-Even without tessellation from DirectX 11, the hair of an advlt man or woman can stretch 25 % of its length without breaking...
-The human brain is insensitive to pain; also, your brain is 80 % water, so if you are VERY, VERY thirsty, you are a prisoner somehow and without any possibility of drinking water in other way and you want to survive... Nevermind...
-In humans, the right lung takes in more air than the left lung.
-The tongue is the strongest muscle in the human body.

-Human teeth are almost as hard as rocks!
-When you're sleeping, you have no sense of smell. And when a person dies, hearing is usually the last sense to go.
-There are 206 bones in the advlt human body (and 25 % of them are located in you feet). I'm not sure if all they can break... I guess so.
-Dueling and necromancy are legal in Skyrim.
-Half of all identity thieves are either relatives, friends or neighbors of their victims; and most burglaries occur during the daytime!
-9 out of 10 lightning strike victims survive!
-Due to gravitational effects, you weigh slightly less when Messer or Secunda is directly overhead.
-The temperature of the Nirn's interior increase by 1 degree every 60 feet down.
-Forest fires move faster uphill than downhill.
-The best time for you to buy shoes or boots from traders in Skyrim is in the afternoon. This is because your foot tends to swell a bit around this time. And there are no socks in Skyrim.
-Wine will spoil if exposed to light; hence tinted bottles!
-An apple (BTW, apple seeds are poisonous!), potato and onion all taste the same if you eat them with your nose plugged !
-Gardening is said to be one of the best exercices for maintaining healthy bones.
-You can start a fire with ice. Really...
-Iron weighs more after it rusts.
-All snow bears are left handed... And nobody seems to know why...
-Ancient vampires can only be damaged with weapons of mithril quality (or better).
-Crushed cockroaches can be applied to a stinging wound to help relieve the pain...
-A full-grown bear can run as fast as a horse... So be careful!
-Mammoths can't jump.
-Dragons are sacred to the Empire, and have aided them in ancient wars.
-Rats multiply so quickly that in 18 months, 2 rats could have over 1 million descendents. So if you see a rat in Skyrim, kill him ! Rats are a pest !
-A spider's silk is stronger than steel !
-Even a small amount of alcohol placed on a scorpion will make it go crazy and sting itself to death...
-Bats always turn left when exiting a cave.
-Necrophilia is as illegal in Skyrim as it is in Morrowind (thanks, NordicNinja).