCOM_FrancescosNamedBosses.esp  [Version 0.9.9]* 19  Fran Armor Add-on.esp* 1A  Fran_Lv30Item_Maltz.esp* 1B  All Natural.esp  [Version 0.9.4]* ++  All Natural - EW + NW + AWS.esp  [Version 0.9.4]* 1C  Enhanced Water v2.0 ND.esp* 1D  WindowLightingSystem.esp* 1E  Book Jackets Oblivion - BP.esp* 1F  ChaseCameraMod.esp* ++  Item interchange - Extraction.esp  [Version 0.76]* 20  Immersive Combat Music.esp  [Version 1.00]* 21  Spell Delete.esp* 22  Living Economy - SI.esp* 23  Living Economy - Items.esp* 24  Landmarks, w Wells.esp  [Version 1.11]* 25  sr_super_hotkeys.esp* 26  DLCHorseArmor.esp* 27  DLCHorseArmor - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.5]* 28  SM Plugin Refurbish - HorseArmor.esp  [Version 1.11]* 29  DLCOrrery.esp* 2A  DLCOrrery - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.3]* 2B  SM Plugin Refurbish - Orrery.esp  [Version 1.11]* 2C  DLCVileLair.esp* 2D  DLCVileLair - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.5]* ++  SM Plugin Refurbish - VileLair.esp  [Version 1.21]* 2E  DLCMehrunesRazor.esp* 2F  DLCMehrunesRazor - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.4]* 30  SM Plugin Refurbish - MehrunesRazor.esp  [Version 1.11]* 31  DLCSpellTomes.esp* ++  DLCSpellTomes - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.1]* 32  Reznod_Mannequin_HD[Eng].esp* 33  DLCThievesDen.esp* 34  DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.5]* 35  DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch - SSSB.esp  [Version 1.0.4]* 36  ExnemRuneskulls.esp* ++  FCOM_ExnemRuneskulls.esp  [Version 0.9.9]* 37  Cobl Glue.esp  [Version 1.69]* 38  Cobl Si.esp  [Version 1.63]* 39  OOO 1.32-Cobl.esp  [Version 1.69]* ++  FCOM_Cobl.esp  [Version 0.9.9]* 3A  Bob's Armory Oblivion.esp* 3B  FCOM_BobsArmory.esp  [Version 0.9.9]* 3C  Loth's Blunt Weapons for Npcs.esp* ++  FCOM_LothsBluntWeapons.esp  [Version 0.9.9]* 3D  Oblivion WarCry EV.esp* 3E  FCOM_WarCry.esp  [Version 0.9.9]* 3F  Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esp  [Version 1.34]* 40  OOO-Map_Markers_Stock.esp  [Version 1.33]* 41  FCOM_Convergence.esp  [Version 0.9.9]* 42  FCOM_RealSwords.esp  [Version 0.9.9]* 43  FCOM_DurabilityAndDamage.esp  [Version 0.9.9]* ++  FCOM_SpawnRatesReduced.esp  [Version 0.9.9]* 44  Mart's Monster Mod - More Wilderness Life.esp  [Version 3.7b1]* ++  FCOM_SaferRoads.esp  [Version 0.9.9]* 45  Mart's Monster Mod - Looting NPCs & Creatures.esp  [Version 3.7b1]* 46  Mart's Monster Mod - No Bone Loot.esp  [Version 3.7b1]* 47  Mart's Monster Mod - Dungeons of MMM.esp  [Version 3.7b1]* 48  Mart's Monster Mod - Farm Animals.esp  [Version 1.4]* 49  Mart's Monster Mod - Durzog Addon.esp  [Version 0.10]* 4A  TamrielTravellers4OOO.esp  [Version 1.39c]* 4B  TamrielTravellersItemsnpc.esp  [Version 1.39c]* 4C  TamrielTravellersItemsCobl.esp  [Version 1.39c]* 4D  ShiveringIsleTravellers.esp  [Version 1.39c]* ++  ShiveringIsleTravellersFriendlyFactions4MMM.esp  [Version 1.39c]* ++  FCOM_TamrielTravelers.esp  [Version 0.9.9]* ++  FCOM_DiverseGuardUnity.esp  [Version 0.9.9]* ++  FCOM_HungersUnitySI.esp  [Version 0.9.9]* ++  FCOM_Archery.esp  [Version 0.9.9]* 4E  Mart's Monster Mod - Shivering Isles.esp* ++  MMM-Cobl.esp  [Version 1.69]* 4F  DLCBattlehornCastle.esp* 50  DLCBattlehornCastle - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.4]* 51  SM Plugin Refurbish - Battlehorn.esp  [Version 1.2]* 52  DLCFrostcrag.esp* 53  DLCFrostcrag - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.4]* 