[RELZ] Supreme Magicka V0.89

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:12 am

@Tomlong75210: Wizards fury and finger of the mountains yes and by default. Sigil stones are a no because thats part of item levelling not spell levelling.
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Britta Gronkowski
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:49 pm

@Tomlong75210: Wizards fury and finger of the mountains yes and by default. Sigil stones are a no because thats part of item levelling not spell levelling.
Good to know. Thank you.

Edit: Someone posted earlier about five records found after using TES4Edit's "remove identical to masters" function. Are the three records you OK-ed for cleaning removed from the next release? Is there another release in the making, haha?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:08 am

I got a bug report (of sorts). For the past few weeks I sometimes got extreme slowdown due to a high script use percentage (as seen in the Script Profiler with TDT) of around 100%. All from one script (the script itself, so any instances that run the script/multiple tokens count towards this percentage). The lag/slowdown went away after a restart.

After a bit of digging I found that Supreme Magicka caused it, more specifically the zzSMGeneralTokenScript. The slowdown went away as soon as I turned either SMDebugMode1 on or SMStealthTokenOn off. As soon as I turned it back on the lag instantly returned, even though the current tokens should have been cleared from the actors in the cell, only a restart fixed the problem.

It doesn't happen all the time and I'm not sure what triggers this behaviour, it mostly happens in dungeons and never inside cities (so it's not purely because of the number of actors). I'm gonna try and add some more debugging to help determine what triggers this behaviour.

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:33 am

@TomLong7521: Its very low priority fix.

@Kyoma: SMSTealthToken eh. I'm guessing its got sometime to do with the detection of player spell attacks which is included within the stealth token system. Thanks for looking into it. Keep me posted if you find the cause :)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:17 am

I can also report similar symptoms, though obviously I couldn't ascertain the cause.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:43 pm

