I understand that survival mode is supposed to be hardcoe and all, but holy $#!+ ..on normal mode, I'm at about 70 dwellers, and have yet to see a single deathclaw, so had no idea what to expect. If the difference is anything like raiders survival vs normal, it wouldn't really compare anyhow.
I was getting bored of how easy that was, so found survival mode to be a great change of pace. Thought I was really getting the hang of it, carefully, methodically progressing at a nice measured rate, but then at 39 dwellers, my first deathclaw attack.
Wiped out 25-30 of my dwellers. Had lots of stimpaks, a well layed out vault, the best sawed-off shotguns I'd found so far at the front, but couldn't even click fast enough to do anything. I went from doing so well, to seeing the past week of gameplay down the drain. Might as well just delete and start over, but of course, not going to do that. I'm done.
Sorry for the whine, but wow, no idea what the devs are thinking with such an extreme difficulty spike like this.