54  SM Plugin Refurbish - FrostCrag.esp  [Version 1.2]* 55  Knights.esp* 56  Knights - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.9]* ++  SM Plugin Refurbish - Knights.esp  [Version 1.06]* 57  Mart's Monster Mod - City Defences.esp  [Version 3.7b1]* ++  FCOM_Knights.esp  [Version 0.9.9]* 58  xuldarkforest.esp  [Version 1.0.2]* 59  xulStendarrValley.esp  [Version 1.2]* 5A  xulTheHeath.esp* 5B  XulEntiusGorge.esp* 5C  xulFallenleafEverglade.esp  [Version 1.3]* 5D  xulColovianHighlands_EV.esp* 5E  xulChorrolHinterland.esp  [Version 1.2.1]* 5F  xulBeachesOfCyrodiilLostCoast.esp* 60  xulBravilBarrowfields.esp  [Version 1.3.1]* 61  xulLushWoodlands.esp  [Version 1.3]* 62  xulAncientYews.esp* 63  xulAncientRedwoods.esp  [Version 1.6]* 64  xulCloudtopMountains.esp* 65  xulArriusCreek.esp* 66  xulPatch_AY_AC.esp  [Version 1.1]* 67  xulRollingHills_EV.esp  [Version 1.3.2]* 68  xulPantherRiver.esp* 69  xulRiverEthe.esp* 6A  xulBrenaRiverRavine.esp  [Version 1.0.2]* 6B  xulImperialIsle.esp  [Version 1.6.1]* ++  FCOM_UnofficialFranArmorAddon.esp  [Version 0.9.9]* 6C  Enhanced Daedric Invasion.esp* ++  FCOM_EnhancedDaedricInvasion.esp  [Version 0.9.9]* ++  ScriptIcon_Replacer.esp* 6D  talkwithyourhands2.esp* 6E  Toggleable Quantity Prompt.esp  [Version 3.1.1]* 6F  Quest Award Leveller.esp* ++  Quest Award Leveller - Battlehorn Castle.esp* ++  Quest Award Leveller - Vile Lair.esp* ++  Quest Award Leveller - Mehrunes Razor.esp* ++  Quest Award Leveller - Knights of the Nine.esp* 70  MidasSpells.esp* 71  Midas OscuroGems.esp* 72  Midas Reduced Costs Half.esp* 73  Midas Betterholy.esp* 74  Disenchant.esp* 75  Kyoma's Spell Renamer.esp  [Version 2.0.5]* 76  SpellDeflection.esp* 77  bgMagicEV.esp  [Version 1.7EV]* ++  bgMagicSpellTomes_for_WryeBash.esp  [Version 1.68EV]* ++  bgMagicItemSigil.esp  [Version 1.68EV]* 78  bgMagicBonus.esp  [Version 1.7EV]* ++  bgMagicEVAddEnVar.esp  [Version 1.68EV]* 79  bgMagicPotionNumberSoulGemValue.esp  [Version 1.68UV]* 7A  SupremeMagicka.esp  [Version 0.89]* 7B  SM_ShiveringIsles.esp  [Version 0.86]* ++  SM_DLCSpellTome.esp  [Version 0.80]* ++  SM_OOO.esp  [Version 0.89]* ++  SM_MMM.esp  [Version 0.89]* ++  SM_COBL.esp* ++  SM_NoSpellLights.esp  [Version 0.70]* ++  SM_SigilStone.esp  [Version 0.83]* 7C  Midas SMHolyHeal.esp* 7D  Midas SMPoison.esp* 7E  EnchantmentRestore.esp* ++  EnchantmentRestore_Wells.esp* 7F  RenGuardOverhaul.esp* 80  RenGuardOverhaulShiveringIsles.esp* 81  Deadly Reflex 5 - Timed Block with no damage or durability changes.esp* 82  DeadlyReflex 5 - Combat Moves.esp* ++  SM_DeadlyReflex.esp  [Version 0.86]* 83  Smarter Mercantile Leveling - Multi.esp* 84  ProgressMBSP.esp  [Version 1.0]* 85  ProgressSBSP.esp  [Version 1.0]* 86  RealisticLeveling.esp* ++  Item interchange - Placement for FCOM.esp  [Version 0.76]* ++  Item interchange - Placement for Frostcrag.esp  [Version 0.76]* ++  Cobl Races - Balanced.esp  [Version 1.52]* 87  Bashed Patch, 0.esp  * Missing Master: Mart's Monster Mod - Hunting & Crafting.esp* 88  Streamline 3.1.esp= Cobl RulesThis ruleset covers Cobl (Common Oblivion) and related mods.=== CONFIGURATION: Cobl Main.esmx Cobl Glue.esp --  Glues Cobl items into vanilla lists, cellsx Cobl Si.esp --  Glues Cobl items into Shivering Isles cells.o Cobl Tweaks.esp --  Adds Cobl items to creatures and NPCs.x Cobl Races.esp --  Additional races, hairs, eyes.o Cobl Filter Late MERGE ONLY.esp --  Adds foods from various mods to the Dinner Plate. (Requires OBSE.)