@Kyoma: SMSTealthToken eh. I'm guessing its got sometime to do with the detection of player spell attacks which is included within the stealth token system. Thanks for looking into it. Keep me posted if you find the cause :)
Ok, after a bit of elimination I narrowed it down to this block
;*****************************************************************************************************************; Token used to detect stealth magic attacks and apply magic weaknesses where needed ;*****************************************************************************************************************scn zzSMGeneralTokenScriptref Selfshort SneakBonusshort SetBonusfloat Smessfloat timershort sPlayerSpellsshort sCountshort sSumCountshort sSummonsshort indexref Casterref Spellfloat fSaveddamagefloat magnitudefloat fLastResistMagicshort bisinvisiblefloat fHealthfloat fLastHealthlong effectref curspellshort bPlayerDetectedfloat fPlayerDistanceshort bfirstrundoneBegin OnAddSet Self to GetContainerset timer to 0EndBegin GameModeIf Self.GetIsReference Player	RemoveMeElseif Self == 0	Set Self to GetContainer	Returnelseif Self.GetDead == 1 || Self.GetDisabled == 1 || Player.GetDead || Player.GetDisabled	RemoveMeEndifset bPlayerDetected to Self.GetDetected Playerset fPlayerDistance to Self.GetDistance Playerif SMStealthTokenOn >= 1	if zzSMQuest.fMagicDamage > 0 && UninstallMode == 0		if fsaveddamage != zzSMQuest.fMagicDamage || Self.GetTotalAEMagnitude RSMA != fLastResistMagic			set Magnitude to Magnitude * -1			Self.modactorvalue ResistMagic Magnitude			set fsaveddamage to zzSMQuest.fMagicDamage			set fLastResistMagic to Self.GetTotalAEMagnitude RSMA			if fLastResistMagic > 0				set Magnitude to (zzSMQuest.fMagicDamage * 100) * -(1 - fLastResistMagic/100)			else				set Magnitude to zzSMQuest.fMagicDamage * -100			endif			;set Magnitude to zzSMQuest.fMagicDamage * -100			Self.modactorvalue ResistMagic Magnitude		endif		set fLastResistMagic to Self.GetTotalAEMagnitude RSMA	elseif Magnitude != 0		set Magnitude to Magnitude * -1		Self.modactorvalue ResistMagic Magnitude		set Magnitude to 0		set fSaveddamage to 0	endifendifif SMStealthTokenOn >= 2	set fHealth to Self.GetAV Health	if zzSMTokenScript.rTarget == Self		if zzSMTokenScript.bplayerattack && fHealth < fLastHealth && fPlayerDistance<= 175*zzSMTokenScript.Wreach			set zzSMTokenScript.bplayerattack to 0			if SMFireTokenOn && zzSMTokenScript.bEInFire > 0 && Self.GetItemCount zzSMFireToken <= 0				Self.AddItemNS zzSMFireToken 1			endif			if SMFrostTokenOn && zzSMTokenScript.bEInFrost > 0 && Self.GetItemCount zzSMFrostToken <= 0				Self.AddItemNS zzSMFrostToken 1			endif			if SMShockTokenOn && zzSMTokenScript.bEInShock > 0 && Self.GetItemCount zzSMShockToken <= 0				Self.AddItemNS zzSMShockToken 1			endif			if SMDamageHealthTokenOn && zzSMTokenScript.bEInDamage > 0 && Self.GetItemCount zzSMDamageHealthToken <= 0				Self.AddItemNS zzSMDamageHealthToken 1			endif			if RestoreDamageEnabled && zzSMTokenScript.bEInRestore > 0 && Self.GetItemCount zzSMUndeadRestoreToken <= 0				Self.AddItemNS zzSMUndeadRestoreToken 1			endif		endif	endif	set fLastHealth to fHealthendifif SMStealthTokenOn >= 4	if timer > 0		set timer to timer - GetSecondsPassed	else		set timer to 1		set sCount to 0		set sSumCount to 0		set index to Self.GetActiveEffectCount			while index > 0				set index to index - 1				set Caster to Self.GetNthActiveEffectCaster index				set Spell to Self.GetNthActiveEffectMagicItem index				  set effect to Self.GetNthActiveEffectCode index				if MEUsesCreatureC effect					if sSumCount == 0						set curspell to Spell					endif					set sSumCount to sSumCount + 1				endif				if Caster.IsReference Player && IsSpellHostile Spell					set sCount to sCount + 1				endif			loop		if sCount > sPlayerSpells && SetBonus == 1 && bPlayerDetected && bfirstrundone				set Smess to (SneakBonus * -1 + 100) / 100				Message "Magical Sneak Attack for %.1fx damage!" Smess		endif		set sPlayerSpells to sCount		; Adds the AIToken for multiple summons		if sSumCount > sSummons && Self.GetItemCount zzSMAIConjurationToken == 0 && bfirstrundone			set zzSMConjurationControl.AICurspell to curspell			Self.AddItem zzSMAIConjurationToken 1		endif		set sSummons to sSumCount	endifendif	set bfirstrundone to 1	;So all the spells that start active all the npc are not counted as new	If fPlayerDistance > 4000 && Self.GetInSameCell Player || SMStealthTokenOn <= 0 || UninstallMode || SMDebugMode1		If SetBonus > 0			;Message "Sneak Bonus Off 2"			Set SetBonus to 0			Set SneakBonus to -SneakBonus			Self.ModAV ResistMagic SneakBonus		Endif		if Magnitude != 0			set Magnitude to Magnitude * -1			Self.modactorvalue ResistMagic Magnitude			set Magnitude to 0			set fSaveddamage to 0		endif		RemoveMe	Endifif SMStealthTokenOn >= 3	If Player.IsSneaking && bPlayerDetected == 0		If SetBonus == 0 && Player.GetLOS Self			;Message "Sneak Bonus On"			Set SetBonus to 1			Set SneakBonus to Player.GetBaseAV Sneak / 25			If SneakBonus >= 4				;Set SneakBonus to 4				set SneakBonus to (zzSMQuest.fMasterMagicSneakMult - 1) * -100			elseif SneakBonus >= 3				set SneakBonus to (zzSMQuest.fExpertMagicSneakMult - 1) * -100			elseif SneakBonus >= 2				set SneakBonus to (zzSMQuest.fJourneymanMagicSneakMult - 1) * -100			elseif SneakBonus >= 1				set SneakBonus to (zzSMQuest.fApprenticeMagicSneakMult - 1) * -100			else				set SneakBonus to (zzSMQuest.fNoviceMagicSneakMult - 1) * -100			Endif			;Set SneakBonus to SneakBonus * -25			Self.ModAV ResistMagic SneakBonus		Endif	ElseIf SetBonus > 0			;Message "Sneak Bonus Off"			Set SetBonus to 0			Set SneakBonus to -SneakBonus			Self.ModAV ResistMagic SneakBonus	EndifendifEnd

