A few days ago the old GECK was replaced, and there was recently a new patch around or at the exact same time. So I've been doing some retexturing. Of some vanilla stuff, and also an old mod I made before I ever knew how textures worked. The Novac Motel building texture seemed to be just one entire building, but after the patch it seemed to be made up of three buildings with their own textures. Also a tree I used for an old mod, seems to have leaves on it, that I'm almost certain they didn't have.
A more recent mod I made, had a bush transform into a tree after the patch. So... That was more than a texture change, but yes I think the patch was partially added for texture improvements. Anyone else notice anything? If this sounds ignorant or something I'm sorry, I don't know all the changes the patch added. I'm just speculating with the information I have.