[RELZ] Supreme Magicka V0.89

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:54 pm

Supreme Magicka 0.89b

http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=859668, http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=870405, http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=884432, http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=891534, http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=952282, http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=969232

NOTE: This mod was originally created by Flyfightflea and so most of the credit is his.

Download (with screens)
http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12466 (ver 0.89b)
http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=OblivionMods.Detail&id=3181 (ver 0.89)

Requires OBSE v17 and oblivion 1.2 or higher. OBSE can be found http://obse.silverlock.org/

When I first played Oblivion as a mage I found that magic was way too underpowered and it was very difficult to survive as a pure mage. I then turned to a popular mod, Mighty Magick. That just flipped it around and made magic much too powerful. This is my attempt to find the middle ground between MM and vanilla.

This mod overhauls the magic system of Oblivion to create a more balanced, diverse, and fun system. It adds new effects, new spells, and more in order to enhance the game for mages and anyone else who thinks magic is too weak.

The main focus of this mod is to make spellcasting stronger but not overpowered. To that effect, I have decreased the cost of most magic effects and increased the power of their spell counterparts to reflect that change. To maintain balance, I have not touched the spell mastery limits.

* General Changes:

Changes some game settings: armour now penalizes your magical abilities more if you wear more equipment but penalizes less if you only wear a few small objects. Your magicka regeneration rate is slower at the beginning but increases a lot faster at higher willpowers. Magic projectiles are faster and travel further but are still not at the speed of light. Ranged and area spells cost slightly less than before. NPCs also have higher magicka to compensate for their stupidity. Most of these settings are configurable in the customization file.

Magic sneak attack bonuses have been introduced. If you are sneaking and cast a spell at your enemy you is unaware you will do some extra damage. A Master of sneak will do up to double damage with a spell compared to a novice.

Now there are many "circle" spells which deals damage to all enemies around you in an area. Surrounded? No problem! Cast Burning Spiral and blast all your problems away.

Skill and attribute based spells (Absorb, Fortify, Drain, Damage) are now grouped together so that they can be used in more situations. Some are particularly designed to be used against warriors, archers, or mages. Many of these spells are particularly useful for battlemages.

Most positive buff spells have longer duration so that you don't have to constantly recast shield spells and the like during battle.

Your willpower attribute will also determine your innate ability to resist paralysis. You can disable or change the magnitude in the ini.

New spells can be found at spell merchants in the cities and Mages Guilds. The Arcane University holds most of the more powerful new spells. A list of all of the added spells and their locations and the configuration text file can both be found in the folder "Supreme Magicka Files" (or in your Data folder if it's in OMOD format). Also includes many optional plugins such as support for Shivering Isles and a standalone plugin allowing you to make custom enchanted staffs.

Included in the mod is the option to have your skill level increase rate scale with the magicka cost of the spells you cast so that higher costing spells will raise your skill level more than lower costing ones. This is to prevent you from needing to spam low cost spells to level your magic skills at higher levels and can be disabled in the ini.

There are also many other options you can select from the configuration file included with the mod. These options include the ability to give all target spells a small AOE to improve aiming in third person and the ability to modify many magic related gameplay settings. There is also an ini option to increase the relative power of hostile spells on other npcs (including yourself). For example you could set it so that all spells do 5x more damage to everyone making spellcasters very dangerous in the world.

There is now an optional feature that you can turn on in the ini to allow your birthsigns and racial spells to get stronger as you level up. This causes less used birthsigns to instantly become more worthy at higher levels. This effect doesn't affect all birthsigns the same and some effects are not very noticeable. This currently only affects powers and lesser powers with the exception of the atronach birthsign ability. The exception is the atronach that has been rebalanced to only provide 5% absorbtion at level 1 and only once you get to the high level 40-50's will you actually have 50% absorbion.

* Enchanting, Spellmaking, and Alchemy:

Enchanting has been changed so that you can make more powerful enchantments. Soul gems have higher enchantment values than before and weapon enchantment limits have been raised. The ini also has the option to enable a progressive enchanting feature where your mysticism skill determines how effectivly you can enchant.

Constant effect enchantments are no longer ridiculously underpowered. Certain effects (such as reflect damage) can now be enchanted upon items at the enchantment altar. But they have been balanced so as not to be overpowering.

A few effects can no longer be made at spellmaking and enchanting so as to retain balance. Charm spells, for example, can no longer be made into new spells so as to prevent the player from making 100pts for 3 seconds spells and to retain some use in persuasion.

Alchemy now governs how many potions you can drink as well. At novice level you can only drink 3 potions while master level has the additional perk of being able to drink 5 potions at once. The ini allows manipulation of these values if needed.

* Conjuration:

Conjuration has been changed so that the number of creatures you can summon depends on your mastery of Conjuration so that you can summon only one creature at novice/apprentice, two at journeyman/expert and 3 at master. I have added some spells that summon multiple creatures at once. Also be aware your enemies are now able to summon multiple creatures based on their skills. You can change the number of creatures you or the AI can summon in the ini file.

Bound item spells have also been improved. Since you're binding Daedra into the form of armour, you should be able to tell it what form the armour should take. Now, you can! Bound Armour will now become light or heavy armour depending on which skill is higher and they shall have appropriate stats to match. Bound bow also summons an infinite supply of arrows for you although each arrow you fire burns a small amount of your magicka. All bound armour and weapons have useful enchantments as well that increase in potency as your conjuration level rises. Bound weapons and armour spells are now levelled in there stats so that at a low conjuration they are much weaker weapons but at higher conjuration they are stronger. The ini allows disabling of these new features if required.

Conjurers can light up those dark dungeons just as well as illusionists. There's a new bound torch spell for apprentices and a will-o-the-wisp summoning spell for journeymen which calls forth a will-o-the-wisp that follows you around, lighting up your surroundings. The will-o-the-wisp does not fight at all and doesn't count towards your summoning limit.

There are also optional settings in the ini that allow you to enable sustainable summons where summons stay out forever at the cost of a steady amount of magicka per second. You can also make bound items or summons have fixed duration no matter what the spell or have fixed particular durations based on the spells level (novice,master etc)

All summons now have a small particle glow to distinguish summons from real creatures in a battle. You can change what this glow looks like in the ini or turn it off completly.

* Mysticism:

Absorb spells have been moved to Mysticism like they were in Morrowind so that Mysticism is no longer a useless skill. A plugin is included to return it back to Restoration if you so choose.

