Well, with Oblivion I bought the collectors edition, then only bought SI and KoTN (disc edition with the smaller DLCs) when they were marked down in the local brick/mortar stores (or maybe Amazon, I forget). There was one other mod (Fighter's Stronghold?) that was free online at one time, that completed the pack - no GOTY edition necessary and I was able to enjoy my shiny box, map and trinkets at launch.
I don't think opposition to DLCs is a reason to delay getting Skyrim. You can still have your cake and eat it too, simply don't buy the DLCs till later when either they are bundled on disc, or like Steam do, are discounted sometime.
Anyway, in response to the OP, a) I'm on PC not Xbox (as would many Elder Scrolls players be I imagine given the modding, a significant minority of players at the least) and B) I'm waiting for the collectors edition. Admittedly, c) my pre-order time may be dictated by optimal euro-pound exchange rates (UK online retailers) - if it seemed really great, I'd pre-order then, otherwise wait in hope of a clearly better rate at some time (one can sometimes have a good rate last only a day or two).