Survivaltravellerrealistic needsoutdoors - Mods

Post » Thu May 09, 2013 6:04 am

I'm enjoying the last let's play Skyrim from AugustinsGameCenter (Augustin's Game Center). Started in january.

He's using the exact type of mods I like. Survival, realistic needs and so on. I like to improve the gameplay and day to day activities, not so much new quest lines.

So, I'm in need of little bit of help here.
I'm certain I want to install two of the mods he is using. These two are the main reason I feel its about time to enjoy the land of Skyrim with mods. In fact it will be the backbone of my next playthrough. The other reason I want to try out mods is the fact that the game development is over, patch 1.9 is out and the modders have had time to tweak and update their mods.

I want to create a wayfarer/traveller/survival/crafting character from scratch who survives off the land and lives outdoors. He(or she, don't know yet) needs to craft his own clothes, weapons, tent, pots, food, potions and so on. After a while he should be able to start selling the stuff he crafts, but I'm not sure yet how much emphasis I will put on this.
In the early stages of playing this character I want to try out mods that are pretty specific survival mods. And maybe later on add mods that enhance the experience even more. At first I will start experimenting and always have a save to revert back to. By the Helgen exit.
I'd like to start the game exiting Helgen. Equip my bow and start hunting for game: deer, elk, rabbit, fox, mudcrabs, fish etc. Skin the animals, take the meat. Set up camp. Get water in a stream, cook food, eat and sleep when I need to.
In the early stages I may have to earn enough gold to buy a pickaxe, woodcutter's axe. But in essential I want to be able to totally support myself. I may need to visit a town to craft and repair my weapons if you guys don't have suggestions to mods like portable grindstones or something.

So, living outdoors in a portable tent, cook my own food, eat and get enough sleep, hunt and craft essentials and auxiliary items like weather protection clothes, backpacks and tanning racks.

In addition I'd like mods that makes the climate more naturally, be able to use lanterns, gives a wider range of travellers weapons like walking sticks, staffs, daggers(silver dagger very intriguing)
The wayfarer skill tree(SkyRe?) is essential.
Mods that remove lvl cap(do I need it?),
advanced favorites menu(SkyUI?)
Character relax mod,
Realistic needs and diseases
Improved cooking recipies

The only specific mod I know the name of is
Frostfall - this is essential for my RP attempt

Other than that I'm not sure. Are there mods that combines some of the features mentioned earlier?

Look at the Skyrim lets play of AugustinsGameCenter (started in january). He has much of what I want. But the mod list are a bit confusing for a newb like me.

Sorry for the extensive post, but it would be great to get some help on choosing the right mods for my character.

A shout out to Augustin's Game Center for an immersive let's play!

Edit: I noticed that a few of the food recipies Augustine's Game Center used include salt pile, nord mead and butter. Can I find these ingridients in the wild, make them or do I need to buy them?
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Symone Velez
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