Telekinesis spells have been completely overhauled! Now they are very useful utility spells that can open chests, open doors, pickpocket, and pick up items. You can also use them during combat to push enemies back or pull them close by pressing the left or right mouse key right after casting. Watch out for mentally strong enemies as they are more likely to be unaffected by your telekinesis. Another useful functionality is that items you have under telekinesis when hurled into enemies cause damage based on how fast the object moves, how heavy the object is and what sort of object it is. Weapons and armor by default do more damage than other objects. A little tip, its best to use this against ranged foes because its difficult to get speed behind the item before hitting someone right on top of you.

Now you can destroy summoned creatures by casting dispel spells onto them. These spells deal massive damage to all summoned creatures so you can vanquish them in a few hits. How effective dispel is on summons can be modified in the ini.

Mystics now have the ability to defeat other mages easily with the Spellfire spells. These spells when cast on an enemy mage will damage the mage's health whenever he loses magicka. They are most harmful when used on pure mages who cast a lot of spells or when used in combination with Damage or Drain Magicka.

Mystics also gain the ability to teleport to different places. New, long distance teleportation spells include Circumvention, Sanctuary/Displacement, Divine Intervention, and Daedric Intervention. Extrication allows you to teleport to your last exterior location so you can easily return to the entrance of a dungeon after clearing it. Mark Sanctuary/Recall Sanctuary allows you to place a marker at your current location and teleport to that mark any time you wish. There are separate markers for Tamriel and the Shivering Isles. Also when you use recall, using it again afterwards will take you back to your original location you first used it. It has a time limit though so after some time you won't be able to teleport back to your previous location. Your mysticism skill increases the length of time your original location is remembered. Divine Intervention teleports you to the nearest chapel and Daedric Intervention takes you to the nearest Daedric Shrine at the cost of some health points. The Nine will not help criminals on the run from the law; the Daedra do not care whom they help as long as you pay the price in blood. Besides the long range teleportation spells, there are also a few short ranged ones. Assassin's Rush will quickly move you behind an enemy's back. Blink teleports you a short distance in the direction you're looking. Swap allows you to switch places with a target NPC or creature, alive or dead.

Those highly skilled in Mysticism can now access the Spellmaking and Enchanting Altars of the Arcane University no matter where they are through special spells crafted for just this purpose. The Mages Guild encourage this practice in hopes of greater profits but intentionally made these spells hard to cast in order to reserve its services only for those deserving of them. These spells are sold by Raminus Polus at the Arcane University.

I've also added some spells that allow you to use part of your soul to recharge your weapon but such an act will temporarily damage your soul. These recharge spells will expend 25% of your maximum health each cast that will only recover after 10 minutes. One cast is enough to recharge your weapon to the highest charge that spell can achieve. The novice spell can only recharge up to 30%, apprentice up to 40%, journeyman up to 50%, expert up to 60%, and master up to 75%. None of these spells are able to recharge a weapon fully so soul gems will still retain their usefulness.

Detect life spells have been re-balanced. By default all detect life spells no longer detect the undead or vampires. Only by being a vampire yourself will you be able to detect them. Also daedra will now be shaded orange while the undead will be shaded white/blue for your convenience. You can modify how bright detect life is or disable the feature preventing you from detecting the undead in the ini.

Any enemies with detect life will now cause your invisibility and chameleon spells to be nullified while in the range of there detect life effect. Also be aware the imperial city arena has created a wide ranger detect life enchantment so no invisibility effects will work at the arena.

They are also two new types of detection spells that seek out the magical essences of objects. Detect Ingredients will detect all flora and alchemy ingredients in the area for you. Detect Magic Items will detect all enchanted items and soul gems in the area as well as detect containers that contain any of these items.

Absorb damage spells will convert physical damage you take and turn it into magicka. While you are affected you will not regenerate any magicka.

* Destruction:

Elemental spells now have unique effects on enemies. Fire spells have a chance of staggering enemies, or getting so intense that the target flees in terror, or blasting the enemy away. Frost spells can freeze them solid for a duration or slow them down. Shock spells have a chance to cause the target to spasm and in some cases the target will be thrown away with great force. These effects work for any fire/frost/shock spells even if they are from other mods or made at the spellmaking altar. These effects also work on the player so beware when you're fighting against enemy mages. Fire spells cannot scare you so instead the flame will become more intense making it more difficult to see. You can adjust the chances of these effects occurring though the configuration file.

Finger of the mountain and wizards fury now improve in power for you as your skill in destruction and levels improve. This can be turned off in the ini.

Damage Health effects also have an added ability. Now, Damage Health spells will nullify any restored health on a target for up to 8 times its magnitude. For example, if an enemy casts a Restore Health 20 pts spell while affected with a Damage Health 5 pts for 10 seconds, all restored points will be nullified. But if the spell heals 50 pts instead, only 40 restored points will be nullified and he'll still restore 10 pts of health. This effect is especially deadly when used with Drain Health spells. Vampires are not affected by the effect. Since Damage Health spells removes life force and undead are the opposite of life, they will regain health from such spells instead.

This mod features a brand new spell effect, Poison Damage! These spells takes several seconds to go into full effect. The damage starts out low at first but increases quickly. These spells cost more than elemental spells but enemies are generally less resistant to it (notable exceptions are Redguards and Argonians). They also have the potential to damage enemies' attributes. This effect can be used at the spellmaking altar to create custom spells.

Drain spells are actually useful now! Drain Fatigue completely knocks an enemy out for a short period if their fatigue is low enough. Drain Health can be used to instantly kill an enemy whose health is below a certain limit. Drain Health has been removed from spellmaking to prevent explotation of this effect with Drain Health 300pts on Touch custom spells.

There are also a few new Rapidfire spells that once casted enable you to spew out multiple spell projectiles every time you cast a spell. Each extra projectile will drain some magicka so make sure your reserves are high. This only works for target spells (touch, self, or scripted spells are not affected)

* Alteration:

Burden spells can now do what they're supposed to do: hold an enemy in place for some duration. They can now root an enemy to the ground for a short amount of time if the enemy is weak enough. If that's not enough then the burden spells will also slow down your enemies movements if they are low on fatigue allowing you to make a speedy getaway if necessary.

All feather spells now prevent those affected from taking fall damage if their encumbrance is at least 100 points below the limit. Burden spells can be used to nullify that effect.