I think I have a better idea as to why it starts to lag. I couldn't imagine the simple looping through the active effects would cause such a problem so I added a few checks to see just how much active effects were found for each actor. And I was shocked to see alot of numbers of around 300, sometimes even close to 400. Combining that with a relatively large cell (e.g. 30 or so actors) and it's no wonder it started to lag. Even when I commented out the content itself and just left the looping, the lag was large. From the looks of it, the majority of the lag comes from the enormous looping instead of the functions used within the loop. :(

More testing, I'm beginning to believe the problem does not lie with Supreme Magicka in itself, but with whatever is causing these enormous amounts of active effects. As a small example (and I'm still puzzled as to why a single spell can appear a dozen times in an active effect list) here's what it printed for a Black Bear
Large [327] Active Effect Loop for [Brown Bear] [FF080E2F]	- Effect [326] Spell [WillfulWitchery] [86002387] Effect [1179010387.000000]	- Effect [325] Spell [WillfulWitchery] [86002387] Effect [1179010387.000000]	- Effect [324] Spell [WillfulWitchery] [86002387] Effect [1179010387.000000]	- Effect [323] Spell [WillfulWitchery] [86002387] Effect [1179010387.000000]	- Effect [322] Spell [WillfulWitchery] [86002387] Effect [1179010387.000000]	- Effect [321] Spell [WillfulWitchery] [86002387] Effect [1179010387.000000]	- Effect [320] Spell [WillfulWitchery] [86002387] Effect [1179010387.000000]	- Effect [319] Spell [WillfulWitchery] [86002387] Effect [1179010387.000000]	- Effect [318] Spell [WillfulWitchery] [86002387] Effect [1179010387.000000]	- Effect [317] Spell [WillfulWitchery] [86002387] Effect [1179010387.000000]	- Effect [316] Spell [WillfulWitchery] [86002387] Effect [1179010387.000000]	- Effect [315] Spell [WillfulWitchery] [86002387] Effect [1179010387.000000]	- Effect [314] 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Effect [12] Spell [nGCD Token Spell] [8E00BFF4] Effect [1179010387.000000]	- Effect [11] Spell [nGCD Token Spell] [8E00BFF4] Effect [1179010387.000000]	- Effect [10] Spell [nGCD Token Spell] [8E00BFF4] Effect [1179010387.000000]	- Effect [9] Spell [nGCD Token Spell] [8E00BFF4] Effect [1179010387.000000]	- Effect [8] Spell [nGCD Token Spell] [8E00BFF4] Effect [1179010387.000000]	- Effect [7] Spell [nGCD Token Spell] [8E00BFF4] Effect [1179010387.000000]	- Effect [6] Spell [nGCD Token Spell] [8E00BFF4] Effect [1179010387.000000]	- Effect [5] Spell [nGCD Token Spell] [8E00BFF4] Effect [1179010387.000000]	- Effect [4] Spell [nGCD Token Spell] [8E00BFF4] Effect [1179010387.000000]	- Effect [3] Spell [nGCD Token Spell] [8E00BFF4] Effect [1179010387.000000]	- Effect [2] Spell [nGCD Token Spell] [8E00BFF4] Effect [1179010387.000000]	- Effect [1] Spell [nGCD Token Spell] [8E00BFF4] Effect [1179010387.000000]	- Effect [0] Spell [nGCD Token Spell] [8E00BFF4] Effect [1179010387.000000]
Maybe it's a bug with GetActiveEffectCount where it continues to count previous active effects (or those that were refreshed by recasting the spell)? :unsure:
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T. tacks Rims
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:45 pm

EEe thats an issue. I'm guessing the constant new effects then causes the loop to effectivly never end. And then a never ending loop causes lag and eventually freezing.
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Brandi Norton
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:07 am

Oh so thats been this mod that's been freezing my game periodically. Wow, I would have never guessed.

