We are two students studying video game development at the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences (DSV), University of Stockholm, Sweden. We are currently writing our bachelor's thesis about choices in role-playing video games and as a part of this we are conducting a survey.
The survey is intended for people who play role-playing video games and consists of 5 general questions and 13 topic specific questions. It is estimated to take about 5-6 minutes to fill out. The results will hopefully give us an overview of your opinions about how choices are implemented in today's role-playing video games. This could in turn be used by developers to better meet your demands when making games. The survey is open until March 31st.
The survey can be reached here:
We hope that as many as possible will be able to fill out this survey. The more replies we accumulate the more weight our thesis will gain and developers will have more incentive to act on our conclusions.
Thank you for your participation,
Aleksandar Jankovic and Frank Wennerdahl