New repair spells with four levels allow mages skilled in Alteration to restore the durability of their weapons. Less skilled mages can only repair mundane weapons and only to a certain point while the experts in the field can repair any weapon and masters can repair any weapons to full condition.

Levitation comes to Oblivion! A group of mages from Morrowind brought it with them to Cyrodiil and have taught their secret to a few select members of the mages guild. These amazing spells allow you to take the battle to the skies and fire at enemies down below. Comes with full collision and can be used during spellmaking. There is an optional levitation penalty adjustable in the configuration file that stunts your magicka and/or silences you while levitating.

Levitation's not the only things those mages brought with them. Now the new Jumping spells allows you to leap higher than you've ever gone before! In some cases watch out from using the high level spells without enough acrobatics skill or it will really hurt when you land.

Swift swim spells allow you to swim faster while swimming as well as being exceptional at holding your breath.

Elemental Shields now no longer provide extra armor protection. They still provide the extra resistance to a particular element but they damage enemies that surround you when enemies attack you with melee weapons. You may need to keep out of melee distance with foes using such spells. You can use the ini to turn off this effect and return to its normal usage.

One of the mages at cheydinhal has mastered a spell that makes your skin turn into rock providing solid resistance to all damage. As you take damage the rock protection weakens and provides less protection.

* Restoration

Now roleplaying a cleric or paladin is as easy as selecting Restoration as a major skill. Since Restore Health restores life energy and undead are the opposite of life, they will take damage from these spells instead. As such, all Restore Health spells (including custom and modded) can now damage the undead. The ini allows you to modify how effective they are in damaging the undead.

New fortify Jump Spells that allow you to jump higher than you've ever gone before. Unlike alterations one time jump these allow you to jump as much as you want over the duration but the maximum attained jump is smaller than alterations.

* Illusion:

Level-based spells (Calm, Frenzy, etc) are now twice as potent and go up to level 50 rather than 25 so illusion is actually useful at higher levels. You can adjust this value in the configuration file to make illusion spells stronger or weaker according to your personal tastes.

Vampire hunters's rejoice! Now concentrated light spells (cast on touch or target) can be used to deal damage to vampires proportionate to the concentration of light. How effective it is can be modifyed in the ini.

Chameleon now has a max benefit of 95%. Over 100% you will instead get a permanent invisibility with a twist. If you do an action people will notice you and for 15 seconds will be able to know where you are. After that they will lose you and you will be permanently invisible again. This now makes 100% chameleon less of a god mode. You can adjust these values or disable in the configuration file.

You can now buy a detect attitude spell that shades your enemies in orange, neutral in green and guild mates/allies(disposition over 85) in blue.

* SM Spell Levelling: (Disabled by default)
If enabled in the supreme magicka ini your birthsigns and racial powers and abilities will be rebalanced and will scale and improve as you level up. Do not turn this feature on if you use any other mod that modifies birthsigns or racial powers.

Resist Disease (Min 75% scales up to 100% at level 50)
Resist Poison (100%)
Water Breathing
Resist Normal Weapons (Min 0% scales up to 20% at level 50)

Fortify Magicka (Min 0 scales up to 100 based on both your level and base intelligence)
Resist Magicka (Min 20% scales up to 50% at level 50)
Shield Power(Min 50 for 60sec scales up to 85 for 360 sec at level 50)

Dark Elf
Resist Fire (Min 50% scales up to 100% at level 50)
Summon Ancestral Guardian (Scales with players level and will always scale even if SM Spell Levelling is disabled)

High Elf
Fortify Magicka (Min 50 scales to 150 based on both your level and base intelligence)
Resist Disease (Min 50% scales up to 75% at level 50)
Weakness to fire, frost, shock (25%)

Absorb Fatigue Power (Min 100 scales up to 400 at level 50)
Voice of the emporer CIRCLE Power(Min charm 30, 35ft for 30secs, Calm Lvl10, 35ft scales up to lvl50)

Demoralize Power (100 for 30sec)
Night Eye Lesser Power(3 magicka per second for a maximum of 600 seconds)

Frost Damage Power (Min 50 scales up to 100 damage at level 50)
Shield Power (Min 30 for 60sec scales up to 50 for 360sec at level 50)
Resist Frost (Min 50% scales up to 100% at level 50)

Resist Magic (Min 0% scales up to 25% at level 50)
Berserk (Drain Agility 100, Fortify Strength 50, Fortify fatigue 200, Fortify Health 20, scales up to Fortify Strength 75, Fortify fatigue 300, Fortify Health 100 at level 50)

Resist Disease (50%)
Resist Poison (50%)
Adrenaline Rush Power (Fortify Strength, Agility, Speed, Endurance 50, Fortify Health 25, scales up to Fortify Strength,Agility,Speed,Endurance 75, Fortify Health 100 at level 50)

Wood Elf
Resist Disease (Min 50% scales up to 75% at level 50)
Command Creature Power (Min lvl10 control scales up to lvl50 control)

Fortify Magicka (Min 0 scales to 150 based on your level and base intelligence)
Weakness to Magicka (Max 125% scales to 75% at level 50)

Fortify Magicka (Min 50 scales to 200 based on your level and base intelligence)
Spell Absorb (Min 3% scales to 50% at level 50)
Stunted Magicka

Lady (No changes yet)

Weakness to Fire (Max 50% scales to 0% at level 50)
Restore Health Lesser Power (Min 6 for 15sec scales to 6 for 40sec at level 50)

Lovers Kiss Power (Max Damage Fatigue 120, Paralyze 10secs scales to Damage fatigue 80 at level 50)

Fortify Magicka (Min 50 scales to 100 based on your level and base intelligence)

Blessed Word (Min Turn Undead 100 for 30sec, Light 5ft for 30sec scales up to Light200ft for 30sec at level 50)
Instant Healing Power (Min 200 scales up to 350 based on your level)

Serpent Spell ( Min Cure Poison, Damage Fatigue 100, Dispel 90, Poison Damage 3 for 20 sec, scales up to Poison Damage 5 for 60 sec, Resist Normal Weapons 30% at level 50)

Shadow (No changes yet)

Steed (No changes yet)

Thief (No changes yet)

Open Power (Min open easy lock scales up to open very hard lock at level 50)
Tower Warden Power (Min Reflect Damage 5% for 120sec, Fortify Health 50 scales up to Reflect 15%, Fortify 100 at level 50)

Warrior (No changes yet)

