Fallouts 1, 2, and 3 (Don't believe that Fallout's a Fantasy RPG? Check out the effects of radiation again)
In b4 Mount&Blade?
Most are MMOs, because developers realized "Hey, there's enough room in this world for everyone!": World of Warcraft, Runescape, Everquest, etc.
Have you played even played
Two Worlds (the first one) for more than half an hour? Despite the bad language localization that seems to lead to most of its bashing, the scope, scale, and sheer amount of stuff to do more than makes up for it... and it's gear system's both awesome and intuitive. Also: Horseback combat (Learn to play... it works very well once you get a rank or two in the "Horse Riding" skill.), pared-down level scaling, and Spears are in that game. On the other hand... it has the same problem of
Morrowind in becoming godlike too early... but the begining of the game's a refreshing challenge (Making it sweet when you are level 30+ and can rule the world)
Fables 1 and 2... even though the second one had a horrible main story, required to access the actual game.

I have no need to bash any fantasy RPG out there for not being set in Tamriel... my game library's big enough for all of them. :celebration: