I don`t care what you do at all.
I just see why Bethesda is doing this and why it seems completely fine.
So I am supportive of where Bethesda is heading with this new Survival mode.
I don`t care what you do at all.
I just see why Bethesda is doing this and why it seems completely fine.
So I am supportive of where Bethesda is heading with this new Survival mode.
Maybe they can make it two layered. Survival difficulty with all the changes except the less popular save and fast travel restriction, and hardcoe survival with the complete package and a wasteland full of NPCs that will call you 'wuss' for the rest of the game if you turn it off.
To be clear, I'm excited about most of these options. I'm already playing Dead is Dead on Very Hard with other self-imposed limitations like absolutely no save-scumming for items or dialog checks, very limited fast travel, etc. But I absolutely cannot play without the ability to save when I want because of Real Life limitations and I would be LIVID if I were forced to abstain from all the cool new other features because other people demand that I not be able to stop playing until I can find a bed somewhere.
What bugs me is the all-or-nothing aspect. Someone mentioned Minecraft earlier in a negative way, but the way that game handles its hardcoe mode is perfect. Everything is an option that you pick once on starting the game, and you cannot change it after that. There is absolutely NO reason that the new Survival mode should not work in the same way.
heh, I thought most people would be thrilled for this addition I must say I'm a bit suprised that there's so many grumpy faces.
I can't wait for the release though, for me this is exactly what Fallout 4 needs
I agree about the saving though, that's unnecessary.
This looks interesting, will have to give it a try. My first play through of Fallout New Vegas was survival and loved it.
Only thing is the save on sleep, I can't just put real life stuff on hold because in game I can't find a bed and I don't like leaving games running all day while I'm gone. Maybe some other save restriction like only one or two manual save files allowed or something like that (I'd say one, but I've experience too many glitches to say that one is enough, two allows you to prepare before you enter an area you know to have issues and still save normally inside).
The sickness and fatigue mechanics will be more interesting if they each have two states, normal and masked. I managed to mask the worst cold I've ever had with medication when I had to move, and while it made me able to function it wasn't actually making me well. Same thing with fatigue as you can temporarily relieve fatigue by eating, but it doesn't actually make you less fatigued, it just masks it. the effects of fatigue should be able to be masked with food, but still be lurking in the background waiting for the food effect to wear off, the effects of sickness should be able to be masked by medicines, but not cured unless the drug is targeted to your sickness (antibiotics for a bacterial infection).
Everything but the save on sleep looks great
Seems better to just be able to save when you're outside of combat (as in noone is searching for you - stealthbar wouldn't say "caution")
I'm gonna have to go with Frank Zappa here. "Ultimately, ultimately, who gives a f&*k anyway".
These people saying they are too busy to find bed to save... as if they cannot even afford to pause the game for 10 minutes...
LOL so Bethesda make a Actual survival mode. Like most survival game had save only on sleep or when u quit in other games and ppl complain anyway. U guys are just QQ bc the game isnt what u want. hahah.
Really guys.......
Well for me this add a new challenge and im glad Bethesda is making it =D keep the hard work guys.
Bethesda is adding this bc ppl QQ about it. But ppl complain anyway. lol ppl just like to complain. They should make a mini game about sending complains.
I can say from experience in using a combat mod that has me doing 3x the damage and enemies doing 5x, that it takes away the bullet sponges and makes combat faster. If you don't use cover you die, focus on 1 enemy too much in vats the others kill you while you're in vats. Early game I found myself retreating more often than not, it's a lot of fun if that's the sort of thing you like.
Making fun of other people that have busy lives or families that need to use the computer or issues with the buggy game is not moving to a productive solution to the problem
Most dungeon crawler games allow you to save whenever you want, they just roll back to your last checkpoint bed save when you die ( or force a char reroll if permadeath). That save design is necessary because those games are very long dungeons not possible to complete in one session. Bethesda could have implemented it that way had they any experience making survival rougelike games rather than IMAGOD RPGs. They are having a beta period so can still change to that way, there is no difference in death penalty between 'limiting saves at beds' vs. 'rolling back the saves to last sleep', the feature remains the same but better accommodates busy lives and buggy games and long dungeon designs by allowing quicksaves.
The majority of those complaining about the sleep save feature are not complaining that having a death penalty is too hard for them, so there is no need for people to try to be dismissive that they are too weak to play Survival.
While I'm not too fond of saving-on-bed, I AM fond of the idea of limited saves. I think i would be better if saving is done exclusively via autosaves, with autosaves now also happening every few minutes (unless the player is in combat, in which case saving will be skipped).
In other words, I'd like it if game saves when you rest, change locations, while you walk around and every time you leave dialogue. It should also save whenever you exit the game so people can quit whenever they want. And for safety, also have 3 to 5 autosaves while showing the player only the last one (if the save gets corrupted, the game would load the next earliest one).
Why would it matter? You can select Easy, Medium or Hard and all those will not change anything. The Survival Mode would overwrite the easy difficulty by making you more vulnerable and it would overwrite hard difficulty by making your enemies easier to kill.
is one of 5 difficulty. If ur life or time dont allow it u should not be playing in that difficulty.
Is like any game with a Survival/hardcoe mode. Isnt for everyone is just for a minority that like the extra challenge. Everyone else normally play it on normal.
and this that Akul point out, no meter what u prefer Difficulty is, Survival overwrite with the new difficulty just for survival
The new mode is intended for experienced FO4 players although everyone is welcome to try.
I hope people make peace with these great implements and credit Bethesda for great work soon.
If this game was FO3, no fast travel would be pain in the ass.
But FO4 has no problem because of map density, Vertibirds, and no terrain to block your path.
If you say there are lots of beds in Fallout 4. Then people should read your comments about it and try this new Survival Mode.
There are A LOT of beds everywhere.
Even in Glowing sea, we can use the one in parking lot & the cave.
This. I wanna keep a thread going for feedback, so please be civil.
Just to say,
The people whom support Sleep Save, also do have busy life and can get emergency things happen.
But it`s only a game. I will respect the decision of developer for certain game feature and go back and skip one save if I have to.
When I play a game, it`s important for a game to accommodate my convenience as much as possible,
but I also do have responsibility as a player to adapt to the rule of game established within.