Or whatever is causing those loops.

I probably would have reported this much sooner(as I've had this for a while) but I never suspected this nor am I able to check for such things. I figured it was just a hardware issue.
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Alex Vincent
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:24 pm

EEe thats an issue. I'm guessing the constant new effects then causes the loop to effectivly never end. And then a never ending loop causes lag and eventually freezing.
Definitely a problem. I'll post in the OBSE thread to check if it's a problem with GetActiveEffectCount itself or if it's just how Oblivion deals with active effects. Also, I'll take a look at the three spells in question which seem to fill out most of these 300+ active effects, maybe there is something special about them that causes this problem.

Oh so thats been this mod that's been freezing my game periodically. Wow, I would have never guessed.

Or whatever is causing those loops.

I probably would have reported this much sooner(as I've had this for a while) but I never suspected this nor am I able to check for such things. I figured it was just a hardware issue.
So did I, until I accidentally saw the TDT Script Profiler reach numbers over a 100%. :wacko:
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Joe Alvarado
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:55 pm

Definitely a problem. I'll post in the OBSE thread to check if it's a problem with GetActiveEffectCount itself or if it's just how Oblivion deals with active effects. Also, I'll take a look at the three spells in question which seem to fill out most of these 300+ active effects, maybe there is something special about them that causes this problem.

So did I, until I accidentally saw the TDT Script Profiler reach numbers over a 100%. :wacko:
I hope this can be fixed soon...:(
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bonita mathews
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:26 am

Tried posting this in the OOO topic, but this might be a more appropriate place:

I'm having an issue with the Finger of the Mountain spell. Currently, I'm level 6 with 51 in Destruction. My FotM spell costs 140 magicka, requires 75 Destruction, and is slated to do 24 shock damage. i'm guessing I have some sort of conflict going on :P

I have OOO, SM and Quest Award Leveling all running (among some other minor mods) and I'm guessing it's one of those three as the culprit since I think each one might do something to FotM. Does anyone else use a similar combination of mods? If so, can you provide me with the correct load order (or which one I can disable) to get FotM working properly again?

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:52 am

it doesnt really sound like anything is wrong the spell ends up costing lots of magic when it levels up even att lower levels
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:50 am

Well, not in case SM should level the spells. You should disable FOM and Wizards Fury leveling in QAL by clicking the misc. item in your inventory.

BTW, I have the loop lag as well. I just did not know the culprit before.
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Jack Moves
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:27 pm

Guys I've just started a new FCOM game loading SM later than all the other mods. I started a new game and I only had the vanilla game's beginning spells. As soon as I got out. I suddenly had spells such as summon skeleton, bound dagger, a shock on touch, calm . Are these spells meant to be the beginner spells in a SM game?

And also, the bound dagger spell has a duration of 30 seconds. I thought SM increased these durations. Is 30 seconds considered increased?
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Breanna Van Dijk
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:56 am

Did you look at the ini?
That's where summons be.
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Auguste Bartholdi
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:20 am

Original Duration of Bound Dagger was 15 seconds, so 30 is an increase in duration. It can be reset in the INI.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:51 pm

So far I used this magicka overhaul in my FCOM setup this month I would say my experience was happy.
I especially loved the fact that "Charm" and "Item enchantment" (no more than 8% magica resistance for a Grand SoulGem for example and 15000 gold as cost) are very balanced and make the gameplay worth the experience.
One thing I would add is that I got some problems when using in conjunction with Deadly Reflexes (some non offensives spells are assimilate to attacks when cast too close to NPCS, bounded items can some time be found in the corpses of dead enemies).
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Adam Kriner
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:19 pm

Hey Strategy Master,

Any chance of making a quick and dirty fix for the looping problem? I've edited my copy so that the looping never occures if the active effect count is above 100 (or something) and it won't check it again. The only situation where I've seen the active effects getting cleared was when the actor died, at which the token is removed so if he is resurrected he'll get a fresh token anyway.