Version History:
*0.89b - Fixed the No Poison levitation effect ini. Hopefully fixed a script error, ini options added for turning on or off invisibility detection by enemy npcs, arena npcs and vampires. Spell Magicka progression will auto detect Oblivion XP and configure itself for compatability automatically.*0.89 - Now requires OBSE 17, SM Spell Levelling feature has been expanded to affect abilities and added info on this feature above, SM_AbsorbRestoration, SM_EnableCharmChameleon, SM_EnableRestoreEnchanting, SM_NoPoisonLevitationEffects are redundent and merged in that are turned on and off using the ini, Variable summons option provides a smoother progression per point of conjuration, Levelled summons option added that uses both your conjuration skill and the magic effects internal cost to determine the duration of the summon. Fixed shader bug with SM_MMM plugin, Fixed issues with sustainable summoning and magicka loss rate, Levitation console spam fixed, Fixed custom script icons (by kyoma), Gameplay settings are now directly referenced in the ini, Improved damage health and restore health scripts (the constant issues of the past will no longer occur), Reverted SM_OOO prices back so that OOO enchanted items are the correct prices and self enchanted items will be the same or weaker than standard OOO (most people didn't like them being even more expensive), Added support so that other modders have a way to auto cast summon spells, Fortify Health magicka and fatigue spells are no longer delayed suicide spells, Fixed some issues with spell costs when using AOE ini option or consistent bound options, Built in support for my own mod DPCS, Fixed a bug where if you where silenced you could still cast summons and the spell school restriction wasn't being enforced, Added new feature for staffs so as your skill in a magic school improves staffs of that school will use less charge (i.e last longer).*0.88d - Fixed detect life issues with undead, Improved undead detection for third party mods, Fixed an issue so that abilities are ignored when applying supreme magicka effects, Fixed bug with instant restore health effects not harming undead, Restore spells do damage to undead based on the total restore magnitude active on the target (Similar was applied to light spells), Improved ease in reducing your altitude when levitating, Added a new penalty mode for levitation that when enabled you will not be able to attack with weapons or cast spells at all but it is a little easier to gain or lose height (Similar to midas magics flying spell). File Updates: Main esp, INI*0.88c - Fixed issue where upgrading to version 0.88 with elemental shield spells active would mess up the players armor rating (This is only for those not yet upgraded). Also added to the ini a debug setting to manually force this fix if needed for those that have already been affected by this issue. File Updates: Main esp, Ini*0.88b - Fixed another bug with elemental shields, Ini setting for recharge spells added, Implemented new functionality and ini settings based on Telekinesis Damage by critterman and colin_man that allows you to throw items into npcs to do damage, Fixed a bug with levitation penalties never ending. File Updates: Main esp, Ini*0.88 - Friendly npcs with detect life effects will no longer dispel your invisibility, fixed bugs with elemental shields, Various Script Optimizations, Fixed correct application of spell resistances to special spell effects, Rapidfire spells now rapidfire whatever target spell you choose to cast, Improved ini settings for detect life controls and new rapidfire settings, Added new ini settings to control the magic sneak attack multipliers, Added some CTD prevention to the stealth token script. File Updates: Main esp, Ini*0.87c - Really fixed the consistent and variable summon ini settings.*0.87b - Fixed a bug where frost spells would never end the paralyse effect (if this affects your game use the console command 'setav paralysis 0' on the actors affected to fix), Made changes to telekinisis so that scripted objects are never interacted with, improved the feedback to player why telekinsis has failed, all the hidden game settings supreme magicka modified are now included in the ini for full configurational control. File Updates: Main esp, Ini*0.87 - Added support for BAIN installation, Some poison spells added to enemy spell levelled lists, Enemy npcs will now also get arrows when they use the bound bow spell, Fixed consistent and variable summon ini settings so they now always apply, Fixed a bug where invisibility was being dispelled outside the arena and not in the fight, Fixed a bug where player couldn't be harmed when using light spells on himself as a vampire, Fixed a bug causing conflicts with lost spire boss, Fixed an issue that allowed teleport/escape spells to be used in certain places you shouldn't, Fixed master list for the SM_OOO plugin, Fixed a bug where divine intervention would send you to the position of a bruma guard instead of the chapel. File Updates: Main esp, SM_OOO.esp*0.86a - Fixed a bug where summon greater powers could be cast more than once a day and removed a dirty script change. File Updates: Main esp*0.86 - Various fixes from Soltaris to do with the SI and the OOO optional plugins, Fixed a bug where turning off SMSpellLeveling dosn't return your spell absorptions to there correct levels if you are the atronach, Added an initialisation message to the console, Fixed a bug with healing spells and undead with natural healing abilities, The entire summon system has been reworked so that no script effects need to be added, no longer do two summoning clouds appear, when summoning over the summon limit your old summon will be dispeled and not your new one, Added a new ini so that you can limit the AI to never be able to summon more than what you are currently able to, Invisibility spells no longer work in the imperial city arena, A new rock shield spell providing degrading protection with damage, Compatability fixes for new Spell Renamer and improvements to deadly reflex compatabily, OMOD script improvements to prevent certain plugins activating without the requirements enabled, Various readme improvements. File Updates: Most plugins and ini*0.85a - Fixes some odd quirks with the bound bow (thanks gabba), Fix to fMagicDamage Setting not turning off correctly on player, Sneak magic attacks only occur with hostile spells, Small improvement to the OMOD script when installing the raised enchanting limits, Improvements to SM_DeadlyReflex fixing the script effect icon, fixing essential npcs having DR criticals, and a bug fix in my implementation that made powerful spells criticals occur over the DR percentage chance. File Updates: Main esp, SM_DeadlyReflex*0.85 - Fixed crashes with npc elemental shields, Ensured starting spells of schools are all fair, Fixed bugs in elemental effects resistance, Enchanted weapons now no longer get set to a duration but still apply SM effects, Toned down the summon aura and provided extra config options in the ini, Forgot to increment version number in scripts so 0.83 spells were not being added to merchants correctlys, Added a new resist paralysis spell Blessed Mobility, OBSE sometimes returns activeeffect magnitudes as negative so added protection against this, New compatability plugin for deadly reflex 5.0 to support its magic critical effects on duration spells. File Updates: Main esp, SI, ini, VanillaSpells*0.84 - Script effects are no longer applied to most spells so that enchanted items also now cause supreme magickas elemental or other effects. High level spider daedra or elytra have a chance to use supreme magickas poison damage effect. Added the missing summon aura to the flesh atronachs. Changing race or birthsign with SMSpellLevelling enabled will cause it to recalcuate correctly as well as fixed the atronach birthsign so that it now correctly levels (Active spell list does not make the change known to you though). New Spell Skill Progression mode that makes you get 150% more experience in combat for using spells but 75% of the experience if you are not in combat if you enable it. File Updates: Main esp, SI, Scrolls*0.83 - Summons now have a visual aura around them to distinguish from normal creatures, Fixed a bug where dremora could not be dispelled, Kills caused by certain spells now correctly get recorded as kills be the player, Improved the repair armor spells and added some low level repair armor spells, Balance tweaks to absorb spells, Enemy npcs with detect life active will cause any invisibility or chameleon effects to be nullified, Added prevention for a crash from the will O wisp spell when exiting the arena, New optional esps for balancing scrolls and signil stones, New ini setting for progressive enchanting skill and setting for the minimum enchantment when using constant enchanting. Files Updates: Main esp, ini*0.82b - Fixed near immortal player when jumping from high heights, Some small readme tweaks, Merged in the fixed MMM optional plugin fix. File Updates: Main esp, MMM*0.82 - Frost spells now use unused sounds, Fixed the broken dispel system and the MMM optional plugin has been returned, A compatability fix with mods that support mounted spell casting to prevent crashes with the summons, Debug mode 3 now reverts summon system correctly to vanilla, Divine and daedric spells now work again in SI, Fixed telekinesis preventing doors from being used again and an issue where sometimes objects could not be picked up, Fixed bug with summon zombie using an offset level, Re-implemented fire pushing/staggering enemies. Added ini setting to set