Sleeping bag...
Sleeping bag...
That's just replacing game feature with same but more fiddly feature. What's the gameplay value? Same effect can be achieved by just restricting saving during combat and dialog. But again: why not leave that to people making conscious decisions whether to save or not.
I don't think it will be restricted since people have spoken out against it so much.
Post of the week in my view...
Let's see how it actually works before getting too upset about it.
(polite applause)
I would hardly take a few people grousing on the Beth forum as evidence of anything.
Nor should Bethesda take such complaining as any basis for it being a majority view.
"Survival" mode.
You have to survive. Sleep, leave the bed you slept in...walked 10 minutes to the glowing sea and got your butt kicked by a Deathclaw? You didn't survive. Start anew from your sleepy save. Go back and face Deathclaw in glowing sea when you got the chops to do it.
"Survival" mode.
If Person A disables saves for Survival mode and Person B does not, and they both finish the game in the same time at the same level, how will we know whose [censored] is bigger?
This again? Let's see who wins for highest level of condescension this time, y'all!
Le sigh.
Unless you get attacked by the worst Legendary enemy that Bethesda created who has infinite HP. Give up? It's called CTD. That makes for a very sad "Survival" chance.
Have fixed many a bug in FO4 and have been very successful with many but CTD still happens maybe once out of every 5 hours of play. Not bad but still a pain when it does happen.
No... the hardest part will be surviving the endless boredom of "exploring" the world by foot again...and again...and again... and again...
Yeah because on the new survival mode you actually ever never need to sleep except for saving... oh wait....
Why do you need saves artificialy disabled for that?
Maybe it's just because I'm older and grew up playing NES and SNES games but I don't see the problem with using save points. Rest, explore, repeat. So you can't quick save after every kill, big deal. That just makes the game more exciting. There's actual consequences and your choices have meaning. You might have to play a little more cautiously than in other play throughs but so what? If you don't like it just knock the difficulty down to Very Hard and enjoy saving and reloading your way to victory. It's one difficulty setting getting more interesting and more difficult in a way that isn't just larger health bars. At least try it before telling everyone that having to reload from a save point is the worst thing in video game history.
Speak for yourself, kid.
The problem is the engine, not the players. Full stop.
The engine is fine. Player who rely on autosaves only aren't.
It's funny how many things in life can be compared to food. Take this for example. Isn't it great that whether with burgers, pizza, tacos, and really any other type of food you have CHOICE? Could you imagine ordering a pizza and this being the conversation:
Me: I'd like a Deluxe Pizza special. It's my favorite and I enjoy everything on it except for the black olives.
Employee: Well even though there is 10 other toppings that this pizza comes with that you really like, you NEED to have the black olives! Stop being a baby and just EAT THE OLIVES!!!
Question to all those who play Survival mode in FO4. Have you tried playing "Very Hard" and have you compared this to Survival mode? It's a pathetic joke to call it "very hard" and at best would have qualified for a normal mode. Because we enjoy challenge and immersion doesn't mean that we should be forced to GRIND through a restriction feature of enormous gimmicky proportions that is not challenging but lame and time wasting. OP said it best. You want to challenge yourself with the "No Save" achievement. Ok. YOU play like that and then come on these forums and brag to us how you did it. I'll give you a forum Thumbs Up and be on to the next post.
Survival mode should be for those who want a challenge in gameplay, not stretching out the gameplay from 300 hours to 3000 hours. WOW!
You know what, I don't think they'll get it. Those who don't enjoy freedom can't.
Where does anyone tells that exactly?
NES and SNES era games didn't have saves (not all of them btw.) as a way to increase playing time of mostly short games. It has nothing to do with enjoyment of a game or feeling of achieving something (that's absolutely separate things).
Once again, my point is that by techincally restricting saves you're not adding anything to the game. Because if saving is kept, "hardcoe" bunch can still play the way they want, by CONSCIOUSLY deciding not to save. Simple as that. It's not about game difficulty, it's about potentially strange decision to restrict something each player can restrict for himself.
I cannot deliberately make my character in game hungry, sick or make his ammo weight more, hence i like prospect of updated survival mode. I can however decide not to use fast travel or save scumming, and that's why i don't understand why these features can be potentially forced on everyone selecting survival.
you can just play very hard and CONSCIOUSLY decide to eat, drink, and limit your ammo then?
It's a reasonable idea in theory that, much as I trust Bethesda on the big picture, just doesn't sound feasible in practice. Not on this engine. I've played the hell out of BGS games since Morrowind, and in my experience they are only getting more unstable -- more fun on the whole, too, but I have not shouted at a video game as much as I do at this one since the three weeks I played NHL 15. It's not just CTDs, either, it's everything.
But sure, tough guys, go ahead and call me or the OP an "advlt baby" or that we're "afraid" of a challenge.
Strawman argument? The complaining of hours of lost progress comes almost exclusivly from people who rely only on the autosave feature. So if Bethesda implements that save on sleep they surely have to make a save history.
Saving while sleeping makes a lot of sense from the engine perspective btw. Because all troubles in previous games (NV/FO3 ...)with autosave came from situations where the engine couldn't clear stuff (save on door or fasttravel where scripts and packages broke). FO4 is actually a lot more stable here.
But it's ok fight for cause and call others out as much as you can to get your opinion which is the only one that counts through.
Agreed BMagog but truth be told, this is all a pride issue and game snobbery. Oh look at me everyone I play harder and better than you. Ok, I'll be the first to admit then. I'm not the best Fallout player! Now can I still enjoy Survival mode Bethesda without silly no save no fast travel restrictions? Time is precious.
We all can be certain that 1 out of every 1 people will eventually die. Just a fact of time.
My point was that having to restart from your last sleep would be equivalent to starting a level over in an old NES/SNES game when you died. It's frustrating but fun and you learn from it and avoid doing that thing that got you killed. My counter point to you was that restricting saves DOES add to the game. It makes you pay more attention to everything. Which, to me, makes it feel more like a survival game which is the intent of survival mode. More danger, not just through harder enemies, but through choices having more meaning.
As I played FO3 a while ago with the only avaiable healing method sleeping (no stimpacks at all) I agree.