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Amber Ably
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:27 am

Still a Nice mod, but I still don't like the fact that a mage or thief type can't fight in the Arena anymore....
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Scott Clemmons
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:24 pm

I am having a problem with ver. 0.89 at the moment. Whenever I start a new game, a message pops up saying that I do not have obse v0017 installed. The problem with this is that I DO have v0017 installed, but SM doesn't seem to be recognizing it. I've tried version 0017a (stable) and 0017b (beta) of obse, but to no avail. Any suggestions?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:50 pm

You're starting the game with obse_loader.exe, yes? I know it's obvious but I've made that mistake before.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:18 am

Edit: I found the culprit: Kyoma's Spell Renamer. I guess I should have guessed that would cause some problems. :)

SM_NoSpellLights.esp doesn't seem to be turning off spell lights for me. I tried the standalone "Spells No Lights" mod, which worked but messed up the spell settings unless loaded before the other magic mods, but that would cause it to not function.

Load order
Curious as to how my Spell Renamer conflicts with the NoSpellLights setting? :huh:
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Amy Gibson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:06 pm

Curious as to how my Spell Renamer conflicts with the NoSpellLights setting? :huh:

I don't know why it does, but it does. My modding knowledge is limited.

Edit: I might be wrong, because I just reactivated your mod and all seems fine..

Edit 2: Yep, I was wrong. Sorry Kyoma, and thanks for the great mod.
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Rachell Katherine
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:55 am

I updated to the new version, but my multiple summons and rapidfire are still broken. Any suggestions?
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Rachel Cafferty
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:47 am

Is it possible to create more powerful "Blood Magic" or "Sacrifice" spells, which deal some more damage than usual spells, grant a better shield or enhance the area of effect, but damage the players life or infect him with a disease/poison?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:33 pm

How about using dummy models/sounds instead of setting things to a null reference?

