My house rules: (summarizeable as 'no munchkining')
- no fast travel (you plan ahead your trips - no instant teleporting; using carriages is okay)
- no compass (breaks immersion)
- no smithing/enchanting (breaks game, besides I like finding new & better gear)
- no skill training (by repeatedly doing mundane things)
- no purchasing skills
- no reloads! (except for engine glitches etc.)
If one plays carefully this is a fantastic gameplay experience with just the right challenge at standard difficulty. Most encounters are cakewalks (I made it up to lvl 23 once) and a few encounters are amazingly difficult. (My lvl 23 character *could* have killed that Draugr Death Overlord at the end of that dungeon, had I not been stingy with my last two remaining health potions.)
What killed all of my characters were always *one strong melee hitting boss*. Crowds are not much of an issue with smart play. For dead-is-dead you need to maximize your survivability against melee boss encounters above all else.
What I plan on creating next is a tightly focused paladin build, maximizing the following skills:
Heavy Armor, One Hand, Block
I know that Restoration and Alchemy both is a bit of an overlap, but hardly overkill: in though fights you sometimes cannot afford to cast a healing spell.
I will roleplay a Dwemer scholar: a Nord or a Breton, with little love for the current decline of the Empire of Cryodill.