Here are the disclaimers:
1) Do not use this mod on a play-through you care about; it SHOULDN'T cause terrible problems, but it hasn't undergone major stress testing yet.
2) DLCs have initial support for checkpoints implemented. Please report any bugs that occur in DLC areas due to dying.
3) This mod shouldn't cause instability or crashes. If New Vegas crashes, it's PROBABLY just New Vegas being New Vegas.
4) I make no guarantees about compatibility with other mods.
Here are the features:
1) You don't permanently die. When you die, you respawn at your last checkpoint.
2) You can't manually save/load. Outdoors, there are timed saves every 5 minutes. Indoors, it saves when you enter a ''hideout'' which is a safe save point.
3) Autosaves work as normal. There are also items randomly available on merchants (50% chance per merchant per day) that let you manually save.
4) You can still make a new game or load an existing save when you start up New Vegas.
The feedback I'd like is about what you think of the respawning mechanics and if you find any situations that cause you to not respawn, or get stuck in a death cam that never ends. Any other feedback is great too.
The original development thread is here:
The download is here:
If you load a save that had used SSS, you'll need to open the console and type the following:
SetEssential 7 0
Then re-save. This may be unnecessary after the next NVSE update.
Alternatively, go into and turn off Dead Isn't Dead, then save.
That save will be ''clean'' and won't require you to type a console command.
Version changes:
- improvements to the Item Save System's use of Quicksave
- put in a safety related to the main game ending credits
- minor efficiency improvements here and there
- scaled back save/load disabling slightly since it didn't help coerbincopy =(
- Dead Isn't Dead can now be toggled via
- added support for (not required, just adds SSS options to MCM)
- even more aggressive save/load disabling
- blocking at time of death fix
- VATS hotkey disabled while unconscious (fixes camera bugs and entering VATS upon respawn)
- renamed the save item; no longer begins with a tacky looking dollar sign
- coerbincopy save/load fix
- improved singleton mechanic for Dead Isn't Dead script
- fixed a race condition in the checkpoint save system (a race you always lost)
- added tentative DLC support for checkpoints