how much experience you get each second when using sustained summons. File Updates: Main esp, ini, MMM, SI, COBL*0.81 - Added new ini setting that allows you to scale the damage of all magical spells if you would like magic to have a more powerful feel than the default. I've now disabled the graphic from elemental shields while in first person mode. Circle spell visual effects to containers. Fixed major issues with spell costs when using consistent or variable ini options. Fixed issue where resistance to elements was not taken into account for the elemental spell special effects. Fixed rounding issues with spellfire spells. Improved upgrade fix for the old FOTM or WF levelling. Implemented Fixed OBMM script for installing COBL plugin. *0.80 - Updates for OBSE 15. Rebalanced many spells. Working magic sneak attack notifications. Elemental effects of fire and shock have been changed (see readme). Many new ini settings for modifing AI conjurer boon, healing spells and activating sustainable summons. Teleport spells will no longer work in the arena. Fixed enchantment costs with the enablerestoreenchanting plugin. Fixed spellfire shader issue and a potential crash issue. Fixed AreaAOE ini option setting spells to 0 cost. Spell recharge penalty duration has been reduced and a visual indicator in the active spell list tab has been added. Summon spells with other misc spells on self (usually in mods) are now applied to the player. Dispel now works on all custom summons even from mods. Some new checks to help ensure the player has set up the ini correctly. Added new SM_COBL plugin by migck that allows creation of levitation and poison potions. Fixed issue with the enchant staff plugin that prevented enchanting from being saved correctly on the staff. Fixed issue where ignoring certain settings in the ini would fail to work. Removed the missile shield spell in preparation for a Midas plugin. Bound Weapons and armour are now levelled such that at a low level of conjuration it has stats of steel weapons but at a high level of conjuration it uses the stats of daedric weapons. Added a repair armour spell. Enemy elemental shields now also behave as in morrowind if you have that setting enabled. The MMM compatibility plugin is no longer needed.*0.79b- Fixed a bug with the resist paralysis and other base abilities. Will automatically fix for those who had the stat messed up in game. *0.79a- Fixed variable bound weapon/armour ini settings to work. Also fixed the abuse to use consistent summons on 1 sec custom summons to up there duration as that was never intended.*0.79 - Restore health spells now more accurately damage undead. Resist paralysis effect now takes effect under the hood so no more message spam about it. Also fixed bug where resist paralysis wasn't using the ini value. Added multiple ini options including magnitude of light damage on vampires and dispel strength on summons. Also includes a optional duration scaling system for summons/boundarmor/weapon where sets all summons to certain durations depending on your skill level in conjuration. Fixed bug with shock spells not damaging anyone when jumping. Fixed issue with recall spell not able to recall you back to your previous location when at sanctuary point. Fixed compatibility bugs with consistent summons and areaAOE. Bound weapons/armour now determine stats automatically no matter what item stats mod your using so the MOBS optional plugin is no longer needed. Fixed all non-elemental script effects to display the correct duration/area in multi effect spells. Light spells finally moved off legacy code and use the sun damage shader on vampires. Corrected magnitude of expert spellfire. Improved friendly ai response to rapidfire spells. All summons now ignore friendly hits in combat. *0.78 - Wrapped up all the remaining conjuration crash flaws. Elemental shield graphic effects are greatly toned down to make it easier to see in first person combat and fixed some other related graphic bugs. Implemented optional racial and birthsign levelling so powers improve as you increase in level. Improved the questspelllevelling code to ensure safer uninstalls. Hopefully fixed bug with enchanting a staff from optional plugin losing its enchantment. Prevented issues of spell effects causing engine bugs on casting on npcs riding horses. Damage magicka spells now all stunt magicka on opponent at the same time. Better information from repair spell to know how powerful the repair is. Reduced delay for detect life to initialize and provided support to change from low brightness to high brightness. Fixed flaws with damage health/ poison spells and damage calculations. Some later summon spells now level up with player (including enemies) up to level 30-35. SM_EnableCharmChameleon optional plugin now also enables the drain health effect for spell making again. Added a resistance to paralysis based on your willpower that's configurable in the ini. Some spell balancing to jump and detect life spells. *0.77f - Fixed a critical save game corruption flaw on saving with summons out. Also fixed a bug with fire spells not applying effects correctly. (Thanks kyoma)*0.77e - Fixed a general mod compatibility flaw although most notable within midas magic.  (thanks Galthromir1)*0.77d - Fixed a major crash flaw with conjuration as well, Fixed the double summoning effect from non undead spells. The effect was noticeably reduced for undead spells but it still is there and unavoidable due to hardcoded design of the undead spells.*0.77c - Fixed a logic flaw in telekinesis which would prevent it working correctly.*0.77b - Fixed a flaw in the magicka progression script causing no magic skills to get experience, Feather definitely working this time, Removed a debug message.*0.77 - Hundreds of scripting optimizations, bug fixes, potential crash fixes and OBSE 14 updates. Many new game settings are now customizable as well as the ability to have supreme magicka ignore changing those game settings if you know another mod will control it. Numerous other config options and improvements. Improved uninstall systems. Telekinesis will no longer mess up load doors and will have the correct range. A fundamental gameplay change in conjuration where if you're at the summon limit you will not be able to summon a new one till one of those summons finish or die. Also the conjurers boons systems are now done naturally and the enemy npcs will be seen casting each of their summons in succession. The chameleon invisibility time out is now levelled based on your sneak skill. Recharge spells will now cause temporary health reduction for some time period which will stack if you use the spell too many times before you have recovered. Elemental Shields now works like morrowind damaging enemies nearby and resistance to that element. New absorb damage and swim spells from flyflightflea. And most importantly the readme is back in rtf format.*0.76b - Fixed some minor issues with the quest spell levelling and a double scripting issue.*0.76 - Added Quest Spell Levelling system where finger of the mountain and wizards fury spells will improve as you level up. Note your destruction skill will also limit these improvements so you can always cast these spells at your current skill. As always you can turn this feature off in the ini in required. Detect Attitude spell added to Ita Rienus and Athragar. Added some cheap apprentice resist element spells to some vendors. Added an optional plugin that enables enchanting of restoration and magicka effects (Not Recommended). A non gameplay change to allow shivering isles manipulate weather power to work in tamriel, with the exception that none of the bonuses you would normally get will work.*0.75b - Added Ini options to turn off supreme magickas detect life system if using another detect life shader mod or enable detect life to always pick up undead. Also dulled down the standard detect life effect so npcs are not a purple glob and helps match the deadra and undead sets. * 0.75 - Added OOO compatibility plugin that makes sure enchanted item prices match those of OOO. Detect life spells no longer detect undead/vampires unless you are a vampire and now colours daedra orange and undead/vampires a lightish blue. All enemy fire, shock and frost should now apply elemental effects onto the player correctly. Fixed a bug where you could summon an apprentice number of summons at novice skill. Consistent summons and AOE target spell ini options are now working correctly. Detect Ingredient and Detect magic item spells are now available at the arcane university and Agata. Shock spells over a duration will now see if there effects will be applied every second unlike frost and fire spells which only check the on the moment of hit.*0.74b - Fixed a critical bug where no spells on self over 1 second long would work.