The rest of the script still runs like normal so the worse that happens is that the actor in question no longer has magic sneak damage and multiple summons. But so far I've only had the infinite-active-effects-stacking with creatures and not NPCs. I know it's not really a solution but it beats the heck out of extreme lag within large dungeons. :shrug:

If anybody wants to try this 'fix' out too here's the script (part of it):
Open up Supreme Magicka.esp and look for the zzSMGeneralToken, scroll down until you see the following block
Set sCount to 0Set sSumCount to 0Set index to Self.GetActiveEffectCount	 while index > 0		  Set index to index - 1		  Set Caster to Self.GetNthActiveEffectCaster index		  Set Spell to Self.GetNthActiveEffectMagicItem index		  Set effect to Self.GetNthActiveEffectCode index		  if MEUsesCreatureC effect			   if sSumCount == 0					Set curspell to Spell			   endif			   Set sSumCount to sSumCount + 1		  endif		  if Caster.IsReference Player && IsSpellHostile Spell			   Set sCount to sCount + 1		  endif	 loopif sCount > sPlayerSpells && SetBonus == 1 && bPlayerDetected && bfirstrundone		  Set Smess to (SneakBonus * -1 + 100) / 100		  Message "Magical Sneak Attack for %.1fx damage!" SmessendifSet sPlayerSpells to sCount; Adds the AIToken for multiple summonsif sSumCount > sSummons && Self.GetItemCount zzSMAIConjurationToken == 0 && bfirstrundone	 Set zzSMConjurationControl.AICurspell to curspell	 Self.AddItem zzSMAIConjurationToken 1endifSet sSummons to sSumCount

Replace that part with this code
	if index == -1	else		set sCount to 0		set Smess to 0		set sSumCount to 0		set index to Self.GetActiveEffectCount				if index > 100			set index to -1		else			while index > 0				set index to index - 1				set Caster to Self.GetNthActiveEffectCaster index				set Spell to Self.GetNthActiveEffectMagicItem index				set effect to Self.GetNthActiveEffectCode index				if MEUsesCreatureC effect					if sSumCount == 0						set curspell to Spell					endif					set sSumCount to sSumCount + 1				endif				if Caster.IsReference Player && IsSpellHostile Spell					set sCount to sCount + 1				endif			loop		endif		if sCount > sPlayerSpells && SetBonus == 1 && bPlayerDetected && bfirstrundone				set Smess to (SneakBonus * -1 + 100) / 100				Message "Magical Sneak Attack for %.1fx damage!" Smess		endif		set sPlayerSpells to sCount; Adds the AIToken for multiple summons		if sSumCount > sSummons && Self.GetItemCount zzSMAIConjurationToken == 0 && bfirstrundone			set zzSMConjurationControl.AICurspell to curspell			Self.AddItem zzSMAIConjurationToken 1		endif		set sSummons to sSumCount	endif;endif

And then save the script and the plugin ofcourse but I shouldn't have to say that. ;)

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Epul Kedah
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:21 am

So far I used this magicka overhaul in my FCOM setup this month I would say my experience was happy.
I especially loved the fact that "Charm" and "Item enchantment" (no more than 8% magica resistance for a Grand SoulGem for example and 15000 gold as cost) are very balanced and make the gameplay worth the experience.
One thing I would add is that I got some problems when using in conjunction with Deadly Reflexes (some non offensives spells are assimilate to attacks when cast too close to NPCS, bounded items can some time be found in the corpses of dead enemies).

Those are more related to deadly reflex functionality rather than supreme magicka.

