Here's what was original idea:
While saving only in some particular locations sounds harsh, I came up with system I saw a long time ago in some Conan game - having items, that can save your game. In Conan it was some stones, but I think in New Vegas we can use holodiscs for such purpose.
So, when you picking up any holodisc with a message, you also receive "Holodisc" item in misc. section, and whem you use it, you can save game once. After one use, it disappears. Obviously there are not enough holodiscs in game world, so adding them to some vendors and\or in some leveled lists will be good.
And here what Queue doing:
"So, in order to keep things modular and scripts reusable, I've broken them apart into 5 (so far) units:
- Dead Isn't Dead
- Disable Save Load
- Checkpoint Save System
- Item Save System
- Timed Save System
They're all within one ESP file, but by unsetting ''Start game enabled'' for the quest associated with each feature, it deactivates that portion of the mod. The tentative name for the mod itself is ''Surrogate Save System'' which abbreviates handily to SSS. Alternative or Alternate Save System had an unfortunate abbreviation. -_-
''Dead Isn't Dead'' is what I've spent most the time on and what has been terribly complicated and buggy. I kept stumbling on new ways to die where I'd be stuck in a slowmo cam forever, or where I'd die twice in a row (the second time right after respawning), or where I could do things I shouldn't while dead... you get the picture.
''Disable Save Load'' simply disables quicksave, quickload, saving via the pause menu, loading via the pause menu, and loading via the continue option at the title screen. Obviously not when you first start the game, just if you exit to the main menu.
''Checkpoint Save System'' is still largely on the drawing board. I need to figure out if I want to go the route of assigned ''Hideouts'' that you'll save at, something a little more flexible like any bed you sleep in setting a checkpoint (and triggering a save), or something more player defined, like a hotkey/item that lets you assign a location as your checkpoint, but with some sort of limitations (only unoccupied interior cells, for example). Feedback on this would be appreciated.
''Item Save System'' is based on the OP's idea: you have items that you consume to trigger a save. You're given a small amount when the mod is first loaded (including on a new game), and then you need to find (aka buy) more. I'm considering also having a ''Load'' item, so that normal saving/loading can be disabled entirely (via ''Disable Save Load'') yet you wouldn't need to exit the game entirely to manually load (an automatic load upon death would still occur if ''Dead Isn't Dead'' isn't active, though).
''Timed Save System'' simply saves every 15 minutes (over a set of 4 rotating save files) while outdoors. If you're in combat when the 15 minutes hits, it waits until combat ends to trigger the save.