*0.74 - REQUIRES OBSE 13a. Finally all effects are fully individual from each fixing numerous issues with spells and totally supporting instant cast spells. This is a stepping stone to improve effects on the player. Fire, frost and shock elemental effects percentages are now based on the spells skill level so for example a master fire spell has a 20% stagger compared to a novice that only does 5% stagger (default values). Fixed many bugs with the conjuration system, The multiple summon spells can no longer be used to create an army of summons over the summon limits, they will instead summon less creatures and none if you already are at the summon limit meaning those particular spells are suited only to the start of a battle when you haven't summoned any summons, also enemies can now summon multiple summons just like you so be careful out there. Improved Shock Spell reliability in bouncing and also added a chance of the shock pushing or pulling the enemy. Updated magicka progression and hopefully fixes all problems while still providing automatic compatibility with mods that change skill rates. Stealth magic attacks have been re-implemented and don't use the crashy area spell methods either. *0.73 - Readme and description fixes. Fixed compatibility issues with multiple summons and mods that change the perk skill limits. A calculation error fix to burden spells sometimes increasing the opponents speed instead of decreasing and burden spells now slow by 1 pt per 1.5 burden magnitude pts on enemy npcs. Corrected maximum slow limit of burden spells. Decreased chance of default frost effects from 40% to its correct 25% and increased chance of recovery from frozen paralysis to 33% from 20%.*0.72 - Supreme magicka effects are now correctly applied to all spells including scrolls and spells from other mods which use those magic effects, Assassins rush is no longer a hostile spell, Mark and recall spells changed to sanctuary and displacement (thanks deathless aphrodite), added some additional detection to prevent custom healing spells being detected as hostile, Burden spells will now slow your opponent based on the spells magnitude (note if you are affected you are slowed based on the percentage of encumbrance you are using), Fixed issue of summon sometimes instantly dispelling on cast, Some other misc scripting optimizations.*0.71 - Fixed all other known issues with summon will o wisp, New jump spells that make you do a onetime super jump, the original jump spells are now fortify jump spells for the school of restoration, More balancing to the telekinesis push effects to use mysticism and intelligence levels to determine push chance, lower level telekinesis spells have less chances of success to push the enemy, and fixed abuse with quick duration custom made telekinesis spell, rapidfire spells now slowly drain your magicka and no rapidbolt is fired if low on magicka, higher level rapidfire will drain magicka faster as it fires more bolts in a second, Added a master spell to alteration (missile shield) that protects you from fired missile projectiles (based on Midas magic spell) available from Orintur in Cheydinhal, Updated MMM compatibility plugin for 3.1 RC, Attempted to make pushed telekinesis targets continue to fall instead of popping back at their original position.*0.70 - Fixed the missing icons for the cure disease, paralysis and poison spells, Fix the detect life spells as they are not consistent in there magnitudes and durations, For gameplay issues the casting projectile of telekinesis has been returned, The Telekinesis effects are now applied to custom telekinesis spells, Telekinesis will now simply have no effect on mounted npcs to avoid paralyzing them, Telekinesis no longer 100% pushes an actor, it has a chance based on the actors and players spell skills, this is configurable in the ini to always be able to push again, Removed "possible (not definite)" bloating with summon will o wisp spell, fixed issue where it would not always follow the player into a new cell, and attempted to reduce chance of allies entering combat with a will o the wisp, Included fix for the ini file not registering correctly and added troubleshooting global "set ResetIni to 1" to force the ini to re-initialize in game, Added optional plugin to use vanilla spell stats but with all supreme magicka features, You can now cast multiple summons of the same spell once again. I have preventing the player from being able to multiple summon the spells that summon multiple creatures at once as otherwise it's easy to abuse number of creatures you can go beyond, Greatly reduced the potency of earlier jump spells and also corrected the number of points boosted on the spell info. Rapidfire spells no longer continue firing when you are knocked down, Fixed issue where friendly spells were marked as hostile so using on an ally made them attack you, Fixed a bug with the magicka progression system and spells with multiple script effects, Summon Skeleton horde only summons the best 3 skeletons. The default conjuration summon limit in ini also reduced to 1,1,2,2,3.* 0.69 - Fixed unexpensive enchanted items with water walking, water breathing and night eye enchantments, Due to changes and nerfs to chameleon i have enabled enchanting chameleon again by default, Many stat changes fixing inconsistency errors and some balancing problems, Levitation is a much more expensive spell as otherwise it's much too easy to abuse the spell at lower skill levels to complete certain tasks, Fixed the missing restore magicka from spellmaking menu for consistency reasons, Fixed another overlarge magic item affecting the drain attribute spells, Fixed a issue with current selected spells becoming a spell school higher and not able to cast it, Added new UninstallMode variable that when set to 1 should disable near everything of the mod as possible to aid not being able to remove it from your save.* 0.68 - Fixed a spell progression system implementation bug messing up the levelling rates when using spells, Changed how chameleon works over 100%, you are affected as if you had casted an invisibility spell, so doing an action you can be detected only for 15 seconds but after that you will return invisible again automatically, Removed restoration as an enchantable spell as is overpowered even with just 2hp a second constant effect.* 0.67 - Major spell effect re-write to finally be rid of the major CTD's, due to these major changes, magicka stealth attacks are currently not working and now requires OBSE version 12, Updated Magicka progression system to version 2.0, Fixed some overlarged and buggy spell icons, Spell Prefix's have been removed, Removed some bloating from conjuration scripts but we lose functionality to summon the same spell multiple times. We can still summon different spells multiple times. (Side effect of this change has fixed the two conjuration rings appearing), Some tweaks to spell stats, and default ini values as well as fixing some stat errors in the optional plugins and some fixes to bound items, Fixed some bugged percentages where it was more likely that you would push actor away then stagger them, Fixed the issue where shock attacks could end up being sent into the sky, Added SM_DLCSpellTome optional plugin that balances the official spell tome plugin spells, Added MOBS and MMM compatability plugins, Improved debugging tools available in the ini for those who experience any new problems or crashes, Included the fixed NoPoisonLevitationEffects plugin which fixes broken poison and levitation spells.* 0.66 - Made it so only one Rapidfire can be active at a time, made shock circle effects work better indoors, added even more safeguards against CTD, fixed OMOD script* 0.65 - Tweaks and fixes, implemented levelled bound armour enchantments, weakened spellfire, strengthened Restore Health, added recharge spells, made casting Restore Health on undead cause them to attack you, rebalanced enchantments yet again and added back in restore health and magicka to enchanting, made Daedric Intervention be added to you when you finish a Daedric quest, added a book to DB sanctuary quarters when you become Listener which teaches you Assassin's Rush, improved collision detection on Blink, added configuration file with loads of new features, cleaned up readme, added EnchantStaff, NoPoisonLevitationEffects, NoSpellLights, and UnlockSpells plugins, and really fixed the CTD bug* 0.60 - Rebalanced enchantments even more, a lot of fixes and tweaks, made damage spells a little stronger, made shock circle effect look better, increased telekinesis ranges, Restore Health and Restore Magicka are no longer enchantable, balanced Drain Health spells, implemented recastable summons, removed Conjurer's Boon, added SI support, consistent summons for SI, consistent bound, and NoEnchWeapon plugins, lowered chances of fire spells knocking away an enemy, added cooler shaders for frozen enemies, added Blink, Swap, and Assassin's Rush, added Enchanting and Spellmaking spells, reduced CTD on save bug* 0.54 - Fixed a bug with the undead damage removal plugin not working, added Rapidfire spells, fixed a bug with the startup quest not starting, added Spellfire line, rebalanced enchanting, made dispel damage summoned creatures instead of killing them instantly, added Jump spells, added Mark/Recall, added Divine Intervention and Daedric Intervention, added Extrication spell, included a list of all spells added by this mod and where to find them* 0.53 - Moved Bound Torch to apprentice, added summon Will-o-the-Wisp for light, added levitation spells, added EnableCharmChameleon plugin, added Damage Health effects, made Damage Health heal undead* 0.52 - Fixed cut off icon bug, added bound torch, upgraded for OBSE v10, added no Restore Health undead damage option, added repair spells, made spell projectiles even faster, made summons last longer, made fire and frost special effects also harm player, fixed a bug that made all npcs wear rings, made summon spells slightly longer, added Conjurer's Boon and added ability to dispel summoned creatures directly, added consistent summons plugin* 0.51 - Rebalanced most spells, positive buffs now last longer, added AbsorbRestoration plugin, bundled Raised Enchantment Limits, balanced light spells on vampires even more, added magic sneak attacks, fixed a few bugs, added feather slowfall encumbrance limit, apparently fixed a crash bug on quicksaving	* 0.50 - Beta Release

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adam holden
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:00 pm

Implemented into 0.90

Idea Pot and Known Issues to fix for 0.90 and onwards
- Staff enchantments need balancing.
- New optional esp for potions??? Unsure of what changes are really nessecary here
- Investigate optional options to add cooldown times to specific spells before being able to cast them again (Invisibility, Frenzy etc)
- Spells that go into effect based on a certain condition that happens to the player or player does. I.e activates when players health < 50 or player casts a particular type of spell etc. Could be both bad or good. (Bad ones may be useful in diseases)
- Expanding the LAME and SM compatability plugin for even better cross compatability.
- Soul gems when filled there prices should be set to match the same as soul gems found in the environment already filled.
FORBIDDEN TOMES: All tomes slightly increase skill progression (if using the build in skill progression) - MigtheGreat has ideas for the texts of these tomesDestruction Tome:  Small bonus to standard elemental criticals, Adds super elemental critical if player is a master causing major firestorms, snowstorms, lightning storms or something.Alteration Tome: Casting shields have a chance to turn on a sheild that messes with arrow projectiles causing them to have a chance to miss the playerRestoration Tome: Super restoration critical chance that turns on a restore aura for some seconds (heals those surrounding player constantly)Mysticism Tome: Ability to increase level of levelled equipment(through special spell), ....  Conjuration Tome: Can learn to summon oblivion gates or ressurection spells.Illusion Tome: Can learn a shadow of the player that only distracts enemies but can't damage enemies and is itself immune to damage.Enchanting Tome: Provide all magic effects for enchanting.