@Kyoma: So no news on the cause of it then? If i look into a temporary solution i might extend your idea to have it loop only the first 50-100 or less or so effects. Any more then it quits. This might make some other supreme magicka systems still work occasionally if i make a little modifications to the condition checks there as well.
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Jynx Anthropic
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:23 am

@Kyoma: So no news on the cause of it then? If i look into a temporary solution i might extend your idea to have it loop only the first 50-100 or less or so effects. Any more then it quits. This might make some other supreme magicka systems still work occasionally.
Nope, no idea. In the OBSE thread tejon made a few suggestions on what might prevent the problem (moving from ScriptEffectStart to ScriptEffectFinish and such) but non of them made a difference. :(

Although I just think of something else I can check. Using the already existing loop in SM I'm gonna see what the duration/elapsed time for those active effects are. Maybe Oblivion messed up there. :shrug:
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Kim Bradley
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:42 pm

Just gonna copy/paste this from another thread, I don't really expect anything from it so I'll probably end up (eventually) doing it myself or just not doing it; however, food for thought...

I'll probably end up doing it myself or (more likely) just living with the changes SM gives, but I have a suggestion/request for an invisibility overhaul. Everyone always [censored]es and moans about chameleon being to powerful, but it's really fairly worthless until you assemble the 100% chameleon set, which is when all the [censored]ing is appropriate, and it breaks the game/makes it boring. Because of both those reasons I never touch Chameleon stuff (plus the invisible shader constantly is annoying). Invisibility however is much more useful/overpowered, but doesn't get any attention for balancing for some reason. The drawbacks (activating stuff breaks it, or attacking) are incredibly easy to avoid entirely (activating things to break it is essentially not even a drawback, all you have to do is time when you activate stuff before you finish the animation for refreshing invisibility) or partially (hit and run tactics for attacking). I've always recognized it as a problem (Morrowind) but love it to much for traveling without being harassed (and the previous reasons, to a lesser extent, as well) to give any possible solutions some thought.

However, when I started my new character and picked the thief birthsign (from BE) I immediately fell in love with the design of 'Slip Away'. The small duration made its use tactical, I couldn't use it to just wander through a cave or house with much higher level guards without pause, but instead I had to sprint from dark area or corner to corner, and pray that I wasn't detected while I was exposed; and the huge fatigue cost/silence prevented it from being spammed. Until I had enough money to by the lowest level Invisibility spell, and fell back into my old habits (IE not using slip away). I use Audacious Magery (basically Fizzle, but with more penalties/chance of bad things happening, which I find amusing), so the small balance provided by SM only making invisibility (or maybe its vanilla? Haven't played vanilla in so long... :D) available starting at Journeyman didn't really mean much, other then possibly damaging my stats/getting disease etc. from Audacious Magery when I cast it, which is easy enough to fix and generally not an immediate problem.

And I just lost my train of thought and this is getting long, so here are some suggestions I'm throwing out as possible balance solutions, one or all could be applicable if you want to make it really hardcoe :shocking:.

What I think are necessary regardless of optional penalties
-Journeyman and higher availability only.
-Incredibly short durations, ~5 seconds from the cheapest version, that increase with skill (IE Master level version lasts longer)
-Penalties scale inversely with skill (IE Master's have the fewest/least severe penalties)
-Remove the ability to create invisibility spells

And then some suggestions as possible penalties.
-Silenced for duration and longer, depending on skill
-Stunted for duration and longer, depending on skill
-Steady Magicka or Fatigue damage for duration (to simulate the stress of maintaining the spell)
-High Magicka costs
-High Fatigue costs (IE how 'Slip Away' works, takes a chunk of you're fatigue)
-A Health cost (going invisible is bad for your organs... or something, I don't know)

An idea, thought by no means thought out completely as far as balance/fun is concerned, for how it could scale
Journeyman: 5 second duration, silenced for 10, stunted for 10, costs half your fatigue, higher magicka cost
Expert: 10 second duration, silenced for 10, stunted for 10, costs a third of your fatigue, higher magicka cost
Master: 20 second duration, stunted for 20, costs a fifth of your fatigue, higher magicka cost

Or if you were feeling particularly ambitious, tie the penalties to your skill perk level, so a master could cast a short duration (Journeyman) spell but only get stunted for 5 seconds and have it cost a fifth of his fatigue (as in this example).

