Just a few things I want to discuss:
-I'm sure they will, but I just really hope they go through and re-balance the quantity of items in the game, specifically, medical and food items. As it stands now, it's too easy to stockpile these resources, even when you're using them a fair bit. There's just too much, even without farming areas after they re-populate. If they don't tweak this, it will make certain features trivial.
-Slowing down re-population is a needed change, especially if we have to walk everywhere. We'll be passing the same landmarks more so now then ever before. It would get old quick if they re-populate as fast as they do now.
-I really dig the Adrenaline feature...do you take the loss in damage output you've built up the past few in-game hours/days to save your game and sleep to get rid of the effects of fatigue? It will add some needed strategy to the game. Kinda reminds me of Traits; bonus' with some negatives.
-This mode will add usefulness to the many Perks that are nearly worthless right now. Also, Strong Back (max rank) is going to have to be changed if FT is removed. I'm curious to see what they do.
-Higher damage output; higher damage received. Thank god! No reason to carry 1,000 rounds of .45/.308/Fusion Cells/etc. now.
-No Fast Travel, I like. I lack the willpower to restrain from using it if it's there, as I'm sure many others do, too. When there's an option there for convenience most people will take advantage of it. This will do nothing but encourage exploring and enjoying all the scenery you've spent years making, while also giving more value to the Vertibird rides. I wouldn't mind Caravans being a source of Fast Travel between Settlements and the bigger towns.
-I really hope you also buff Radiation Storms on Survival. Right now, they really don't add much radiation to make it a nuisance.
-Don't let us be able to change the difficulty from Survival to ______ an unlimited amount of time. It will defeat the purpose of the mode.
Overall, I applaud Bethesda for listening to the fans and adding some of the things we have wanted since Oblivion. I know it's probably the minority that really want this mode, but don't back down. Remember, it is just an option in the game, and the more options...the better. If you feel the feedback isn't going over so well, just put certain features on a toggle.