- Spellfire modifying the spellabsorbtion amount of an enemy npc?
- Aura spells (i.e spells that provide a continues effect to npcs in an area around you)
- Sustainable or duration repair spells to avoid repeated casting (maybe force player to stand still and channel)
- Sustainable detect life, light and or night eye spells to be considered (maybe ini option to allow such), Sustainable Bound Spells

http://www.4shared.com/file/54391738/fed412cc/Magic_Effects.html - Excel 2007 format, For those who may be interested here is the spreadsheet i'm using for balancing the magic effects. Will be updated every so often as i progress with investigating magic effect balance and will be updated to include the pre-built spell balancing(08/07/08)
LAME Conjuration Override plugin for SM V0.86 onwards - Temporary download link http://www.4shared.com/file/84466816/b9819075/bgMagicEV_Conjuration_for_Supreme_Magicka.html
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:06 am

Sweet, new version. :) Has the ini been changed since the last beta?
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Marina Leigh
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:38 pm

Hang on - didn't the betas require obse v17b2?
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Carlitos Avila
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:37 am

Hang on - didn't the betas require obse v17b2?

Yes, but I'm not sure what you are asking here. :unsure:
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Abel Vazquez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:07 am

Well, the top of the thread says v16 :|

In any case, updated, and hooray.
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JeSsy ArEllano
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:20 pm

Yay new update and more features. :celebration:
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Margarita Diaz
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:18 pm

Thanks for the update! :woot:
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Tiffany Castillo
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:34 am

Great work as always, SM! Downloading the update now. :D Thanks for the continuing updates. :)
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Jessica Thomson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:39 pm

Just started using this and an update already :ahhh:
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Emzy Baby!
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:51 pm

S-weet! Thanks for the update.
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Georgia Fullalove
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:08 am

Thanks for the compliments all :D. I've just noticed that on Tesnexus all my updates today have dissapeared so i'm about to re-upload them.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:27 pm

Thanks for the compliments all :D. I've just noticed that on Tesnexus all my updates today have dissapeared so i'm about to re-upload them.

Hi, firstly thanks for the new version.

The readme says that the old SM_Nopoisonlevitationeffects.esp is now replaced by an .ini setting. I've set Set "SMPoisonTokenOn" to 0, as once I removed the old .esp I was getting the green gas clouds again. Is this the only .ini setting I need to alter? I haven't changed/can't find an option to disable levitation, or do I not need to? I'm not getting the green gas clouds now so I'm assuming I fixed it correctly. I just want to be sure I don't mess anything up.

Many thanks.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:21 am

Hi, firstly thanks for the new version.

The readme says that the old SM_Nopoisonlevitationeffects.esp is now replaced by an .ini setting. I've set Set "SMPoisonTokenOn" to 0, as once I removed the old .esp I was getting the green gas clouds again. Is this the only .ini setting I need to alter? I haven't changed/can't find an option to disable levitation, or do I not need to? I'm not getting the green gas clouds now so I'm assuming I fixed it correctly. I just want to be sure I don't mess anything up.

Many thanks.
Thank setting only disables the special effect of Poison Damage (causing stat damage besides normal health damage). To remove the visual effects of poison/levitation look for the following setting somewhere near the bottom of the ini.
set zzSMConfigurationQuest.bNoPoisonLevitationEffects to 0;Set to 1 to disable the casting graphics of these spells if you have swirling pink clouds or swirling green clounds

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Felix Walde
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:31 am

Thank setting only disables the special effect of Poison Damage (causing stat damage besides normal health damage). To remove the visual effects of poison/levitation look for the following setting somewhere near the bottom of the ini.
set zzSMConfigurationQuest.bNoPoisonLevitationEffects to 0;Set to 1 to disable the casting graphics of these spells if you have swirling pink clouds or swirling green clounds

Thanks Kyoma, I didn't see that setting at all. Must be old age!

/edit: O.K I changed that setting to 1 in the .ini but I am still getting the green gas effects. I am also running L.AM.E so I wonder if maybe that's overriding the SM.ini setting?

I restored the old SM_nopoisonlevitationeffects.esp and the gas clouds are gone again. I use BOSS for the load-order which places SM before L.A.M.E. Running that old optional .esp wont mess up any new settings in SM will it? As I'd prefer not to start messing with my load order as otherwise my game runs really well (as well as can be expected with about 900 terabytes of mods running anyway!).
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A Lo RIkIton'ton
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:04 pm

Thanks Kyoma, I didn't see that setting at all. Must be old age!

/edit: O.K I changed that setting to 1 in the .ini but I am still getting the green gas effects. I am also running L.AM.E so I wonder if maybe that's overriding the SM.ini setting?

I restored the old SM_nopoisonlevitationeffects.esp and the gas clouds are gone again. I use BOSS for the load-order which places SM before L.A.M.E. Running that old optional .esp wont mess up any new settings in SM will it? As I'd prefer not to start messing with my load order as otherwise my game runs really well (as well as can be expected with about 900 terabytes of mods running anyway!).
Are you using the latest OBSE (v17a)? If not, then update to that and see if it helps. Otherwise best wait for Strategy Master, he might have another idea.
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Everardo Montano
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:57 pm

Are you using the latest OBSE (v17a)? If not, then update to that and see if it helps. Otherwise best wait for Strategy Master, he might have another idea.

Yes I'm using OBSE 17a. It seems to be working fine with the additional .esp so far. Thanks for your help, much appreciated.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:00 am

@Sugaraqe: Hmmm only thing i can think of is a mistake in the code. I'll look into it.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:31 am

@Sugaraqe: Hmmm only thing i can think of is a mistake in the code. I'll look into it.

I'm thinking it's most likely related to another mod, but the SM_nopoisonlevitationeffects.esp was stopping it for everything in my LO. The new sm.ini variable doesn't stop the green gas clouds for mods other than SM I guess so that's why I was seeing them in game when I removed it.

It seems to be playing nice with the extra .esp anyway so as long as it's not ruining my SM install it's all fine.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:02 pm

Whoo ! I remembered you saying "Variable dynamic magic systems here i come :D" a long time ago :P Keep up the bad work mate :tops:
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Jimmie Allen
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:25 pm

:foodndrink: Horay :D Thanks for the release . Updating now! :celebrate:
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:42 pm

Whats the F-COM compatibility like?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:03 pm

Whats the F-COM compatibility like?

Works perfectly with FCOM as long as you're using a bashed patch.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:19 am

yes, thanks for the update! :-)
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Laura Shipley
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:33 pm

Another thanks for the update + OBSE 17 functionality! :)
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Tikarma Vodicka-McPherson
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