And then possibly a Master level spell for traveling, maybe a minute duration or two minutes, but breaks everything you own and silences you for most of the duration. This would prevent you from using it for anything other then traveling, and most people use one of the big magic overhauls, and as far as I can remember, all of them have a way to magically repair your equipment that someone capable of master level spells would more then likely have. Otherwise it gives more use to armorer!

And I had an epiphany, a completely different way of possibly doing it that may or may not be even more fun/rewarding/challenging. Leave the way the spells are, and simply make them cost a filled soul gem. Gives a use to soul gems which I thought were completely useless in Oblivion (enchanting is terrible, so you almost always end up vendoring them).

Anyway that's my proposition for possible ways to balance invisibility, that post got much longer then I planned, but I figured I'd ask you rather then make a thread about it first, since I love all the mods you do, and BE gave me the idea's for balancing it.

And the option I like best if it could be done properly (IE balancing out the chameleon part to not stack above a certain threshold with other chameleon buffs etc.)

On the topic of balancing Chameleon/Invisibility:

How about making any action, including just moving or taking out your weapon, break invisibility? This way you can't run through entire dungeons on low cost, low duration invisibility spells. If you want to run away from battle and slip back into the shadows, you'd have to use chameleon instead. Invisibility is then only used where you need an npc to walk past you so you can move on or initiate an attack from behind.

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:34 pm

Running into enemies too tough for you and having no way to physically get away from them is a much of a problem in Oblivion as it was in Morrowind, but in MW escape spells were heavily emphasized and easily available to all characters. I was thinking about modding Divine Intervention to make it easier to get. Is there any particular reason you set the skill requirement so high and didn't add scrolls for it?

Also, I'm still hoping one of the magic mods will address NPC AI and minions. Conjuration is the most broken skill in the game.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:08 am

Hey, I'm loving the mod. Thanks for your hard work.

Anyway, I recently found out that fortify skill doesn't let you cast spells that you otherwise would not be able to. So if you have 49 in conjuration and fortify conjuration 1, you still won't be able to cast your conjuration spell that requires 50. I found an item that gives me +50 in fortify spell skills - it's totally worthless.

I wonder if it's possible to change this. I've looked into it a little but I can't find a good way. I was hoping there might be a way to lower the perk required level by the amount of fortify skill that the player has. The other option is to change the fortify skill to an ability. It seems like fortify skill abilities do allow you to cast higher level spells. Vampirism, for example, allows you to cast higher level destruction spells.

Anyway, if you get a chance, let me know what your thoughts are.

Edit: Oh, I forgot you cast spells for less magic when you have the school mastered better. I guess things don't need fixing as much as I thought.

Another Edit: I have another idea for the mod. How about a bonus to spellcasting efficiency for wearing no armor at all, or wielding a staff? I liked the idea so much I wrote a mod to do it. But I wouldn't mind seeing the idea integrated into SM with some ini support to make it more customizable.

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:30 pm

Hey Strategy Master,
I was fiddling around with a custom made healing spell (in the CS). It has negative effects as well but they negative effects only affect the player. When I use on a citizen they shout for the guards??

Spell: Vitality Transfer (School: Restoration)

Restore Health 2pts for 50 seconds on Touch
Weakness to Normal Weapons, Weakness to Magic and Damage health on Self.

I made a healing spell in the CS (Restore Health 2 pts for 25 seconds) and this one worked without sending panic through the town.

Is it impossible to add negative (on self) effects to a healing spell?
(The spell I was trying to make was a cheap heal other spell that had negative effects so I couldn't abuse it on undeads.)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:22 pm


Hmm my Oblivion, seems to have been hit with some bad luck, several oddities at once :toughninja: : ) I got this http://i279.photobucket.com/albums/kk145/koki373737/supreme.jpg on console while playing today.. Im using OBSE 18b4. Again, no crashes or anything, just to report

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