I would be interested what you do think about using melee weapons on Survival mode. I play on Survival and it's ok with guns but I don't get it with melee. The damage is so low. For example in one Med lab currently I faced three normal ghouls and a glowing legendary one and I didn't succeed to kill and survive with my melee weapon (Kremvh's Tooth). It's relatively easy with my combat rifle.
I have only 6 points in strength and a +1 strength combat armor, at Lvl 28 I have 3 points in the melee perk. Are 10 Points mandatory? With a superhammer it is much worse than with a medium weapon, you cannot prevent the foe from hitting you because it is so slow and the damage is very low for a heavy piece of steel with a rocket on it. With damage factor 1 it is not a problem but with 0,5 I'm too slow with killing. Taking chems helps but that's not what I would like to do. Using power armor all the time is not an option.
How do you (if someone did) kill a Deathclaw, Radskorpion, a bunch of legendary flying insects, the Mirelurk Queen or, even worse, The Sarge with melee?