Thats fine for sound. Light and effect shaders is a bit of a problem as they all apply some effect even at its minimum (light min radius is 16). Dunno if tesedit can override that though so might be ok.

I updated to the new version, but my multiple summons and rapidfire are still broken. Any suggestions?

Check the SM ini has the values set and you have the correct version of OBSE. Thats the only suggestions i can think of as that is only reason those scripts would fail is if they not running at all either because the scripts crashed in an older version meaning you will have to clean save your game to fix it (saving without any mods loaded in an empty location) or you dont have the nessecary requirements.

Is it possible to create more powerful "Blood Magic" or "Sacrifice" spells, which deal some more damage than usual spells, grant a better shield or enhance the area of effect, but damage the players life or infect him with a disease/poison?

Possibly but i'm not implementing new spells as much, to rather deal with the current magic system as best as possible. From now new spells will only appear if they compliment the magic system well and dont detract from that bethesda feeling :P . In other words enough good mods are out there with a load of new spells so its not a priority.
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Mrs. Patton
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:50 pm

Got a suggestion, well more of a ripoff. :P How about moving Light to Alteration? It's something from http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1013373&st=0&p=14657417&#entry14657417 that, after reading it, made alot of sense (to me). Here's what tejon says about it
The Light effect now belongs to Alteration. Illusion concerns itself with the
manipulation of individual minds and perception. Night Eye applies this concept
to one's own perception, and fits the school. Light, however, is visible at any
range and therefore does not seem to be "all in the head" of those perceiving
it. Destruction would have made sense (energy) but Alteration is the school for
utility spells which a non-mage might find handy, and so seemed the best place.

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Music Show
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:07 pm

I don't agree, Kyoma.

Light (as it is ingame) actually IS illusion, being that there is no obvious source (glowing orb, torch, etc).

Now, altering the spell so that such IS used, could make a case for both Alteration (making a weapon glow without using the enchantment slot) and Conjuration (summoning a bound torch).
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Tanika O'Connell
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:44 am

Got a suggestion, well more of a ripoff. :P How about moving Light to Alteration? It's something from http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1013373&st=0&p=14657417&#entry14657417 that, after reading it, made alot of sense (to me). Here's what tejon says about it

I didn't want to bring this up in tejon's thread, but let's just say his reorderings bends and breaks a lot that is known about the lore background of the magical schools. If I were the maker of a magic overhaul, I wouldn't let myself be inspired by it.
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Marta Wolko
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:43 pm

I don't agree, Kyoma.

Light (as it is ingame) actually IS illusion, being that there is no obvious source (glowing orb, torch, etc).

Now, altering the spell so that such IS used, could make a case for both Alteration (making a weapon glow without using the enchantment slot) and Conjuration (summoning a bound torch).

I didn't want to bring this up in tejon's thread, but let's just say his reorderings bends and breaks a lot that is known about the lore background of the magical schools. If I were the maker of a magic overhaul, I wouldn't let myself be inspired by it.

Fair enough, I'll go hide in the shadows again. :embarrass:
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sarah taylor
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:42 am

L.A.M.E. changes these stats:
(In TES4View, it is the only mod changing these stats, so they are definitely showing up in the game.)
fMagicAreaBaseCostMult 0.065000
fMagicProjectileBaseSpeed 1600

Are these okay to leave alone?

On the upside, last night I verified that setting the limit to zero does prevent drinking potions entirely. So I just need to have that set, and try to get poisoned once. :P


I'd check on that one in the SM thread. It controls the cost of spells with an area effect. That's less than half the default, so depending on what else SM does to costs it might be unbalanced.

The other one speeds up the travel time of magic bolts.

I want nGCD's and SM's settings overriding RBP and L.A.M.E. Do the GMST changes (in the first quote) unbalance anything? If it matters, I am also using FCOM and Progress set to Bofra's settings x5 (OOO default or something like that.)
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Alexander Horton
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:05 am

Is this compatible with LAME?
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Suzie Dalziel
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