okay, i have a left strafing animation, but now i need to do the right strafe, anyone have some suggestions one what i should do to make them look similar
If your left strafing animation is exported in kf form (as in for Nifskope and use in the game), use PYFFI's "modifiy_reverseanimation" function:
I borrowed this text from the PYFFI thread here on Beth forums:modify_reverseanimations: as usual real quick and easy method to do something... in this case reverse an animation - ie make a close animation from an open animation for a door etc.
CODEcd C:\Python26
python.exe Scripts/niftoaster.py modify_reverseanimation "C:\meshes"
(unteste for bspline type animations so far)
The "C:\meshes" folderpath is where you want to put the animation you want reversed, I believe. I think the output animation - aka the reversed animation - also pops up in this folder. I use the words "I think" and "I believe", because I only ever used this function once, so I don't really remember exactly...but I'm pretty sure that's how it works.
Overall, I don't know if the right straf animation will come out looking weird if you use this method..it might cause reverse rotations on certain axis and bones that you didn't want to have happen, but I really don't know.